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GET Country By ID

Ksenyia edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

It gives the data of country.

Resource URI


Resource Properties

Property Description
id A string that uniquely identifies the country.

Response Attribute

    companies: [
            _id: String,
            company_groups: Array,
            company_name: String,
            country_of_incorporation: {
                 country: String,
                 source: String,
                 timestamp: date
    companies_of_operation: [
            _id: String,
            company_groups: Array,
            company_name: String,
            countries_of_operation: {
                 country: String,
                 source: String,
                 timestamp: date
    errorList: Array,
    concessions: Array,
    productions: [ 
            _id: String,
            company: String,
            country: {
                iso2: String,
                name: String
            production_commodity: {
                _id: String,
                commodity_id: String,
                commodity_name: String
            production_level: String,
            production_price: String,
            production_price_unit: String,
            production_unit: String,
            production_volume: String,
            production_year: String,
            proj_site: {
                _id: String,
                name: String,
                type: String                
            site: String
            _id: String,
            lat: Float,
            lng: Float,
            message: String,
            timestamp: Date,
            type: String,
           _id: String,
           companies: Array,
           companies_count: Integer,
           proj_commodity: Array,
           proj_id: String
           proj_name: String,
           proj_status: Array,
           project_id: Array
    sites: [
           _id: String,
           companies: Array,
           site_commodity: Array,
               source: String,
               country: String
           site_name: String,
           site_status: String
    transfers: [
            _id: String,
            company: {
                _id: String,
                company_name: String
            country: {
                iso2: String,
                name: String
            proj_site: {
                _id: String, 
                name: String, 
                type: String
            transfer_label: String,
            transfer_level: String,
            transfer_type: String,
            transfer_unit: String,
            transfer_value: Integer,
            transfer_year: Integer
    transfersByRecipient: [
            _id: String,
            company: {
                _id: String,
                company_name: String
            country: {
                iso2: String,
                name: String
            proj_site: {
                _id: String, 
                name: String, 
                type: String
            transfer_gov_entity: String,
            transfer_label: String,
            transfer_level: String,
            transfer_type: String,
            transfer_unit: String,
            transfer_value: Integer,
            transfer_year: Integer


Default Request

curl -GET http://end-point-uri/countrycommodity/56fcd1e3be65cd01000bd278


HTTP Status Code 200

    companies: [
            _id: "585bba188bb3aa000f212248",
            company_groups: [
                _id: "585bba188bb3aa000f212223",
                company_group_aliases: [],
                company_group_name: "Government of Ghana",
                company_group_record_established: "585bba178bb3aa000f212209",
                country_of_incorporation: []
            company_name: "Government of Ghana",
            country_of_incorporation: {
                 country: "5808851f5e0ba42fc79bd565",
                 source: "585bba178bb3aa000f212209",
                 timestamp: "2016-12-22T11:17:39.000Z"
    companies_of_operation: [
            _id: "585bb9098bb3aa000f21168f",
            company_groups: [
                    _id: "585bb9088bb3aa000f211573",
                    company_group_name: "Chrome Group",
                    company_group_record_established: "585bb9088bb3aa000f21155b",
                    country_of_incorporation: [],
                    company_group_aliases: []
            company_name: "Starcrest",
            countries_of_operation: {
                 country: "585bba178bb3aa000f212209",
                 source: "5808851f5e0ba42fc79bd565",
                 timestamp: "2016-12-22T11:17:39.000Z"
    errorList: [],
    concessions: [],
    productions: [ 
            _id: "585bba199cf560e6b32e2551",
            company: null,
            country: {
                iso2: "GH",
                name: "Ghana"
            production_commodity: {
                _id: "5808851f5e0ba42fc79bd4af",
                commodity_id: "Gold",
                commodity_name: "gold"
            production_level: null,
            production_price: null,
            production_price_unit: null,
            production_unit: null,
            production_volume: 20001,
            production_year: 2012,
            proj_site: {
                _id: String,
                name: String,
                type: String                
            site: null
            _id: "585bba188bb3aa000f212271",
            lat: 4.95613,
            lng: -1.74714,
            message: "Nkroful",
            timestamp: "2016-12-22T11:17:39.000Z",
            type: site
           _id: "585bba188bb3aa000f21225d",
           companies: [],
           companies_count: 0,
           proj_commodity: [],
           proj_id: "project",
           proj_name: "Project",
           proj_status: [],
           project_id: 585bba188bb3aa000f21225d
    sites: [
           _id: "585bba188bb3aa000f21225d",
           companies: [],
           site_commodity: [],
               source: "585bba188bb3aa000f21225d",
               country: "5808851f5e0ba42fc79bd565"
           site_name: "Akyem",
           site_status: null
    transfers: [
            _id: "585bb8188bb3aa000f20b50d",
            company: {
                _id: "585bb8188bbhfs829f20b50d",
                company_name: "BP"
            country: {
                iso2: "GH",
                name: "Ghana"
            proj_site: {
                _id: "585bb8188bbhfs829f20b50d", 
                name: "Project", 
                type: "project"
            transfer_label: null,
            transfer_level: "project",
            transfer_type: "Fees",
            transfer_unit: "USD",
            transfer_value: 60472,
            transfer_year: 2015
    transfersByRecipient: [
            _id: "585bb8198bb3aa000f20b523",
            company: {
                _id: "585bb8198bbdre433f20b523",
                company_name: "Company"
            country: {
                iso2: "GH",
                name: "Ghana"
            proj_site: {
                _id: "585bb8198bb3aa000f20b523", 
                name: "Site", 
                type: "site"
            transfer_gov_entity: "Ghana Revenue Authority",
            transfer_label: null,
            transfer_level: "country",
            transfer_type: "Fees",
            transfer_unit: "USD",
            transfer_value: 25610,
            transfer_year: 2014
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