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Releases: TrinityCTAT/ctat-mutations

CTAT-Mutations Release v4.3.0

29 Jun 23:13
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4.3.0 June 29, 2024

  • bugfix w/ cigar-N-splitter, incorporating the required read group ID in each alignment entry - impacts long read calling sensitivity

  • for faster workflow, set default boosting to 'none' and turned off blat_ED and annot pass annotations unless boosting is indicated.

  • ctat mutation wdl and Terra wrapper wdls updated

  • added bamsifter and strand-specific read normalization

  • replace gatk cigar-N-splitter with our own pysam based version

  • add ctat-mutations to dockstore for easy integration into terra or other supported cloud platforms

CTAT-Mutations v4.1.0 Release

14 Mar 13:02
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4.1.0 March 13, 2024

  • incorporated support for single cell transcriptomics
  • more robust accounting of read support per variant type including indels and multithreading
  • include HC-realigned bam file as an output.

uses CTAT genome lib:

Use our singularity or docker images for easy execution:

CTAT-Mutations Release v4.0.0

18 Sep 21:19
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  • included preliminary support for pacbio rna-seq (operational, but not benchmarked): use --left <pbio.fastq> and --is_long_reads
  • turned off boosting by default
  • when boosting on, adds boosting annotations instead of filtering (vcf annotation of BOOSTselect)
  • boosting of indels turned off, only boosting on snvs
  • added ctat-genome-lib-builder submodule, incorporated minimap2 index prep
  • cravat data resources provided as tarball and documentation for installation updated.

uses CTAT genome lib:

Use our singularity or docker images for easy execution:


11 Jan 18:05
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v3.3.1 Jan 22, 2023

  • greatly improved memory usage around the annotate BLAT ED step

uses CTAT genome lib:

Use our singularity or docker images for easy execution:

CTAT Mutations v3.3.0

08 Dec 14:26
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3.3.0 Dec 8, 2022

  • support for providing target interval list (eg. just search exome regions)
  • local wdl imports so not requiring network connection on secure systems.
  • further improvements for parallelization and memory usage (

uses CTAT genome lib:

Use our singularity or docker images for easy execution:

CTAT-Mutations v3.2.0

02 Nov 13:19
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  • revised WDLs for simpler configuration with Terra
  • using all common variants for training ML in boosting
  • drop SPLICEADJ, now just using DJ
  • now explicitly writing feature matrices for use with the downstream ML steps for improved transparency and flexibility
  • our RVBLR and py-snpir are now available as submodules, although not fully integrated into the ctat_mutations, and also leverage feature matrices as above.
  • uses CTAT genome lib:


19 Mar 17:06
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  • improved boosting performance
  • rewrote workflow logic using WDL
  • run 'make' in the base directory to install Cromwell workflow runner
  • moved RVBLR (RVBoost) to

This version is compatible with CTAT genome libraries here:

CTAT-mutations Release v2.5.0

27 Jul 14:46
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-leverages Open-CRAVAT for annotations in place of REST-call to web app.
-incorporates additional boosting methods: SGBoost, GBoost, AdaBoost, and RF
-cleaner organization of output files
-added gnomad pop AF annotations
-added clinvar annotations
-igv-reports incorporates clinvar and FATHMM
-cancer-related variants selected based on chasm & vest pvals, or FATHMM or clinvar pathogenic attributes.

CTAT-mutations Pipeline v2.4.0

11 Mar 12:47
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-added support for using single-end rna-seq reads
-support for RVBLR (our RVBoost-integration as RVB-like R)
-pctextpos is computed as an annotation and leveraged by RVBLR
-more robust variant annotation / multithreading
-annot_PASS_reads on by default now (again), but there's an option to disable if necessary.
-various bugfixes

CTAT-Mutations Release v2.3.0b

29 Oct 16:11
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CTAT-mutations was heavily revised to focus on first annotating all variant sites followed by extraction of likely cancer-relevant mutations.

Singularity image is provided at:

See wiki documentation for usage info.