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Releases: NO-ob/LoliSnatcher_Droid

2.4.0 - Hotfix3

06 Feb 18:38
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Hotfix apks have been published to fix a paheal issue


If you encounter any issues, please report them in github issues or in our discord server

Main changes in this release:

  • Reworked tab manager
  • Downloads drawer
  • Improved performance, especially if you have a lot of tabs or loaded pages
  • Fixes for Sankaku Idol, Paheal and others
  • Database indexing for improved local search speed
  • Filter for AI posts

New Features:

  • Completely reworked and redesigned tab manager and expanded it with new options and filters, it replaces the previous tab dropdown and old tab manager on long tap of that dropdown
  • Added database indexing to improve local search speed (enabled by default, index generation will take some time, depending on the size of the database, can be disabled in [Database] settings)
  • Show info about app initialization progress
  • Added a special booru to view downloads history
  • Added a Downloads drawer (with batch actions for selected items), will be on the opossite side of the main drawer (depending on your Hand Side setting) [work in progress, will ve improved in the future releases]
  • In multibooru mode thumbnails will show a favicon of their booru in the top right corner
  • Improved logic of duplicate tab indicator dot on "New Tab" button and added a new color to it - Yellow, which means that there is a tab with the same tag, but on a different booru
  • Added an option to preview tag contents in tag dialog in gallery info drawer
  • Mark items with AI related tags with a robot icon
  • Added settings to [Tag Filters] to filter snatched items and items with AI related tags
  • App will now ask before changing default booru
  • Added a button in gallery to toggle between loading sample and full quality of the image
  • Added settings to disable image scaling and use gifs as thumbnails public in [Interface], those can cause performance issues and are recommended only for high spec devices
  • Added a setting to [Gallery] to allow rotating images
  • Added a setting to [Gallery] to disable animation when entering/leaving the viewer
  • Added a setting to [Gallery] to start videos muted
  • Added a setting to [Gallery] to hide notes by default
  • Added a setting to [Snatching & Caching] to select quality of the snatched file
  • Added a setting to [Snatching & Caching] to snatch item after favouriting it
  • Added [Network] settings page and moved some settings there
  • Added auth for Sankaku Idol


  • Massively improved performance across the board, especially if you have a lot of tabs or loaded pages on the current tab
  • Updated flutter and all dependencies to latest versions
  • Redesigned all dropdown menus
  • Bumped targetSdk to 34 for Android 14
  • Improved search in tag view
  • In gallery double tap will now zoom to where you tapped instead of the center [work in progress]
  • Added a double tap-hold-drag zoom gesture (and a setting to disable it in [Gallery]) [work in progress]
  • Redesigned comments page
  • If current booru doesn't have tag types API, app will try to fetch that data from other boorus which support it, if available
  • Added a dialog to Hydrus share action which asks which url to share: post or file
  • There will always be at least 4 buttons in gallery before they overflow into three dots menu
  • Improved auth for r34hentai (you need to edit the config and add login/password if you used the old (manual cookies) way to auth)


  • Fixed excluding tags not working when searching in favourites
  • Fixed Sankaku Idol parsing
  • Fixed Paheal parsing
  • Fixed agnph parsing
  • Fixed Hydrus favourites
  • Fixed scrollbars on thumbnails grid and gallery info drawer not being interactive
  • Removed Source field in Sankaku (they deprecated it completely on their side)
  • Fixed notes scaling
  • Fixed tag suggestions sometimes displaying older results if newer loaded faster
  • Fixed videos pausing/unpausing when they shouldn't (usually after creating a new tab)

and a lot of other fixes and changes...

General Fixes and Improvements

09 Jul 13:08
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If you encounter any issues, please report them in github issues or in our discord server

New features:

  • Updated Flutter and dependencies
  • Improved search in tabs manager by moving all filtering away from text field into a separate menu + added a new [Duplicates] filter
  • Share button now shows download progress and tapping it while there is an active download will give you options to stop the current download or replace it with a new one
  • Since Realbooru API doesn't give correct file extensions, app will now try to guess them by making multiple requests to their servers to get the extension, if possible. This approach can lead to some issues, report us any bugs or problems
  • Added a button to go directly to a created tab from a notification after pressing [New] button in gallery tags drawer
  • Webview cache can now be cleared
  • Added Support for wildcritters


  • Fixed a crash when restoring backup from a huge (50mb+) database file
  • Fixed encoding when searching tags with special characters (i.e. &)
  • If request triggered a captcha check it will try to load again after exiting the webview
  • All requests (except for a few boorus) now use app useragent string instead of a browser one
  • Added a setting in [Snatching and Caching] to set a custom useragent string, please note that some cloudflare protected sites could have problems with useragents from normal browsers
  • Renamed [User ID] to [Login] for Danbooru to avoid confusion
  • Fixed [Write Image Data to JSON] setting causing issues with saving on Android 13
  • Fixed Sample quality setting not being used
  • Fixed [Default tags] setting inside a booru config not being used

and other small changes and fixes...

Image rework and Material3

19 Feb 20:05
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This release was a bit rushed due to the need to fix problems with recent changes to Danbooru api.
Please report any bugs or problems in github issues or our discord server.

Main changes:

  • Reworked image loading and caching logic
  • Improved file downloading
  • Material3 Design Preview
  • Fixed issues with Danbooru

New features:

  • Updated Flutter and dependencies
  • Added options to use Material3 design theme and use dynamic colors generated by the system (Android 12 and above only). You can access them in the Theme settings page. [These are currently in a preview state, some minor bugs and coloring issues may be present]
  • Added a small dot on "New Tab" button in tags list view
    -- white dot means that there is a tab with ONLY that tag
    -- blue dot means that there is a tab CONTAINING that tag
  • Small redesign of tags list view
  • Added a search field to tags list view
  • Now if the app suspects that api request was blocked by captcha, it will automatically open the webview to give you the option to complete the captcha and unblock future requests
  • Most of the requests now include cookies obtained from the app's webview
  • Changed history viewer to better handle scrolling of a huge list
  • File saving now uses streams, which should fix crashes when downloading very big files and reduce stutters during the process
  • Snatch button in the viewer will now have a green colored subicon if that file is already marked as snatched and present in the current snatch folder (due to how file search works, it can take some time to detect if file is already present if there are too many files in the folder)
  • Snatch button now has a dialog on long tap which allows you to force the download of already snatched item or drop the snatched status from the item
  • Snatching info in the appbar will now show percent progress of the currently downloaded file


  • Fixed appbar and icon theming using wrong colors under some conditions
  • Fixed wrong search behaviour when adding first booru config to the app
  • Fixed some elements conflicting with system ui
  • Fixed broken thumbnails when favouriting item with "Hide favourites" option enabled
  • Fixed a bug when a dot in the booru or file name could break file naming structure
  • Fixed thumbnail loading indicators not updating correctly
  • (Possibly?) fixed small flicker when big images are loading
  • Fixed 403 error on Danbooru
  • Fixed files not snatching on Danbooru
  • Fixed some exceptions related to app init processes
  • Images that are over 100mb will now only be cleared automatically from the cache after a month passes no matter what settings for cache clearing you set
  • Removed timeouts from all requests (some requests will have timeouts readded in the future versions)
  • Removed Hydrus from automatic booru detection when adding a booru
  • Added check to danbooru rating change so it only effects donmai

and other small changes and fixes...

Fixes and Improvements

17 Jan 14:59
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Changes in this version:

  • Fixed danbooru api key check
  • Fixed freezes after loading a new page when "Remove Items with Hated Tags" setting is enabled
  • Fixed not being able to exclude tags when searching in favourites
  • Simplified http error messages text
  • Fix hydrus
  • Fix tag completion replacing tag before cursor if it contains the same substring

Better late than never

09 Nov 18:56
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[!!!] We created a Discord server, you can find an invite link to it on the github page or in the settings page inside the app. Come join us!

[Note]: In this release we refactored a lot of our code and reworked some important systems. If you encounter any problems or bugs, please create an issue on Github or post about it in our discord server.

[Warning]: Starting from this version, minimum Android version is 5.0 (sdk21)

You probably thought that this is an abandonware at this point, yeah?

Main things in this version:

  • Tag types / Colored tags
  • Improved Tab Manager
  • Fixes for multiple boorus
  • Better immersive mode

New Features:

  • Tag types/colors system
    -- Works on: gelbooru, danbooru, sankaku,
    -- Will work on other boorus too, but only for tags you encountered on supported boorus
  • Expanded Tab manager: move tabs by long press+drag or through tab dialog option, delete multiple tabs, show tab index...
    -- [Reminder] You can access Tab manager by long pressing the tab selector


  • Main toolbar now includes tab selector instead of title
  • Redesigned tab manager, search history and comment viewer pages
  • Added "Hand Side" setting in Interface - (for now only allows to change where button to open the main drawer is placed, will be expanded with more changes in the future)
  • Added a fancy shimmer effect when first page and previews are loading
  • Reworked how system status bar is handled - now you can enter immersive mode by tapping on the media in gallery view (on videos you still need to long tap)
  • Removed "Show Status Bar" setting
  • Video controls now don't zoom with the video
  • Search bar now uses word on the left side of the cursor, instead of the last word in a string
  • Added support for ~(OR) in search bar
  • Search bar can now detect search modifiers (rating:..., sort:...)
  • Completely reworked floating buttons in gallery view (zoom, next/prev item)
  • Animated loading bars in gallery view
  • Moved "Page Number" dialog button from toolbar to the drawer
  • Added ability to select and delete multiple search history entries
  • Tabs which haven't been loaded yet or have zero items in them now will be displayed in italic text
  • Improved filtering in tab manager (see help dialog there for more details)
  • Improved comments parsing and rendering
  • Added a warning when user enters incorrect rating on gelbooru/danbooru, app will autocorrect api requests for these searches
  • Added notes support to danbooru
  • Added ability to search on tags filters page
  • Added a setting to disable download notifications


  • Fixed coloring and styling of some parts of the UI, now app correctly updates colors when theme changes

  • Fixed "Started X sec ago" message not resetting when it should

  • Fixed a possibility when app could be opened in multiple instances

  • Fixed comments on sankaku

  • Fixed broken api data on realbooru

  • Fixed broken api data on rule34xyz/world

  • Fixed error handling on gelbooru

  • Fixed favourite booru duplication bug, also disables sharing and saving of fav booru

  • Added validation to booru names to avoid path conflicts

  • Added a check for duplicates when backupping data

  • App will now restart after restoring database from backup to guarantee that restore completed correctly (this will also restore tabs from that backup)

  • Fixed empty searches on Hydrus

  • and a lot of other small changes and fixes...

Backup/Restore and Fixes

12 Mar 10:47
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[Note] If you will encounter any bugs or issues with this release, please create an issue on Github.

Main Changes:

  • Changed backup/restore function to use SAF Filepicker
  • Added option to disable wakelock Settings > Gallery > Prevent Device From Sleeping


  • snatching
  • realbooru videos

Mem leak fix and other stuff

17 Jan 20:08
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[Note] If you will encounter any bugs or issues with this release, please create an issue on Github.

Main Changes:

  • Fixed possible OOM crash on some devices
  • Tabs manager
  • Improved speed of database queries
  • Fixed tag autocomplete for gelbooru-based sites

New Features:

  • Tabs manager (long press on tabs selector to access it)
  • Tags sorting
  • Added md5 to item info list


  • Send booru items in batches
  • Added toggle to keep the screen awake during the sync process
  • Increased actions history limit to 100
  • Fixed sync streams restarting when they shouldn't
  • Moved test connection button to pre-sync page


  • Fixed a bug with gallery view which lead to a high risk of out of memory crashes on some devices
  • Massively improved speeds of database queries, this allows to make loading and syncing of favourites much faster
  • Fixed tag autocomplete for gelbooru-based sites
  • System back gesture/button will now close the main drawer if it's open instead of asking if user wants to exit the app
  • Fix switching between preview modes on the fly
  • Fixed thumbnail grid doing complete redraw when it shouldn't
  • Other small fixes...


11 Jan 17:05
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Fix danbooru after their api change

Features and booru fixes

03 Jan 18:28
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[Warning] Play Store users will have to wait until the update hits the store

Main changes:

  • Gelbooru fixed
  • Comments support
  • Notes support
  • Config sharing
  • Performance improvements

[Note] This update was forced to release early due to Gelbooru changing their api. If you will encounter any bugs or issues, please create an issue on Github.

New Features:

  • Added comments reader [Available on Sankaku, Gelbooru, Danbooru, Shimmie]
  • Added notes overlay [Available on Sankaku, Gelbooru. Support for more boorus will be added later]
    -- [Buttons for them will appear in info/tags drawer]
  • Appbar will now hide when scrolling
  • You can now share your booru config with others using special links, use share button in booru settings
  • Lolisync now allows to sync your tabs between devices and skip custom amount of favourited items
  • Lolisync now shows last 10 completed actions
  • Added buttons to quickly change current item in gallery [Disabled by default, enable in Gallery settings]
  • Added buttons to every text input field to allow quick save/clear/reset of text + numeric fields can have increment/decrement buttons for quick editing (+ they support long press)
  • Added a dialog to jump to/search until specific page (Placed on the main appbar)
  • Long press on main drawer button will scroll to top
  • Long press on source will copy it
  • Buttons to add/remove/exclude tag from current search in tag dialog
  • Long press on new tab button of a tag will sent you directly to newly created tab
  • Added site filter for Favourites (Example: 'site:chan' will find all items with chan in their post url)
  • Added a button to collapse "You Reached the End" message


  • Updated flutter and dependencies to their latest versions

  • App now supports splitscreen view with other apps on android

  • Fixed gelbooru parser

  • Fixed r34hentai parser

  • Improved local db query performance

  • Booru test will now show reason why it failed

  • Fixed selectors not scrolling to the current item properly

  • Rewrote some parts of the app to improve performance

  • Improved scroll performance of some widgets

  • Fixed color issues on some widgets when using Light theme

  • Lolisync now defaults to 8080 port

  • Media now will not auto-download if it's bigger than 200mb

  • Added placeholder for unsupported file formats

  • Fixed tag autocomplete for .xyz/.world

  • Improved snatch status messages

  • Fixed errors when editing booru config

  • Fixed some parts not resizing properly if app viewport size changed

  • Keyboard quick action '_' will now add a symbol at a current cursor position, not at the end

  • Other small fixes...

Big Changes

13 Nov 16:16
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This is a very big update. If you'll encounter any bugs or problems please create an issue

If you used the play store version before:

  • Android 11 and above - please read >>>here<<< about how to import your old settings and database into a new app
  • Android 10 and below - data will restore automatically if the LoliSnatcher folder in sdcard is detected

Performance improvements, Themes, Cache Manager, New Notifications style


  • A lot of stuff was rewritten, performance and memory use should be greatly improved
  • Cached files i/o operations are now performed in separate threads, reducing UI lags
  • Reworked settings and redesigned all settings pages, all config files now use json format (old files will be autoconverted on the first start)
  • Storage folder can now be changed on Android 11+
  • Replaced toasts notifications with new snackbars style, they will also work on desktop builds
  • Reworked lolisync server to allow selecting which network interface (ip) and port to use
  • Loading indicators and details now fade in if file didn't load after 500ms
  • App will now ask for confirmation of some actions (clear database...)

New Features:

  • Theme editor
  • Update checker
  • Backup and restore settings/booru configs/database [Beta]
  • Main Menu Drawer can now be opened with a swipe gesture and from both sides
  • Cache Manager, you can now select how big cache storage is (3gb by default) and after how long cached files should be removed (never by default) ([Note]: After 2.0 thumbnail caching is enabled by default)
  • Double tap on thumbnail to favourite the item
  • Quick actions above keyboard when typing in search box
  • Search box now shows tag chips, allowing to quickly delete tags, tap anywhere on them to edit search query
  • Added a setting to remove or change position of the zoom button
  • Added an option in gallery toolbar to reload current image without any scaling ([Note]: by default app scales down big images to improve performance and avoid OOM crashes, which can lead to quality degradation. Reloading w/out scaling keeps original quality, but can lead to mentioned issues, so do it at your own risk)
  • Added Debug tools and settings
  • Multibooru mode now allows to select multiple boorus instead of only one
  • Inline video player on desktop (currently only for windows build)
  • Zoom with mouse wheel on desktop
  • Added a function to refetch post data for Sankaku, available in Database settings


  • Fixed performance of staggered grid mode
  • Fixed preview sizes in staggered if in desktop mode
  • "Add new tab" now switches to a created tab on regular tap/click, instead of long press
  • A huge amount of other small fixes and layout/cosmetic changes...
  • Set storage directory now uses saf file picker to get proper permissions