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NDHall edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

snakeAmpSeq: an adaptable pipline for the detection of target site mutations in Poa annua


Amplicon sequencing is being used broadly across many fields of research. It offers a special advantage for research on the research of target site mutations. It combines the the cost efficiency of capillary sequencing with the depth of second generation sequencing. This allows researchers to characterize a multiplicity of potential target sites. Many fields are developing their own ampSeq methods. Here we present a moderately flexible pipeline for the detection of target site mutations.

snakeAmpSeq is a pipeline designed to take amplicon sequencing results, clean them with fastp, map them to user defined references, search for target site mutations known or suspected to cause herbicide resistance. This is built on a modified version of by Scott orginal modified. The modified version can do batch processing, and returns the substituted AA along with its underlying codon. Briefly this program, translated input sequences into 6 frames and then selects the correct frame based on highly conserved AA motifs found around the target sites in each respective gene. It works best with cDNA but can work on pure genomic DNA as long as the motif and target site are in the same exon, or the reading frame is maintained across the intron.

In addition to checking target site mutations it also checks to see the sequencing coverage over each of the target sites. Coverage is of target sites is quantified with bedtools, and using a user defined bed. This pipeline is built in snakemake and requires that anaconda is installed and in your path. For help installing anaconda or miniconda see this tutorial.


Naming Conventions

The python scripts included rely heavily on naming conventions. These can be modified in the underlying source code if they become too cumbersome, or do not fit your experiment.

Fastq Files

Fastq files are assumed to be structured as: left=<uniq_id>_R1_001.fastq.gz, and <right=<uniq_id>_R2_002.fastq.gz>. This can be modified in the Snakefile, or you could format your sequencing files using a soft link bash, to create a name that fits current Snakefile assumptions.

Reference Fasta Files

Fasta header should be formated as follows: <gene>_<unique id> in the case that you do not have homeologs I recommend just using a consistent dummy variable. The uniq_id should include homeolog indicator if you wish to separate polyploids loci by subgenomic location. Though the mapping at this fine grain with included bowtie2 settings is only semi-reliable in my experience.

Target Site Bed

site_name formatting, gene name should be all lowercase, AA should begin a capital letter and be the represented as the 3 letter abbreviation. so for Met not M and it should end in the AA position. See example below.

      <contig  start stop site_name orient> 
      tua_inf6	519	522	tuaValIlePhe202	+
      tua_inf6	630	633	tuaThr239	+	
      tua_inf6	641	644	tua243Arg	+	
      tua_inf6	717	720	tuaMet268	+	

Quick Start

  1. Download ampseq files into downloads folder. This will vary based on your sequencing provider. I am providing a mock up, but retrieving sequences will vary with sequencing service provider.
$ cd resources/downloads
$ sftp <someUserName>@<some server>
# you are now on the server
$ cd <into dir containing reads>
$ get *.gz
$ <ctrl-d> # to exit sftp
# You are back in resources/downloads
  1. Check to see if files end left=<uniq_id>_R1_001.fastq.gz, and <right=<uniq_id>_R2_002.fastq.gz> if not you can use an approach below.
$ for r in *<right_id>.fastq.gz 
$ do 
$ new_r=$( echo ${r} | sed s/<right_id.*>/_R2_002.fastq.gz/ )
$ ln -s ${r} ${new_r}
$ done 

$ for l in *<left_id>.fastq.gz 
$ do 
$  new_l=$( echo ${l} | sed s/<left_id.*>/_R1_001.fastq.gz/ )
$  ln -s ${l} ${new_l}
$ done 

or you can change the coding in the actual Snakefile.

  1. Once the files are in resources/downloads and properly labeled. will run the snakeAmpSeq pipeline if anaconda3 is in your path.

$ cd workflow/scripts
$ ./