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Bistro Boss Restaurant's backend uses Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT, and Stripe for secure and efficient user authentication, menu management, order processing, and payments, ensuring a seamless dining experience.

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Bistro Boss Restaurant (Server Side)

Welcome to the Bistro Boss Restaurant server-side repository! This project provides the backend services for the Bistro Boss Restaurant web application, which is built using various modern technologies to ensure a seamless and secure experience for both users and administrators.

Technologies Used

Client Side:

  1. React
  2. React Router
  3. Firebase (Authentication & Hosting)
  4. Axios JS
  5. Tailwind CSS
  6. Daisy UI
  7. React Helmet
  8. React Hook Form
  9. React Icons
  10. React Parallax
  11. React Responsive Carousel
  12. React Simple Captcha
  13. React Tabs
  14. Recharts
  15. Sweet Alerts
  16. Swiper
  17. Stripe

Server Side:

  1. CORS
  2. Dotenv
  3. Express.js
  4. Node.js
  5. MongoDB
  6. JWT
  7. Stripe

Key Features

  1. Navigation: Bistro Boss Restaurant website has 6 navlinks.
  2. Home Page: Unregistered users can view the carousel, swiper, menu items with a "View Full Menu" button, a parallax section, customer reviews, and footer.
  3. Dashboard Page: The view differs for regular users and admins. Admins can see stats that regular users cannot.
  4. Menu Page: Regular users can see all the menu items with descriptions and an "Order Now" button.
  5. Order Food: Users navigate to this route after clicking "Order Now."
  6. Menu Tabs: Users can see 5 tabs containing different categories of menu items.
  7. Protected Routes: Users cannot add items to the cart before registering or logging in.
  8. Add to Cart: After logging in, users can add products to the cart.
  9. Cart Navigation: Clicking the cart icon navigates users to the "My Cart" navbar in the separate dashboard for regular users.
  10. Checkout: Clicking "Pay" navigates users to the checkout page with Stripe payment gateway integration.
  11. Payment History: Users are navigated to the "Payment History" link in the dashboard route after checkout.
  12. Admin Dashboard: Separate links for Admin Home, Add Items, Manage Items, Manage Bookings, and All Users.
  13. Admin Stats: Admin Home displays stats related to revenue, customers, menus, and orders with numbers, bar, and pie charts.
  14. Add Items: Admins can add new items by filling out menu information.
  15. Manage Items: Admins can load and see all menu items.
  16. User Management: Admins can see all registered users, make users admins, or remove admin rights.
  17. Secure APIs: JWT is used to secure the API, ensuring only valid users can load data.
  18. Admin Route Protection: Admin routes are protected from unauthorized users manually typing the route in the search bar.
  19. Stripe Integration: Users can purchase products using their card information through the Stripe payment gateway.
  20. User Registration and Login: New users can register, and existing users can log in. Users can navigate between login and register links. Forms are implemented with Daisy UI and React Hook Form.

API Endpoints

JWT Related API

  • Generate JWT Token: Generates a JWT token for authenticated users.

Menu Collection API

  • Get All Menus: Retrieves all menu items.
  • Get Specific Menu: Retrieves a menu item by its ID.
  • Add New Menu: Adds a new menu item (protected for admins).
  • Update Menu: Updates specific fields of a menu item by its ID.
  • Delete Menu: Deletes a menu item by its ID (protected for admins).

Review Collection API

  • Get All Reviews: Retrieves all review data.

Cart Collection API

  • Get All Cart Data: Retrieves all cart data for a user by email.
  • Add Item to Cart: Adds a new food item to the cart.
  • Delete Cart Item: Deletes a specific cart item by its ID.

User Collection API

  • Get All Users: Retrieves all user information from the database (protected for admins).
  • Check Admin Status: Checks if a user is an admin.
  • Save User Information: Saves user information to the database.
  • Make User Admin: Grants admin rights to a specific user.
  • Delete User: Deletes a specific user by their ID (protected for admins).

Payment API

  • Create Payment Intent: Creates a payment intent using Stripe.
  • Get Payment Info: Retrieves payment information for a user by email.
  • Save Payment Info: Saves payment information to the database and removes items from the cart after payment.

Admin Stats API

  • Get Admin Stats: Retrieves stats for admins, including user count, menu item count, order count, and total revenue.

Order Stats API

  • Get Order Stats: Retrieves order statistics using an aggregate pipeline.

This comprehensive setup ensures a seamless experience for both users and administrators, offering robust features and secure interactions.

Backend API / Data Deployment

Getting Startted


  • Node.js installed on your local machine.
  • MongoDB instance (local or cloud-based) for data storage.
  • SMTP service credentials for sending emails (e.g., Gmail SMTP).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd bistro-boss-server
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:

  4. Start the server:

    npm start
    ```Absolutely, here's the section on commits with a potential improvement:


This repository adheres to a structured commit message convention to enhance readability and maintainability. Here's an overview of the key commit types:

  • feat: Introduces a new feature to the application.
  • fix: Addresses a bug or issue identified in the codebase.
  • docs: Encompasses changes made to documentation, such as updates, additions, or corrections.
  • style: Covers formatting adjustments, whitespace changes, or fixing minor inconsistencies like missing semicolons.
  • refactor: Represents code structure improvements without altering functionality. This can involve code organization, renaming variables or functions, or improving readability.
  • test: Introduces new tests or updates existing tests to ensure code quality and maintainability.
  • chore: Encompasses changes that don't directly affect the application's functionality, such as updating build tasks, package manager configurations, or dependency versions.

Optional Improvement:

Consider adopting a more comprehensive commit message convention like Conventional Commits ( This approach provides a standard format for commit messages, including type, scope (optional), and a clear description of the change, making it easier to generate changelogs, automate workflows, and collaborate effectively.

By following these guidelines and potentially adopting a more detailed convention, you'll ensure clear and consistent commit messages that benefit you and your team in the long run.


Contributions are always welcome!

Contributions are welcome! Please open a pull request for any improvements or features.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


To deploy this project run

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Tech Stack

Client: React+Vite, React Router, Firebase (Authentication & Hosting), Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, Axios JS

Server: Express.js, Node.js, JWT, Stripe

Database: MongoDB

Tools: Vite, Vercel, npm, Surge, Netlify

State Management: Context API


Is this website reponsible?

Answer : Yes, the full website is responsive for the all devices (Desktop, Tablet and Phone)

Is this website store data to the database?

Answer : I have stored all the data in MongoDB.

🚀 About Me

Hi, I am Nadim Mahmud Nion. I have recently concluded my graduation from the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Daffodil International University (DIU). I have been learning MERN Stack Web Development since 2022. I am expertise in the following skills:

  • React

  • Express.js

  • Node.js

  • MongoDB

  • JWT

  • Stripe

  • Vite

  • React Router

  • Firebase (Authentication & Hosting)

  • Vercel

  • JavaScript

  • Advanced JavaScript

  • Daisy UI

  • Bootstrap

  • Tailwind

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Media Query

I have built multiple projects using these skills. You are invited to my GitHub profile to know about my projects and don't forget to give a star to my projects.


Bistro Boss Restaurant's backend uses Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT, and Stripe for secure and efficient user authentication, menu management, order processing, and payments, ensuring a seamless dining experience.







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