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Metadata Wrangler

Leonard Richardson edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 3 revisions

Home page

Currently the metadata wrangler home page gives a 404. Proposal is to change it to an OPDS 2 feed (application/opds+json) that links to the services the wrangler offers.


 "navigation" : [
   { "rel": "",
     "href": "/collection/updates",
     "type": "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog",
     "title": "Recent changes to your tracked collection"

 "links" : [
   { "rel": "register",
     "href": "/register",
     "type": "application/opds+json;profile=",
     "title": "Register your OPDS server with this metadata service"
   { "rel": "",
     "href": "/lookup{?urn}",
     "type": "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog",
     "template": true,
     "title": "Look up metadata about one or more specific items"
   { "rel": "",
     "href": "/collection/add{?urn}",
     "template": true,
     "title": "Add items to your collection."
   { "rel": "",
     "href": "/collection/remove{?urn}",
     "template": true,
     "title": "Remove items from your collection."
   { "rel": "",
     "href": "/canonical-author-name{?urn,display_name}",
     "template": true,
     "type": "text/plain",
     "title": "Look up an author's canonical sort name"

Almost all of these features are already implemented, but their protocols need formal definitions and possibly some small changes.

Collection registration

The core feature of the metadata wrangler is the delta feed, which tells you the latest information about every book in your collection. To get a delta feed, you need to register your collection with the metadata wrangler, and establish a shared secret you can use to authenticate yourself.

Kicking off the registration process

Send a POST request to the register link with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded form as payload. The form MUST contain a single key-value pair, url, with the value being the URL to your metadata key document.

POST /opds-directory
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The directory will retrieve your metadata key document and try to create a shared secret. This shared secret covers the entire domain, and anyone who can put a file onto your domain can change it.

If the metadata key document is missing or the directory can't make sense of it, you'll get a problem detail document. If the registry is able to acommodate your OPDS server, you'll get a registration document with the media type application/opds+json;profile= This document will contain the shared secret between your server and the circulation manager.

Once you have a shared secret, you can perform operations on your collection by sending that secret as a bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer [shared secret]

Metadata key document

This is an OPDS 2 document containing a single item of metadata, public_key.

{ "metadata": {
    "public_key": { "type": "RSA", "value": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA6dM2j3D3ykxLfbZ4zm1o\nx6wzSvbUsL6rrdTQ+J/zduBbHIYLN41CLSaRCep5noBsofp3IAbka1nG9h+PCk7b\npoKmRh1PoTQY3gvmEm8JejL6JLOAmz3/aTQ2OW6FPnXWTH2vAc+/t7/pzRbm96+g\nrevRUJ/F7NKAWVa0d1gkk8HDaHwWnVD0oG972r3mbTCauuqTpTvba8D8QyTSuEFU\nejgLwuqx4pQXfPOHT0t7MCtfj48e7ZNaofc0al6QdczLJFKkilSEfFQ4TsoLfmH3\ns446tcIp5M9jsoO7atlL0YU0BGrgxkiWdEgACZu1AEsE3NqiPXVmDDWc55WIW5FG\nawIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----" }

Registration document

This is an OPDS 2 document containing a single item of metadata, shared_secret.

{ "metadata": {
    "shared_secret": "jP3JSqRvU7IcJH/JarTBYH4Eg3Q4TSD1zRhr6VDrKzEAl2kGg2XC6ts3a7pUAH8+sjBrDmM2iyMc\nc7KQ2nr6obUp8geUUgsQ+MWnYk/Ti1Jpmx6Lo38ldTboqpykW+cFLH3iNg9JkaHgXI11dMsG+x4c\nTCcQ1u4yC3MT4ac3IgoJLcSUSmaNAX+fcze1s8DualXtBWUxGwWJprvYVVMVLnc6Z984QeSLDHSV\nlPlxW+DaBdUGmxvuO4RZp5Ld58cRMzyQn0xITXDJOmRGu+ZgRi1jB9Igje9x8cgwC9UurNnYJb7W\nk907jF3Yj0o8CC8/jkW5dIFla235M4/jZjnvSA=="

Collection management

Once you have registered a collection, you can use the link to get the delta feed. But there won't be anything in the delta feed until the metadata wrangler knows which titles are in your collection.

When you send an authenticated request to the Metadata Lookup Service, all the IDs you mention are implicitly added to your collection.

You can also use the and links, to explicitly add and remove IDs from your collection.

Metadata Lookup Service

This is a public service (at least for now) which lets you look up information about any supported ID (probably an ISBN) and get back an OPDS feed full of information.

Name Resolution Service

This is a public service (at least for now) which takes an author name as you might see it on the front of a book, plus an optional identifier (identifying the book in question). It tries to return the author name as it would appear in a card catalog.

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