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Python CLI Compiled script to download Files via Streamlink, Muxing Via FFMPEG and Audio/Video Channels extraction.


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Stream Downloader Util is a Compiled CLI (Onefile) that provides easier Streamlink (Twitch) usage.

Streamlink DEPENDENT Downloader (FFMPEG & FFPROBE)

Main Features

  • Easier Streamlink Download use without need of remembering Streamlink flags/args, or knowing how to use cmd utils.
  • Muxing of video files with ffmpeg
  • Extraction of Audio & Video Channel/s (DeMuxing) from File to separate files
    • Multi channel Files
    • Desire Audio-Video Separated (useful for OBS Multi-Channel Captures)

New UI



  • This python script downloads Media URLs via Streamlink
    • fetches your clipboard(URL) OR from user created list (Twitch Streamers Vods)
    • checks if dependencies are available & Present, if not, it will ask to download them or provide links.

Vod UI 14-1-24

  • It will then retrieve available resolutions to download, provides the fileddialog (Browser popup) to set save Location/Name.

  • Asks what size desired to download with inquirer (Scrollable Arrow keys List).

  • Streamlink Flag Twitch-skip-ads and Twitch Auth-Token are avaiable.

    • Skips ads on vods if enabled (trims out the ad time).
    • if subscribed can record add free Via a Auth Token, also enables access to Sub-Only mode Vods.
  • (Twitch Vods) Gets Estimated File size of Vod after Resolution Choosen.

  • Optional terminate Download early without Crashing the CLI

  • Downloads File Via Streamlink

  • Asks if Mux-ing is Desired (Combines Chunks files for smooth playback with FFMPEG).


FFMPEG Dependent

  • This is available after Download And Separate From the main downloading option, can be used as a standalone

  • Re Mux's (Copies) the File specified in the Clipboard (File path) or fileddialog (Browser popup Finder)

  • Sends the old file to the Recycle bin and saves a new file into a separate new Folder inside the CWD, then opens the folder.


FFPROBE Dependent

Checks if FFPROBE is Available on your C Drive, if not found will be Downloaded From FFMPEG Website, FFPROBE is needed to check the amount of Channels in the file.

Will Probe the File specified in the Clipboard (File path) or fileddialog (Browser popup Finder) for the amount of audio channels and will return a list of them.

A specific Channel or all channels can be selected. Again will create a Folder within CWD to save files to.

Video can be selected to also Separated form Audio

VP9/Opus (YouTube Video) is available but will stay in VP9/Opus Codec when extracted, otherwise Re-encoding would be required.

if the file has not been muxed (or standard file) may result in misread of Audio channels

Twitch Vod Lists

  • Saves a json list of X Vods (in your appdata) to help keep track Downloaded status and to cut out a trip to the Browser.

    • Intended to help for archiving of vods (to say YT etc) but without needing to do all/large chunks of vods at once/mass.
  • If fully downloaded (the total Len == specified start - total time OR the original Vod Length) from the File List option the script will change status of "Downloaded" within file to the chosen Resolution.

    • Will count as fully downloaded if you set a specific time to start download form (2hrs into a vod thats 6hrs long the file will be 4hrs, But counts as Fully downloaded) can be changed manually in the Vod UI)
    • If Chosen X Vod from Browser using URL and want to update file Status, can be done manually in the Vod List Opt OR Via the 'Cross-Check Vods to Json Data' Opt (File Name Format dependant as Follows: StreamerUserName - YYYY-MM-DD StreamVodTitle_Stream Category.mp4/mov/mkv)
  • Youtube Uploading NOT YET IMPLEMENTED would like to implement

Cross-Check Vods to Json Data

  • Checks Media Files from chosen Dir/path if any Files match any Vods in any Json Streamer File (File Name Format dependant as Follows: StreamerUserName - YYYY-MM-DD StreamVodTitle_Stream Category.mp4/mov/mkv)


  • Streamlink Streamlink must be installed or (portable) within the C: Drive, to work properly
    • FFmpeg A Version comes with Streamlink
  • FFprobe


Made this because i was sick of manually entering a string i had saved into Cmd, Then change for every occasion. All other variations are Pure CLI automatable, So i made this CLI lite to combine personal frequently used features.

All streamlink limitations are still enabled

(1st multi file script ever made)


I have made everything i interact with purposely transparent i print nearly everything major i do, when the script deletes anything i specifically send Everything to RECYCLE BIN so the user can decide what to do with it (besides the settings when new settings are needed because i cant recycle files that are in use so they get os deleted).

The only time This script (not streamlink) needs to interact with the internet is

  • If you don't have either ffmpeg or ffprobe installed, i show the links its using to download (if chosen) and even sends the (zipped) files to the Trash like previously stated.
  • To retrieve Estimated file sizes before download (it pings the x m3u8 url to retrieve details)
  • To make the json streamer vod list (if used) querys twitch api for details