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GET all Commodities

Ksenyia edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 5 revisions

Getting list of the commodities limited by 2 parameters "limit" and "skip". To get the whole list, please set limit=0 and skip=50000 (Resource URI: 'commodities/0/50000')

Resource URI


Resource Properties

Parameter Description
limit It limit the search. Default is 50. Eg. commodities/50/0
skip Offset of next page result. Default is 0. Eg. commodities/50/0

Response Attribute

   count: Integer,
   errrorList: Array,
   commodities: [
         _id: String,
         commodity_name: String,
         commodity_type: String,
         commodity_id: String,
         projects: Integer


Default Request

curl -GET http://end-point-uri/commodities/50/0


HTTP Status Code 200

   count: 50,
   errorList: [],
   commodities: [
         _id: "56fcd1e3be65cd01000bd276",
         commodity_name: 3PGM+Au",
         commodity_type: "mining",
         commodity_id: "3pgm+au",
         projects: 0
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