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SPTKL edited this page Jul 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

The Capital Projects Database

The Capital Projects Database (CPDB), a data product produced by the New York City (NYC) Department of City Planning (DCP) Capital Planning division, captures key data points on potential, planned, and ongoing capital projects sponsored or managed by a capital agency in and around NYC.

Information reported in the Capital Commitment Plan published by the NYC Office of Management and Budget (OMB) three times per year is the foundation that CPDB is then built off of; therefore, only the capital projects that appear in the Capital Commitment Plan are reflected in CPDB. Other open data resources are also leveraged to map the capital projects.

CPDB supports the most comprehensive map of potential, planned, and ongoing capital projects taking place across NYC enabling Planners to better understand and communicate New York City’s capital project portfolio within and across particular agencies. This integrated but not exhaustive view provides a broad understanding of what projects are taking place within a certain area, and a starting point to discovering opportunities for strategic neighborhood planning.

I. Overview

Dataset Name "Capital Projects Database"
Description The Capital Projects Database (CPDB) captures key data points on, including spatial data, potential, planned, and ongoing capital projects reported in the Capital Commitment Plan published by the NYC Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Data format Webmap, Shapefile: Points & Polygons, GeoJSON: Points & Polygons, CSV
Projection WGS84
Date last updated March 2020
Capital Commitment Plan version January 2020

II. Limitations and Disclaimers

CPDB is only as good as the source data it extracts and aggregates; therefore, CPDB includes data on current and planned NYC capital projects reported in OMB's Capital Commitment Plan and it does not capture all historic, current, or future capital projects.

CPDB is not a project or financial management system. Data on project timeline may be incorrect and budgetary information may be incomplete since all monies committed to or spent on a project may not be captured. CPDB does capture planned commitments allocated to projects that may never come to fruition; these instances are most frequent for projects funded by discretionary funding sources, such as council member funding.

Currently, CPDB is the most comprehensive spatial data resource of current and planned City capital projects, but the spatial data are not 100% reliable, accurate, or exhaustive.

  • The map of capital projects is incomplete because many capital projects could not be spatially referenced due to vague descriptions not including the name of a site.

  • Some projects are mapped incorrectly. Some projects are geocoded to agency's headquarters rather than the site where the capital investment and construction is taking place. Other projects are mapped to the wrong site as a result of two places having the same name or similar names. Unfortunately, these records cannot be systematically verified and corrected.

Through user feedback we look to resolve these limitation over time.

For more detailed information on a specific capital project please reach out to the respective managing or sponsor agency.

As a result of these limitations and inconsistencies, CPDB should not be used for quantitative analyses. CPDB should be used for planning coordination and information purposes only. If CPDB is used for any spatial analyses it is crucial to recognize that not all of the projects are spatially referenced, projects may be incorrectly spatially referenced, one project can span across many locations, and this database is not authoritatively comprehensive.

If you have any questions about or comments on these data please contact the NYC DCP Capital Planning team at

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