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User Programming Guide

This document, the Geosupport System User Programming Guide (UPG), contains the detailed technical information necessary for users to design and develop their own application programs that access applications like Geosupport, GBAT and GOAT.

How to use:

1.Install MkDocs:

In order to manually install MkDocs you'll need Python installed on your system, as well as the Python package manager, pip. You can check if you have these already installed from the command line:

$ python --version
Python 2.7.2
$ pip --version
pip 1.5.2  

If Python is not installed in your machine, you can download Python for windows from:

MkDocs supports Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and pypy.

Install the mkdocs package using pip:

pip install mkdocs

MkDocs User Guide can be explored at:

2. Clone repository :

git clone

3. Install Node.js :

Install Node.js from:

Node.js is required to in order to SAVE the UPG Document in PDF form and/or print PDF. Steps to create PDF:

  • Switch your directory to 'docs' folder. You need to be within the 'docs' folder of mkdocs project(/docs).
  • Run following command from your terminal:
npm install

  • If you're running a windows machine, we need to reference file:///. The following file must be updated: node_modules/markdown-pdf/phantom/render.js

    1. change line 15
      var protocol = === 'windows' ? '' : 'file://'
      var protocol = === 'windows' ? 'file:///' : 'file://'
    2. Change the following two lines to include the third line
      cssPaths.forEach(function (cssPath) { var css = document.createElement('link') to:
      cssPaths.forEach(function (cssPath) { cssPath = 'file:///' + cssPath var css = document.createElement('link')

  • Convert the document to PDF
node convert.js
  • Once PDF is generated you will get following message on the terminal : Created upg.pdf
  • Generated PDF document will be available at project's docs/upg.pdf location.

4. How to build the application and run it:

command to build the application

mkdocs build

Command to run the application

mkdocs serve

5. How to deploy:

You can deploy the modified or newly added files from github repository using following command from command line interface

mkdocs gh-deploy

6. UPG website Link :