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Styled System Introduction

LuckyLuker edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 1 revision


MyCrypto Typography system is based on styled-system and styled-components. It features a theme containing all our style properties and a variant set defining our main typography types.

Why styled-system ?

styled-system allow us to inject style props to styled-components definition. It features a large API englobing all CSS's properties.

💡 DOC:


import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { color, ColorProps } from 'styled-system';

const SDiv = styled.div<ColorProps>`

const Component = () => (
	<SDiv color='blue'>
		I'm blue dabedi dabeda


A styled-components theme can be found at theme/theme.ts. Inside are defined all the default / useful style variables such as colors, fontSizes, lineHeights and various other.

To add any style variables to the theme be sure to follow styled-system rules (

The theme is injected in components through the ThemeProvider, no need to import the theme inside any components.


// theme.ts

const theme = {
  colors: {
    BLUE_BRIGHT: '#1eb8e7',
  fontSizes: ['12px', '16px', '18px', '24px', '40px'],
  lineHeights: ['16px', '24px', '30px', '32px', '48px'],

// Root.tsx

import React from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';

const Root = () => (
	<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>

// Component.tsx

import React from 'react';

	This case will consume the color BLUE_BRIGHT and change the font size to 16px which is the at index 1 of the font-sizes theme's array

const Component = () => (
		<Header color='BLUE_BRIGHT' fontSize={1}>Component</Header>

Typography Styles

Various Typographies are pre-defined and available, they can be easily imported from @components

  • Heading
  • SubHeading
  • Body
  • InlineLink
  • Link

The style of those components are defined in the variant object at theme.ts.

All of those components utilize a as prop to define the tag they will be rendered with. A pre-selected tag is set on them but you can change it by passing the wanted tag through this as prop.


Component Name Usage Default Tag Variant Name
Heading For a page or panel heading h1 heading
SubHeading For a section heading h2 `subHeading
Body Default paragraph text p body
InLineLink For a links in paragraphs a inLineLink
Link For a isolated CTA a link


import React from React;

import { Heading, Text } from '@components'

const Example = () => (
		<Heading>A nice Heading</Heading>
		<Body>lorem ipsum sir dolot emmet</Body>


💡 Before adding a new variant or a new Component to the Typography system, please discuss it with Dev Team

To add a variant create a new object inside the variant constant defined in theme.ts .

Creating a variant

// theme.ts
import { variant } from 'styled-system';

// Variables are added to the variant method provided by styled-system

export const variants = variant({
  myNewVariant: {
    fontSize: { _: 3, sm: 4 },
    lineHeight: { _: 2, sm: 4 }, // theme values contained in arrays can be accessed through their array's index
    fontWeight: { _: 900, sm: 'bold' }, // To create a responsive variant use an object with breakpoint keys, '_' will define the base value when screen size is under smallest defined breakpoint
    color: 'BLUE_DARK_SLATE' // Color keys from theme can be used

Using a variant

import React from 'react';
import { variants } from '@theme';

const SText = styled.p`

const Component = () => (
	<SText variant='myNewVariant'>
		I'm using my new variant

Customizing Typographies

styled-system provides a quick and easy way to customise default style from our Typographies components. A variety of properties can be passed through component props such as :

Name Description API Documentation
Space Spacing props such as margin, padding, ect.
Typography Text based properties such as font-size, font-weight, ect.
Color Color properties
Size Width / Height properties

All styled-system api props imported for the base typography component can be found at Typography/Text.tsx.


import React from React;

import { Heading, Text } from '@components'

const Example = () => (
		<Heading mb='20px' color='BLUE_BRIGHT'>A nice Heading</Heading>
		<Body>lorem ipsum sir dolot emmet</Body>