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Release Schedule

Sasha Weinstein edited this page Oct 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Release schedule

The Capital Projects Database is updated each time a new Capital Commitment Plan is release by OMB. OMB releases a new Capital Commitment Plan 3x per year each January (Preliminary), April (Executive), and September (Adopted).

The publication of the Capital Commitment Plan triggers all of the processes outlined above.

To know that version is published on Carto or other locations the naming convention of a published table from CPDB is as follows: cpdb_tablename_FYbudgetversion (e.g. cpdb_projects_18adoptedv1)

If new geometries are added or other changes are made to the dcp_agttributes table absent of changing the foundational data, which comes from the Capital Commitment Plan, then the version of the table will be updated (e.g. cpdb_dcpattributes_pts_18adoptedv2) to reflect that DCP has improved the data published.

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