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ZVault is simple savings DApp built on the algorand blockchain, where user's can easily lockup/save there tokens for a specified period of time and earn rewards for it while there asset is saved on the contract.

To use the contract you only need to connect your wallet and create a new savings plan and duration of the savings and the amount you would like to be locked up.

They can terminate and withdraw there asset from the contract anytime, depending on the type of saving.

Currently there is only 2 types of vaults available:

  1. The Pocket Vault :- Here you can lock up your asset and widthdraw it at any time or day there is not tme lock on this.

  2. The Time Valut :- Here you lock up your token for a specified period of time and can only withdraw your token after the time duration set has been elapsed.

Why ZVault?

Well I'm really bad at saving tokens (paper hands), especially tokens I know would do well in the long run (The usually do) and by the time the do I must have sold the token and live in regret. So the idea of building a savings box just for me and the people that care came to me, yeah I know there are projects that offer this, but I'm a developer and can build one, So here I am building it out you're welcomed to join (it's open source after all).

Proposed UI for the project

ZVault Dashboard-1 Zvault Landing Page