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NYPL Cancel Request Result Consumer (DEPRECATED)

Note: This lambda has been deprecated in the latest "Cancel Architecture".

This package is intended to be used as a Lambda-based Node.js/PHP Listener to listen to a Kinesis Stream.

It uses the NYPL PHP Microservice Starter.

This package adheres to PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 (using the Composer autoloader).


Homebrew is highly recommended for PHP:

  • brew install php71


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install required dependencies.
    • Run npm install to install Node.js packages.
    • Run composer install to install PHP packages.
    • If you have not already installed node-lambda as a global package, run npm install -g node-lambda.
  3. Setup configuration files.
    • Copy the .env.sample file to .env.
    • Copy config/var_qa.env.sample to config/var_qa.env and config/var_production.env.sample to config/var_production.env.


Various files are used to configure and deploy the Lambda.


.env is used locally for the following purpose(s):

  1. By node-lambda for deploying to and configuring Lambda in all environments.
    • You should use this file to configure the common settings for the Lambda (e.g. timeout, role, etc.) and include AWS credentials to deploy the Lambda.


Configures npm run commands for each environment for deployment and testing. Deployment commands may also set the proper AWS Lambda VPC and security group.

"scripts": {
    "deploy-development": "./node_modules/.bin/node-lambda deploy -e development -f config/var_development.env -S config/event_sources_development.json --profile nypl-sandbox --role arn:aws:iam::224280085904:role/lambda_basic_execution",
    "deploy-qa": "./node_modules/.bin/node-lambda deploy -e qa -f config/var_qa.env -S config/event_sources_qa.json --profile nypl-sandbox --role arn:aws:iam::224280085904:role/lambda_basic_execution",
    "deploy-production": "./node_modules/.bin/node-lambda deploy -e production -f config/var_production.env -S config/event_sources_production.json --profile nypl-digital-dev --role arn:aws:iam::946183545209:role/lambda-full-access",
    "test-event": "./node_modules/.bin/node-lambda run -f config/var_app -j events/kinesis_hold_edd_success.json -x events/context.json"


Configures environment variables common to all environments.


Configures environment variables specific to each environment.


Configures Lambda event sources (triggers) specific to each environment.


Process a Lambda Event

To use node-lambda to process the sample event(s), run:

npm run test-event


The branches and the environments they are deployed to:

Branch Environment AWS Account
development development nypl-sandbox
qa qa nypl-digital-dev
master production nypl-digital-dev

To deploy to the Development, QA or Production environment, run the corresponding command. For exampe,

npm run deploy-development


npm run deploy-production

Alternatively, if either development, qa, or master branch is pushed to the remote, Travis will be triggered and deploy the branch to the environment respectively.

For more information

Please see this repo's Wiki