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Releases: NO-ob/LoliSnatcher_Droid

Multibooru Search and Inkbunny support

13 Aug 18:12
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  • Added merge option to search 2 boorus at once
  • Added inkbunny support
    -- can search an artist name with artist:[artistname] (Case sensitive)
    -- can randomize search results with order:random
    -- If using your account you need to enable api in user settings on the website
    -- to access all art use userid for user id and password for api key
  • Fixed some boorus not returning results properly
  • Fixed lolisync so it will only display ipv4

Bunch of stuff

06 Jul 13:07
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  • Fixed Android 11 Gif Snatching
  • Fixed Snatcher not getting first Page
  • Made db searching faster
  • Added overflow to gallery bar buttons
  • Added session audio mute (Hold volume icon)
  • Added Share to hydrus option
  • Fixed Hydrus snatching
  • Added autoscroll button to gallery
  • Set snatch directory on Android < 11


  • Backup tabs list to db every 30 seconds and restore them on app restart (issue
  • Setting to switch scroll direction in viewer
  • Show total post count in tab selector
  • Added rectangle preview grid mode
  • Added viewer opening/closing animation
  • Search history can now be filtered + added a toggle to show/hide favourites
  • Added a small button in viewer to quickly zoom in/out for improved one-handed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Long press on search and new tab buttons switches to the newly created tab
  • Show possible matches from search history and tag database in autocomplete box
  • Replace tag list popup with drawer and add more info
  • Scroll to item for Staggered grid view
  • Add icon for items with sound tags
  • Tap on "You reached the end" message to try loading last page again
  • Changed theme to amoled/black

Tag Filters and LoliSync

11 Apr 16:41
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  • Added lolisync which lets you sync some stuff across devices currently supports
    • Settings
    • Favourites
    • Booru Configs
  • Fixed filenames for booru on rails/philomena
  • Added ability to disable video for shit phones
  • Added a my device is shit option which disables loading progress information
  • Pages on desktop mode will now display in a dialog instead of stretching to fill the screen


  • tag filtering (add your hated and loved tags and they will get marked in the grid and tags list, images with hated tags can be either blocked on load or removed completely from the list with separate setting)
  • reworked loading of new pages
  • pull to refresh
  • navigation with volume buttons in viewer
  • change toolbar position in viewer (it's also transparent now)
  • now sample images get saved in separate cache folder and have no blur in viewer
  • cache stats in behavior menu
  • thumbnails fade in after loading
  • attempt to fix staggered view
    [Note]: It's still very unstable and boorus which don't provide data about image sizes will fallback to default square style


  • memory use improvements
  • restored longpress logic on share button
  • fixed suggestions on paheal
  • improved detection of already favourited items
  • search history duplicates fix


05 Apr 11:13
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  • Fixed video thumbnails for philomena and booru on rails
  • Fixed tag suggestion for booru on rails
  • Fixed tabs being set to default booru on default booru change
  • Fixed favorites not showing on first search sometimes
  • Fixed video player in desktop mode on android

Search History + Tablet UI

24 Mar 11:10
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  • Added desktop/tablet ui
  • Re arranged settings page
  • Settings now save when closing a settings page instead of hitting the save button
  • Tags are now comma separated when searching hydrus
  • Search history
  • thumbnail/preview changes
  • Fixed out of memory issues
  • Improved image loading performance

Staggered gridview is currently broken on the linux build

Fixes and improvements

09 Mar 12:03
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  • Fixed snatcher
  • Fixed e621
  • Removed top/bottom bar hiding as it causes screen to flash
  • Search/tag box fix
  • added buttons to manage the database


  • improved loading in viewer: now it can be stopped/restarted, shows additional data (speed, time left...), performance changes
  • current/total counter in viewer adapts its size to always fit
  • image will be reencoded if resolution width is more than 4K, this should fix out of memory crashes if multiple HQ images were loaded
  • video zooming
  • panning when zoomed now is more responsive and shouldn't falsely trigger swiping away/page change
  • share button now has a menu with multiple actions (you can set the default one in settings)
  • app now asks if you want to quit if you press "Back" on the main screen
  • search box improvements
    -- bumped auto suggestions limit to 10 for all servers
    -- clear all button
    -- don't lose focus after selecting from auto suggestions and don't remove "-" if it was at the start of current tag
  • other small fixes


06 Mar 12:14
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  • Added database to store favorites and whether an image has been snatched
  • Fix booru selector
  • Fix url launching
  • Added Staggered Grid view
  • Added support for booru-on-rails / twibooru
  • Other stuff I dont remember

Android 11 Fixes and Caching

07 Feb 17:29
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  • Added video/gif saving support to android 11
  • Added cooldown back to snatcher
  • Added setting for cooldown


  • Show broken image icon on favicons which failed to load
  • New scrolling text animation - pause on every cycle start
  • Caching now supports main media, videos have separate caching modes, see settings
  • Redid thumbnail caching, can show progress again

Android 11 Support and a bunch of other stuff

01 Feb 13:09
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  • Added settings saving/ loading for android 11
  • Added booru saving/ loading for android 11
  • Added image saving for android 11 (Currently only supports PNG and JPG)
  • Changed snatching so you can now queue multiple snatches
  • Added snatch counter to top of main app page
  • Swipe to dismiss in viewer
  • New loading style
  • Long press in viewer to toggle toolbar
  • Don't save if the file was already saved before
  • Show message on save error
  • Add booru name to saved file name (booruName_fileName.ext)
  • Double tap on sides to skip/rewind video (amount is based on video length), in middle to play/pause

Gelbooru v1 and Image caching

29 Jan 19:24
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  • Added support for Gelbooru V1 (
  • Overhauled viewer, thanks to photo_view - double tap to zoom support, panning doesn't break page changing and images don't overlap
  • Highly experimental image caching (only for thumbnails for now), can be cleared in settings
  • Image will fade in if caching is enabled and a thumbnail is cached
  • Show booru icon near each tab option
  • Share button (currently just sends direct url, not the file itself)