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Justin Swanson edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 8 revisions

Table Of Contents

Install an IDE

Be sure to install an IDE for C# development! You will also need the DotNet SDK, but this should come with the IDE.

Solution Patcher

Synthesis provides bootstrapping functionality to get new Mutagen patchers off the ground fairly easily.

These systems can be found by creating a new Local Solution patcher, which is the preferred patcher type for developers.

There is a few options available when creating a new Solution Patcher:

  • New Solution and Project (for brand new setups)
  • New Project (for adding another patcher to an existing repository)
  • Existing (latch on to an existing setup)

When creating a new patcher, Synthesis will construct and set up several default settings/files:

  • Creates a solution
  • Creates a project, with both Synthesis and Mutagen imported
  • Creates a default main method, which is hooked into the standard Synthesis pipeline.
  • Enables nullability compiler features, which are very important when utilizing Mutagen
  • Default gitignore
  • Hides/upgrades some specific error types

Locating the Code

The Local Solution Patcher can open your preferred IDE, or you can navigate and open the solution yourself.

NOTE: While the Synthesis UI helps make a new solution, once it's made, it is recommended to just open it with your IDE, and not use the Synthesis UI during active development. Only use the Synthesis UI if you're interested in testing your patcher alongside other patchers (not usually interesting).

A patcher project should have a Program.cs file with the initial Synthesis bootstrapping code already in place.

public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
    return await SynthesisPipeline.Instance
        .AddPatch<ISkyrimMod, ISkyrimModGetter>(RunPatch)
        .SetTypicalOpen(GameRelease.SkyrimSE, "YourPatcher.esp")

public static void RunPatch(IPatcherState<ISkyrimMod, ISkyrimModGetter> state)
    //Your code here!

The main function calls Synthesis bootstrapping code that listens for commands from the Synthesis pipeline and calls your RunPatch code when appropriate.


Patchers that are listed on the store use a meta json file to specify some customization. The Local Solution Patcher can modify this file for you in the GUI itself.

  • Display Name
  • One line description
  • Long description
  • Whether to show in the store by default

More Topics

Coding a Patcher

Running a Patcher

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