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Nexus Website

Welcome to the Nexus website repository! Nexus is the vibrant Computer Science and Engineering club at NIT Surat, and this project showcases our commitment to innovation. The frontend is built with React and Tailwind CSS, while the backend leverages Node.js.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Ensure that you have the following tools installed:


Begin by cloning the repository and installing dependencies:

git clone
cd nexus-website
npm install

git clone: Fetches the project to your local machine. cd nexus-website: Navigates to the project directory. npm install: Installs project dependencies listed in package.json.

Development Folder Structure The project is structured into:

client: Frontend React application. server: Backend Node.js application. Running Locally Start the frontend development server:

cd client
npm start


cd client: Changes to the "client" directory, housing the frontend code. npm start: Initiates the React development server. Start the backend server:

cd server
npm start


cd server: Moves to the "server" directory, home to the backend code. npm start: Launches the backend server using Node.js. Visit http://localhost:3000 to experience the local development version of the website.

Contributing We encourage contributions from the community to enhance Nexus further! Follow the guidelines below to contribute.

How to Contribute Fork the repository to your GitHub account. Explanation:

"Forking" creates your personal copy of the repository on GitHub. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

git clone
cd nexus-website


Similar to initial cloning, but now from your fork. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

git checkout -b feature-or-bugfix-name


Creates a new branch for isolating your changes. Make your changes and commit them:

git add .
git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"


git add .: Stages changes for commit. git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message": Records changes with a descriptive message. Push the changes to your forked repository:

git push origin feature-or-bugfix-name


git push origin feature-or-bugfix-name: Sends changes to the branch on your GitHub fork. Open a pull request on the original repository. Explanation:

A "pull request" suggests your changes to the original repository. Development Workflow Ensure your fork is up-to-date with the original repository.

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main


git remote add upstream Adds the original repository as "upstream." git fetch upstream: Retrieves the latest changes. git checkout main: Switches to the main branch. git merge upstream/main: Integrates changes from the original repository. Follow the steps in "How to Contribute" for your feature or bug fix.