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Justin Swanson edited this page Nov 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

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Local Solution Patcher

Goals and Reasons to Choose

This style uses a local C# project which is compiled and run as a patcher.

This is the recommended patcher type for developers

  • Preferred route any time you want to run raw code from a folder that you downloaded/created yourself
  • Can create new patcher Solutions/Projects or latch on to existing projects
    • Generated solutions come with a lot of initial settings configured for you, such as Nullability errors.
  • Code can be developed in an IDE on the side, but run from within Synthesis as part of a larger patcher pipeline.
  • Meta information tooling is offered to customize the patcher's information such as descriptions/nicknames/visibility in the patcher browser

Required Input

The basic input required is:

  • Path to a solution
  • A dropdown of related projects will populate, of which one should be chosen.

New Patcher Wizard

Synthesis is able to construct new patcher projects for you that contain a lot of starting frameworks and default settings.

It is able to construct whole Solutions from scratch, or add a new project to an existing solution, or latch onto existing projects.

Patcher Settings

A patcher has a Synthesis specific meta file where you can specify patcher description, among other things. The Solution Patcher has built in GUI controls for modifying/creating this file:

Settings you can modify:

  • Patcher display name
  • One line description
  • Multi-line extended description
  • Whether to show in the patcher browser by default
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