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NanoNets OCR Node.js SDK

The NanoNets Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Node.js SDK.


  • This package supports both CommonJS and ES Module systems.
  • All API requests from the browser will fail due to CORS policies.
  • API Keys have full access to the user's account. Please do not expose API Keys on the client.
    • Please note that compiling, obfuscating, minifying or bundling (for example in React.js, Angular, Vue.js, React Native, etc.) does not hide the API Key and it can still be extracted from the final application.
    • The API Key should only be known to the server code and all client requests to the API must go through a server.


npm install @nanonets/optical-character-recognition

Use the NanoNets OCR SDK

NOTE: A fully working example using the SDK can be found in the example directory.

  1. Import/require the OCR package.
// ES Modules
import OpticalCharacterRecognition from "@nanonets/optical-character-recognition";

// CommonJS
const OpticalCharacterRecognition = require("@nanonets/optical-character-recognition");
  1. Instantiate the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) class.
const ocr = new OpticalCharacterRecognition(apiKey, modelId);


  • The API Key can be found in the user's NanoNets Account section and Model ID can be found in the model's settings in the NanoNets web app.
  • Models need to be created and trained from the NanoNets web app before being able to make predictions.
  1. Use the Optical Character Recognition API to get prediction results from the model(s).

Optical Character Recognition API

Table of Contents

Class Instantiation (Constructor)

const ocr = new OpticalCharacterRecognition(apiKey, modelId);


  • apiKey
    • Type: String
    • Required: True
  • modelId
    • Type: String
    • Required: True


  • Class Instantiation is mandatory.
  • The API Key can be found in the user's NanoNets Account section and Model ID can be found in the model's settings in the NanoNets web app.
  • API Keys have full access to the user's account. Please do not expose API Keys on the client.
    • Please note that compiling, obfuscating, minifying or bundling (for example in React.js, Angular, Vue.js, React Native, etc.) does not hide the API Key and it can still be extracted from the final application.
    • The API Key should only be known to the server code and all client requests to the API must go through a server.

Get Model Details

await ocr.getModelDetails();

Response example and other details

The getModelDetails function returns a promise, so it needs to be awaited.

Get All Predicted File Data

await ocr.getAllPredictedFileData(startInterval, endInterval);


  • startInterval
    • Type: Number (Integer)
    • Required: True
  • endInterval
    • Type: Number (Integer)
    • Required: True

Response example and other details

The getAllPredictedFileData function returns a promise, so it needs to be awaited.

Get Predicted File Data

await ocr.getPredictedFileData(fileId);


  • fileId
    • Type: String
    • Required: True

Response example and other details

The getPredictedFileData function returns a promise, so it needs to be awaited.

Predict Using URLs

await ocr.predictUsingUrls(urlArray, isAsync);


  • urlArray
    • Type: Array of Strings
    • Required: True
  • isAsync
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: False
    • Default: False

Response Example and Other Details

The predictUsingUrls function returns a promise, so it needs to be awaited.

Predict Using File

await ocr.predictUsingFile(filePath, isAsync);


  • filePath
    • Type: String
    • Required: True
  • isAsync
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: False
    • Default: False

Response Example and Other Details

The predictUsingFile function returns a promise, so it needs to be awaited.