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Questions and Answers

Paraplegic Racehorse edited this page Jun 30, 2019 · 3 revisions


Q1. How do I start using MultiPoolMiner?

A1. The 'start.bat' file is an example that shows how to run the script without prompting for a username. Amend it with your username/address/workername and other relevant details such as region. Ensure it is run as Administrator to prevent errors.

Q2. A miner crashes my computer or does not work correctly. I want to exclude it from mining/benchmarking. What should I do?

A2. Use the -excludeminername command to exclude certain miners you don't want to use. A full list of available miners and parameters used can be found here:

Q3. Miner says CL device is missing (or not found). How do I resolve this issue?

A3. You most likely have NVIDIA cards in your rig. Open the start.bat in a text editor and look for '-devicename amd,nvidia,cpu' and change it to '-devicename nvidia,cpu'. This will disable the AMD exclusive miners and save you plenty of time when benchmarking. You can also exclude the cpu option if you don't want to mine with your processor.

Q4. I only want to mine certain algorithms even if they are not the most profitable. I want to exclude algorithms. How do I do that?

A4. Open the start.bat in a text editor and look for '-algorithm cryptonightv7,ethash,equihash,groestl,lyra2z,neoscrypt,pascal'. Delete the algorithms you don't want to mine. This can save you some time when benchmarking. You can include any of these or even all of them if you please but bear in mind this can result your earnings to be spread across many pools!

Q5. MultiPoolMiner is XX% more profitable. What does this mean?

A5. It is showing you the stat for MultiPoolMiner vs the one miner. It means that the calculated earnings of MultiPoolMiner switching to different algorithms would be that much more profitable than if it had just mined that one particular algorithm the whole time. The number is still only an estimate of your earnings on the pool and may not directly reflect what you actually get paid. On MiningPoolHub and other multiple algorithm pools, coins have fluctuating values and MultiPoolMiner switches to the one that is the most profitable at that time. Because each pool has different delays in exchange and payout, the amount you actually earn my be very different. If there is a significant difference in percentage, you might want to reset the profitability stats by running the ResetProfit.bat file. Your actual (but still estimated) earning is shown in the second row.

Q6. I want to re-run the benchmarks (changed OC settings, added new cards, etc.)

A6. Simply run 'ResetBenchmark.bat' This deletes all files in the /Stats folder. This will force MultiPoolMiner to run the benchmarks again. If you only want to re-run a single benchmark for a coin or algorithm, locate the appropriate stat file for that particular coin or algorithm and delete it. Please note some of the miners can do multiple algorithms therefore have multiple stat files for the same miner and some of them create multiple stat files for the different configuration files they use.

Q7. How long does benchmarking take to finish?

A7. This is greatly dependant on the amount of selected algorithms and the number of device types chosen in the start.bat file. By default, each benchmark takes one minute. You can speed up benchmarking significantly by omitting unused device types. For example if you have a rig with AMD cards, you can tell MPM not to even launch the NVIDIA or CPU specific miner applications by removing these after the -devicename parameter in the start.bat file.

Q8. Is it possible to choose how many GPUs we want to allocate to mining or restrict mining on certain GPUs?

A8. This feature will possibly be implemented in the future (planned enhancement for MultiPoolMiner V3) but not yet supported by MultiPoolMiner.

Q9. MultiPoolMiner says it cannot find excavator.exe

A9. Excavator is developed by Nicehash and their EULA does not permit redistribution of their software which means you need to download Excavator yourself from and place it in /Bin/Excavator/ (create the folder if does not exist). This is the permitted use of Excavator. Another solution is to delete the Excavator configuration file from the /Miners folder if you don't plan to use this miner.

Q10. MultiPoolMiner is taking up too much space on my drive

A10. Simply run 'RemoveLogs.bat' This will delete all unnecessary and/or old log files that can indeed take up a lot of space of your storage device. It is perfectly safe to do so if space is required.

Q11. What does 'ResetProfit.bat' do?

A11. This will reset your profit statistics and deletes all coin profibility data accumulated since MultiPoolMiner was first launched. This can be helpful when your predicted income stats (calculated average results) are broken which can happen when ie. an existing coin is added to a new exchange and the price falsely skyrockets due to low volume and liquidity. Bear in mind MultiPoolMiner becomes more accurate over time at calculating your profitability and running this scrypt will delete all that recorded data.

Q12. Why does MultiPoolMiner open multiple miners of the same type?

A12. Not all miners support multiple GPUs and this is a workaround to resolve this issue. MultiPoolMiner will try to open upto 6 instances of some of the miners to support systems with upto 6 GPUs or to overcome other problems found while testing. Doing so makes no difference in performance and donation amount to the miner sw developer (if applicable) will be the same percentage as if it was a single instance run for multiple GPUs ie. if one instance is run for five cards or five instances, one for each of the the five cards, that is still the same 1% donation NOT 5x1%.

Q13. MultiPoolMiner does not close miners properly (2 or more instances of the same miner accumulate over time)

A13. This is due to miner failure most likely caused by too much OVERCLOCKING. When miner fails it tries to recover which usually means restarting itself in the same window. This causes issues with the API connection to the miner and MultiPoolMiner thinks miner quit and launches another instance as a result. Due to default API port still being used by the first launched but failed miner, MPM can launch many instances of the same miner over time. This behaviour will be improved upon in the future but can only be completely solved by the user by lowering overclock to keep miners and the system stable.

Q14. Is it possible to change the payout currency from BTC to something else when mining on yiimp-based pools such as Zpool, Hash Refinery, etc?

A14. Yes, see However this is not recommended as your payout will become uncertain as all other payout currencies are internally exchanged therefore you may end up losing your earnings due to pool never having enough coins to pay you!

Q15. How do I customise miners to better work with my cards?

A15. Some cards may require special parameters to be used in order to make them (more) stable, such as setting intensity for specific miners/algos/GPUs. This can be done by heading to the /Miners folder and editing the relevant miner files or via advanced constomization (see Advanced configuration for Miners -> Add custom miner commands). For example, for CcminerTpruvot.ps1 you can replace (mind the spaces!) "x17" = "" # X17 ###### with: "x17" = " -i 20" # X17 ###### to add intensity setting for that specific algorithm while used in conjuction with tpruvot's ccminer fork. This will result this specific miner on that specific algorithm will use the intensity setting of 20 which may help if you are experiencing driver crashes when using certain cards. Please search relevant forums for correct and recommended settings before changing anything!

Q16. I am getting: ErrorCode error = method(handle, name, Marshal.SizeOf(),h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), out size);

A16. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later is required for MultiPoolMiner to function properly. Web Installer

Q17. Is there an option to split earnings? I want to mine 80% of the time to wallet A and 20% of the time to wallet B.

A17. This feature is not implemented, however, there are external services you can use to achieve the same such as

Q18. How to change fault tolerance limit to a higher percentage?

A18. Fault tolerance limit was implemented to detect unwanted negative or positive spikes in your hashrate caused by faulty miners or GPUs and prevent these statistics to be recorded to keep your benchmark data preserved in these unfortunate events. You should not feel the need to change this but first try to resolve the issues with your miners and/or devices. That said, if you are absolutely certain you want to change this, you can do so by amending the following line in Include.psm1: [Math]::Min([Math]::Max($Stat.Week_Fluctuation * 2, 0.1), 0.9) ###### From: 0.1), 0.9) ###### TO: 0.3), 0.75) ###### This will change the fault tolerance limit from +/-10% to +30/-25%.

Q19. MultiPoolMiner is not mining the most profitable algorithm. Why?

A19. MPM version 2.7 introduced a smarter spike resistance for both of your hashrate and coin difficulty/price ratio. This feature will detect and handle mining accordingly to prevent you losing time and profit. The usual case is, if an algorithm's price fluctuates a lot, then the short time profit might appear to be higher, but by the time you have mined it for a period of time, the coins will be exchanged for a much lower price and your mining will be less profitable. This is due to the PPLNS(+) nature implemented in the pools. To mitigate this effect MPM uses an 24h mean price (if provided by the pool) when determininig the most profitable algorithm. (#712, #713, query re NH to be resolved/omitted)

Q20. I am getting the following error: "NetFirewallRule - Access denied"

A20. You cannot put MultiPoolMiner inside directorires such as Program Files. Extract it to a non-restricted or user-created folder such as Desktop, Downloads, Documents, C:\MPM\ etc.

Q21. My antivirus says the .zip package contains a virus or MultiPoolMiner tries to download viruses. What should I do?

A21. MultiPoolMiner is open-source and used by many users/rigs. It also downloads miners from github releases that are open-sourced projects. That means the code is readable and you can see for yourself it does not contain any viruses. Your antivirus generates false positives as the miner software used by MultiPoolMiner are often included in malicious programs to create botnets for someone who wants to earn a quick buck. There are other closed-source miner program included in the package such as the Claymore miners. These come from legendary ranked or trusted/respected members of the bitcointalk community and used by a large number of users/rigs worldwide. You can exlude these miners if you wish by following the instructions in FAQ#2 and delete their software from your system.

Q22. How to disable dual-mining?

A22. Add '-SingleAlgoMining' to your start batch file or to the config file.

Q23. How to download and install missing miner binaries?

A23. Some miners binaries cannot be downloaded automatically by MPM (e.g. there is no direct download). In these cases you need to download and install them manually. First find the download link "Uri" in the miner file (they are all in the folder 'Miners') and download the binaries. Next locate the destination path "$Path". You need to create the required subdirectory in the 'Miners' folder. Finally unpack the downloaded binary to the destination directory. If the packed file contains subdirectories you must also copy them.

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