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Command Line Options

Paraplegic Racehorse edited this page Jun 30, 2019 · 3 revisions
(case-insensitive - except for wallet addresses (e.g. BTC), see Sample Usage section for an example)

Listed in alphabetical order.

Note: For basic operation not all parameters must be defined through start.bat.

-AllowedBadShareRatio Allowed ratio of bad shares (total / bad) as reported by the miner. If the ratio exceeds the configured threshold then the miner will marked as failed. Allowed values: 0.00 - 1.00. Default of 0 disables this check

-APIPort Port for the MPM API and web GUI. The miner port range will start from APIPort +1. Default is 3999

-Algorithm Supported algorithms sorted by pool can be found at Use commas to separate multiple values. The following algorithms are currently supported: Bitcore, Blakecoin, Blake2s, BlakeVanilla, C11, CryptoNightV7, CryptoNightHeavy, Ethash, X11, Decred, Equihash, Groestl, HMQ1725, HSR, JHA, Keccak, Lbry, Lyra2RE2, Lyra2z, MyriadGroestl, NeoScrypt, Pascal, Phi, Phi2, Phi1612, Polytimos, Quark, Qubit, Scrypt, SHA256, Sib, Skunk, Skein, Timetravel, Tribus, Veltor, X11, X12, X11evo, X16R, X16S, X17, Yescrypt

*Note that the list of supported algorithms can change depending on the capabilities of the supported miner binaries. Some algos are now being mined with ASICs and are no longer profitable when mined with CPU/GPU and will get removed from MPM.

Special parameters:

  • Ethash2gb - can be profitable for older GPUs that have 2GB or less GDDR memory. It includes ethash coins that have a DAG file size of less than 2GB (and will be mined when most profitable). Ethereum and a few other coins have surpassed this size therefore cannot be mined with older cards.

  • ethash3gb - can be profitable for older GPUs that have 3GB or less GDDR memory. It includes ethash coins that have a DAG file size of less than 3GB (and will be mined when most profitable). Ethereum and a few other coins have surpassed this size therefore cannot be mined with older cards.

  • decrednicehash - if you want to include non-dual, non-Claymore Decred mining on Nicehash. NiceHash created their own implementation of Decred mining protocol.

*Note that the pool selected also needs to support the required algorithm(s) or your specified pool (-PoolName) will be ignored when mining certain algorithms. The -Algorithm command is higher in execution hierarchy and can override pool selection. This feature comes handy when you mine on Zpool but also want to mine ethash coins (which is not supported by Zpool).

WARNING! If you add all algorithms listed above, you may find your earnings spread across multiple pools regardless what pool(s) you specified with the -PoolName command.*

-BasePowerUsage Additional base power usage (in Watt) for running the computer, monitor etc. regardless of mining hardware. Allowed values: 0.0 - 999, default is 0

-BenchmarkInterval MultiPoolMiner's update interval in seconds during benchmarks / power metering. This is a universal timer for running the entire script (downloading/processing APIs, calculation etc). It determines how long a benchmark is run for each miner file (miner/algorithm/coin). Default is 60. Note: This value correlates with -MinHashRateSamples. If you set -MinHashRateSamples too high, then MPM cannot get enough samples for reliable measurement (anything over 10 is fine). In this case increase the benchmark interval length.

-CreateMinerInstancePerDeviceModel All miner files can create separate instances for each card model. This increases profit. By default this feature is turned on. To disable add '-CreateMinerInstancePerDeviceModel:false' to your start batch file. Note that this will trigger some benchmarking.

-CoinName [Zcash, ZeroCoin etc.] Limit mining to the listed coins only; this is also a per-pool setting (see Advanced Configuration). Use commas to separate multiple values. Note: Only the pools ending in ...Coins expose the coin name in their API.

-ConfigFile [Path\ConfigFile.txt] The default config file name is '.\Config.txt' If the config file does not exist MPM will create a config file with default values. If the file name does not have an extension MPM will add .txt file name extension. By default MPM will use the values from the command line. If you hardcode config values directly in the config file, then these values will override the command line parameters (see Advanced Configuration).

-Currency [BTC, USD, EUR, GBP, ETH ...] Choose the default currency or currencies your profit stats will be shown in. Use commas to separate multiple values. Important: MultiPoolMiner will use the first currency in the list as main currency. All profit / earning numbers will be displayed in the main currency. Note: Instead af BTC you can also use mBTC (= BTC / 1000).

-Dashboard Launch web dashboard after MPM start.

-Delay Specify the number of seconds required to pass before opening each miner. It is useful when cards are more sensitive to switching and need some extra time to recover (eg. clear DAG files from memory)

-DeviceName Choose the relevant GPU(s) and/or CPU mining. [CPU, GPU, GPU#02, AMD, NVIDIA, AMD#02, OpenCL#03#02 etc.]. Use commas to separate multiple values.

-DisableMinersWithDevFee Use only miners that do not have a dev fee built in

-DisableDevFeeMining Disable miner developer fees (Note: not all miners support turning off their built in fees, others will reduce the hashrate); this is also a per-miner setting (see Advanced Configuration)

-Donate Donation of mining time in minutes per day to aaronsace. Default is 24, minimum is 10 minutes per day (less than 0.7% fee). If Interval is set higher than the donation time, the interval will prime. The downloaded miner software can have their own donation system built in. Check the readme file of the respective miner used for more details.

-ExcludeAlgorithm Similar to the -Algorithm command but it is used to exclude unwanted algorithms. Supported algorithms sorted by pool can be found at; this is also a per-pool setting (see Advanced Configuration). Use commas to separate multiple values.

-ExcludeCoinName [Zcash, ZeroCoin etc.] Similar to the -CoinName command but it is used to exclude selected coins from being mined; this is also a per-pool setting (see Advanced Configuration). Use commas to separate multiple values.

Note: Only the pools ending in ...Coins expose the coin name in their API.

-ExcludeDeviceName Similar to the -DeviceName command but it is used to exclude unwanted devices for mining. [CPU, GPU, GPU#02, AMD, NVIDIA, AMD#02, OpenCL#03#02 etc.]. Use commas to separate multiple values.

-ExcludeMinerName Similar to the -MinerName command but it is used to exclude certain miners you don't want to use. This is useful if a miner is causing issues with your machine. Use commas to separate multiple values.

Important: Newer miners, e.g. ClaymoreEthash create several child-miner names, e.g. ClaymoreEthash-GPU#01-Pascal-40. These can also be used with -ExcludeMinerName. The parameter value(s) can be in one of the 3 forms: MinerBaseName e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed', MinerBaseName_Version, e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed_v0.5.1' or MinerName, e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed_v0.5.1-1xEllesmere8GB'. Use commas to separate multiple values.

-ExcludePoolName Similar to the -PoolName command but it is used to exclude unwanted mining pools. Use commas to separate multiple values.

-MinHashRateSamples Minimum number of hashrate samples MPM will collect during benchmark per interval (higher numbers produce more exact numbers, but might prolong benchmaking). Allowed values: 10 - 99 (default is 10) Note: This value correlates with -BenchmarkInterval. If MPM cannot get the minimum valid has rate samples during the configured interval, it will automatically extend the interval to up to 3x the interval length.

-HashRateSamplesPerInterval Approximate number of hashrate samples that MPM tries to collect per interval (higher numbers produce more exact numbers, but use more CPU cycles and memory). Allowed values: 5 - 20 Note: This value correlates with -Interval. If you set -Interval too short, then MPM cannot get enough samples for reliable measurement (anything over 10 is fine). In this case increase the interval length.

-HWiNFO64_SensorMapping Custom HWiNFO64 sensor mapping, only required when $MeasurePowerUsage is $true, see ConfigHWinfo64.pdf Note: This requires advanced configuration steps (see ConfigHWinfo64.pdf)

-IgnoreFees Beginning with version 3.1.0 MPM makes miner and pool fees part of the profitability calculation. This will lead to somewhat lower, but more accurate profit estimates. Include this command to ignore miner and pool fees (as older versions did)

-IgnorePowerCost Include this command to ignore the power costs when calculating profit. MPM will use the miner(s) that create the highest earning regardless of the power cost, so the resulting profit may be lower.

-Interval MultiPoolMiner's update interval in seconds. This is an universal timer for running the entire script (downloading/processing APIs, calculation etc). It also determines how long a benchmark is run for each miner file (miner/algorithm/coin). Default is 60. Note: This value correlates with -MinHashRateSamples. If you set -MinHashRateSamples too short, then MPM cannot get enough samples for reliable measurement (anything over 10 is fine). In this case increase the interval length.

-MeasurePowerUsage Include this command to to gather power usage per device. This is a pre-requisite to calculate power costs and effective earnings. Note: This requires advanced configuration steps (see ConfigHWinfo64.pdf)

-MinAccuracy Only pools with price accuracy greater than the configured value. Allowed values: 0 - 1 (default is 0.5 = 50%) Sometimes pools report erroneously high price spikes, just to self-correct after a few intervals. A value of 0.5 will ignore any princing information with a margin of error greater than 50%.

-MinerName Specify to only include (restrict to) certain miner applications. The parameter value(s) can be in one of the 3 forms: MinerBaseName e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed', MinerBaseName_Version, e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed_v0.5.1' or MinerName, e.g. 'AMD-TeamRed_v0.5.1-1xEllesmere8GB'. Use commas to separate multiple values.

-MinerstatusKey By default the MPM monitor uses the BTC address ('-Wallet') to identify your mining machine (rig). Use -MinerstatusKey [your-miner-status-key] to anonymize your rig. To get your minerstatuskey goto to

-MinerstatusURL Report and monitor your mining rig's status by including the command above. Wallet address must be set even if you are only using MiningPoolHub as a pool. You can access the reported information by entering your wallet address on the web address. By using this service you understand and accept the terms and conditions detailed in this document (further below).

-MinWorker Minimum numner of workers at the pool required to mine on algo / coin, if less skip the algo / coin, there is little point in mining an algo or coin if there are only very few miners working on it, default: {"": = 10}, to always mine all coins set to 0; this is also a per-pool setting (see Advanced Configuration). Wildcards ( and ?) for the algorithm names are supported. If an algorithm name/wildcard matches more than one entry then the lower number takes priority.

-PoolBalancesUpdateInterval MPM queries the pool balances every n minutes. Default is 15, minimum is 0 (=on every loop). MPM does this to minimize the requests sent to the pools. Pools usually do not update the balances in real time, so querying on each loop is unnecessary.

Note: The balance overview is still shown on each loop.

-PoolName [ahashpool(coins), blazepool(coins), blockmasters(coins), hashrefinery(coins), miningpoolhub(coins), nicehash, nlpool(coins), phiphipool(coins), ravenminer, ravenminereu, yiimp, zpool(coins)] The following pools are currently supported (in alphabetical order); use commas to separate multiple values:

  • AHashPool / AHashPoolCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command) AHashPoolCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config. file required, see below)

  • BlazePool / BlazePoolCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command) BlazePoolCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config. file required, see below)

  • BlockMasters / BlockMastersCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -wallet command, see below), or any currency available in API (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below) BlockMastersCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via Config.txt required, see below)

  • HashRefinery / HashRefineryCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command) HashRefineryCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config. file required, see below)

  • MiningPoolHub / MiningPooHubCoins - 'miningpoolhub' parameter uses the 17xxx ports therefore allows the pool to decide on which coin is mined of a specific algorithm - 'miningpoolhubcoins' allows for MultiPoolMiner to calculate and determine what is mined from all of the available coins (20xxx ports). Usage of the 'miningpoolhub' parameter is recommended as the pool have internal rules against switching before a block is found therefore prevents its users losing shares submitted due to early switching. A registered account is required when mining on MiningPoolHub (username must be provided using the -Username command). Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command), or any currency available in API (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below) MiningPooHubCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below)

  • Nicehash Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command)

  • NLPool / NLPoolCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -wallet command, see below), or any currency available in API (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below) NLPoolCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via Config.txt required, see below)

  • PhiPhiPool / PhiPhiPoolCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the '-Wallet' command) or any currency available in API (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below) PhiPhiPoolCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config. file required, see below)

  • Ravenminer Payout in RVN (Ravencoin address must be provided using config.txt in Pools section use "Ravenminer" & RVN address)

  • Zpool / ZpoolCoins Payout in BTC (Bitcoin address must be provided using the -Wallet command), or any currency available in API (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below) ZpoolCoins allows mining selected coins only, e.g mine only ZClassic (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below)

IMPORTANT: For the list of default configured pools consult 'start.bat.' This does not rule out other pools to be included. Selecting multiple pools is allowed and will be used on a failover basis OR if first specified pool does not support that algorithm/coin. See the -Algorithm command for further details and example.

-PowerPrices Power price per kW·h, set value for each time frame, e.g. {"00:00"=0.3;"06:30"=0.6;"18:30"=0.3}, 24hr format!

-PricePenaltyFactor Default factor with which MPM multiplies the prices reported by ALL pools. The default value is 1 (valid range is from 0.1 to 1.0). E.g. If you feel that the general profit estimations as reported by MPM are too high, e.g. %20, then set -PricePenaltyFactor to 0.8. This is also settable per pool - see advanced configuration below. The value set on the pool level will override this general setting.

-ProfitabilityThreshold = 0 Minimum profit (in $Currency[0]) that must be made otherwise all mining will stop, set to 0 to allow mining even when making losses. Allowed values: 0.0 - 999, default is 0

-Proxy Specify your proxy address if applicable, i.e

-Region [Europe/US/Asia] Choose your region or the region closest to you.

-ReportStatusInterval Seconds until next miner status update ( Allowed values 30 - 300. Set to 0 to disable status reporting.

-ShowAllMiners (replaces '-UseFastestMinerPerAlgoOnly' as used in versions before 3.3.0) Include this command to list all available miners per algo and device index in the summary screen. By default, if there are several miners available to mine the same algo, only the most profitable of them will be listed in the summary screen.

Note: In benchmark mode ALL available miners wil be listed

-ShowAllPoolBalances Include this command to display the balances of all pools (including those that are excluded with '-ExcludeMinerName') on the summary screen and in the web GUI.

-ShowMinerWindow Include this command to show the running miner windows (minimized). By default MPM hides most miner windows as to not steal focus (Miners of API type 'Wrapper' will remain hidden). Hidden miners write their output to files in the Log folder.

-ShowPowerUsage Include this command to show power usage in miner overview list

Note: This requires advanced configuration steps (see ConfigHWinfo64.pdf)

-SingleAlgoMining To prevent dual algorithm mining, add -SingleAlgoMining to your start batch file.

-SSL Specifying the -SSL command (without a boolean value of true or false) will restrict the miner application list to include only the miners that support secure connection.

-SwitchingPrevention Since version 2.6, the delta value (integer) that was used to determine how often MultiPoolMiner is allowed to switch, is now user-configurable on a scale of 1 to infinity on an intensity basis. Default is 1 (Start.bat default is 2). Recommended values are 1-10 where 1 means the most frequent switching and 10 means the least switching. Please note setting this value to zero (0) will not turn this function off! Please see further explanation in MULTIPOOLMINER'S LOGIC.

-UserName Your username you use to login to MiningPoolHub.

-Wallet Your Bitcoin payout address. Required when mining on AhashPool, BlazePool, Hash Refinery, Nicehash and Zpool (unless you have defined another payout currency (Advanced configuration via config file required, see below)).

-WarmupTime Time a miner is allowed to warm up before it could get marked as failed, e.g. to compile the binaries or to get the API ready. Default is 30 (seconds).

-Watchdog Include this command to enable the watchdog feature which detects and handles miner and other related failures. It works on a unified interval that is defaulted to 60 seconds. Watchdog timers expire if three of those intervals pass without being kicked. There are three stages as to what action is taken when watchdog timers expire and is determined by the number of related expired timers.

  • Stage 1: when 1 timer expires relating to one miner/algorithm combination, the one miner/algorithm combination is kicked
  • Stage 2: when 2 timers expire relating to one miner file, the one miner file is kicked
  • Stage 3: when 3 timers expire relating to one pool, the pool is kicked Watchdog timers reset after three times the number of seconds it takes to get to stage 3.

-WorkerName To identify your mining rig.