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Yext Answers: React

This is a UI library for building search experiences on top of Yext Answers in React. This is a headless library that manages state and a set of actions that manipulate that state. This library is headless and leaves the entire UI up to you. The example app shows a basic example of using this library.

For now this library only supports vertical search

Table of Contents


Install this library with npm or yarn.

npm install yext-answers-react


yarn add yext-answers-react

Implementation Details

  • This library is written in Typescript and too have the best experience you should use typescript as well.
  • This library exposes state and actions via a react hook.

Create React App

If you wanted to use this library with create-react-app you would issue the following commands:

npx create-react-app product-search --template typescript
cd product-search
yarn add yext-answers-react
yarn start

Getting Started

In order to start using this library, you will need to wrap your app in the <AnswersContext> component and then add the hook useAnswers to a child component. The <AnswersContext> component requires a config prop with the following properties.

Property Type Required Default
apiKey string Yes
experienceKey string Yes
experienceVersion string Yes
loacle string Yes
verticalKey string Yes
runSearchOnLoad boolean No False
facetSorter (facets: Facet[]) => Facet[] No
debug boolean No False

After wrapping the app in the <AnswersContext> then use the hook useAnswers to access state and actions

Basic Example

Here is a basic example app that has a search bar and a set of results. Generally in a production setting you would split this across multiple child components but to keep this simple everything in one file.

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { provideCore } from '@yext/answers-core';
import { AnswersContext, useAnswers } from 'yext-answers-react';

const App = () => {
  const { state, actions } = useAnswers();
  return (
        onSubmit={e => {
          onChange={e => actions.handleSearchTermChange(}
      {state.loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
      {state.error && <div>Newtork Error</div>}
      {state.verticalresults && (
          { => (
            <ul key={}>

  <AnswersContext config={{
  apiKey: '7bce922a5847aff36dc33345921ba700',
  experienceKey: 'dtc_demo',
  experienceVersion: 'PRODUCTION',
  locale: 'en',
  verticalKey: 'products',
  runSearchOnLoad: true,
  debug: true,
    <App />

export default App;



State can be read directly from the useAnswers hook. For example:

import { useAnswers } from 'yext-answers-react';
const { state } = useAnswers();

State is global and show be used to render the search components.

State is READONLY. To manipulate state you should use the actions below.

Global State

Property Type Description
loading boolean Whether or not a search is currently loading
error boolean Truthy if a search has failed. Generally this is due to a network error or a bad API Key
hasSearched boolean Whether or not a search has ever been run. This is helpful for describing the intial state
core answersCore A reference to core to make API calls. Generally this should never be used.
verticalKey string The verticalKey of the search
visibleSearchTerm string The search term that is currently visible in the search bar. Generally this should be set to the value of the input
lastSearchedTerm string The last search term used to run a search. This will only update when a search runs.
originalSearchTerm string The visibleSearchTerm will update when a user cycles between autocomplete options. The originalSearchTerm is the search term the user entered before cycling through autocomplete.
verticalresults VerticalResults The full response from the vertical search API
results any[] The results child from verticalresults
facets Facet[] A set of facets returned from the vertical search
sortBys SortBy[] The currently set sort bys
appliedFilters AppliedFilter[] The currently set of applied filters. This can be used to show a list of the applied filters. Any filters with type FACET can be removed useing the toggleFacet action.
facetFilters SimpleFilter[] The currently set of filter. This should generally NOT be used to build a UI.
autocomplete AutocompleteState Autocomplete object (see below)
debug boolean Whether or not debug mode is turned on


Property Type Description
loading boolean Whether or not autcomplete is loading. This is usually not shown in a UI since autocomplete is very fast
autocompleteOptions { value: string; type: string; selected?: boolena; } A list of all autocomplete options. This list includes both recent searches and query sugggestions. Recent searches have a type of RECENT while suggestions have a type of SUGGESTION. This list should be used to populate the autocomplete menu. This list will automatically update as the visibleSearchTerm changes. The selected property can be used to style a selected autocomplete option
querySuggestions AutocompleteResult[] A list of just the query suggestions
recentSearches { query: string }[] A list of just the users recent searches that match the visibleSearchTerm
selectedIndex number The index of the selected autocomplete option. By default this is -1 which means no autocomplete is selected. As a user cycles through autocomplete (see NEXT_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTION below) this index will change. This index should be used to highlight the row in the autocomplete


State can not be edited directly. Instead you should run an action to update state. For example:

import { useAnswers } from 'yext-answers-react';
const { actions } = useAnswers();
Action Description
handleSearchTermChange(searchTerm?: string) Used to update the search term. Usually this is bound to the onChange prop of the input.
runSearch(searchTerm?: string) Used to run a search. Usually this is bound to the onSubmit prop of the form.
toggleFacet(facetFieldId: string, optionDisplayName: string, updateSearchResults = true) Used to toggle a facet on or off. This will update the facet immediatly in the state and then asynchronously update the search results.
updateSortBys(sortBys: SortBy[]), updateSearchResults = true Used to update the sort bys. By default this will automatically run a new search.
loadMore() This will load more results
setConfiguration(config: Config) Usually only set on load. This will automatically be set via the <AnswersContext />. This can however be updated in the middle of a sessions.
chooseAutocompleteOption(index: number) Choose the autocomplete option at the specified index. This will handle logging analytics, checking for geosearch and then running a search
clearSearch() Clears out all sorting, faceting, filters and search term


  • Analytics
  • Universal Search


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