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Changing the Random Seed

Missy Schoenbaum edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

Simulation engines use the concept of a Random Seed, or random starting point to make stochastic modeling possible. ADSM defaults to a Random Seed to mimic the inherent biological variability in disease spread simulations.

Occasionally, it is necessary to have a consistent Random Seed to reduce the variability. Once example is for software testing applications, the Random Seed is set to create a consistent result. The Sample Scenario that is packaged with ADSM has a set Random Seed = 12345.

You can set a Random Seed manually if needed using the Advanced Panel, located in the Setting Panel on the right side of the application.

Settings Panel

Clicking the Advance Panel opens the Animal Disease Spread Model Backend, which allows parameters to be editing. Making changes to parameters in the Backend is not recommended, except in the case of changing the Random Seed. Scroll down to the Scenarios option, under ScenarioCreator.

Advanced Panel

Clicking on Scenarios open the specific details of this scenario. Modify the Random seed as needed and hit Save. The value should be an integer.
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