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Sample of writing a custom URichTextBlockDecorator in Unreal Engine 5 for displaying a tooltip


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Sample of writing a custom URichTextBlockDecorator in Unreal Engine 5 for displaying a tooltip.


This sample has been created to demonstrate how the URichTextBlockDecorator feature can be used to make a URichTextBlock render some text with a tooltip displayed when hovered. The goal was to keep it as simple as possible, so while some features such as Auto Wrap may not work correctly, it should be possible to add them.

For an Unreal Engine 4 version, check the branch ue4.25.

Table of contents:

Writing a custom URichTextBlockDecorator

Based on Advanced Text Styling with Rich Text Block documentation, you can create and add your own URichTextBlockDecorator class on a URichTextBlock to handle custom markup. There is nothing complicated here, and you can take example on the builtin URichTextBlockImageDecorator class.

For this sample, I created a new decorator named USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator that will replace any <tooltip text="Some infos">Some text</> tag by a UTextBlock that can be hovered to display a tooltip.

Here is the definition in SampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator.h:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Framework/Text/ITextDecorator.h"
#include "Components/RichTextBlockDecorator.h"

#include "SampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator.generated.h"

 * Allows you to setup a tooltip decorator.
 * This can be subclassed as a blueprint.
 * Understands the format <tooltip text="Some infos">Some text</>
UCLASS(Abstract, Blueprintable)
class USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator : public URichTextBlockDecorator

    USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

    virtual TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner) override;
    // Style used for text
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Appearance)
    FTextBlockStyle TextStyle;

    // Style used for tooltip text
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Appearance)
    FTextBlockStyle TooltipTextStyle;

CreateDecorator is the only function that you need to implement on this class. It must returns an instance of FRichTextDecorator that will take care of parsing and building the widget to render. I also added the two properties TextStyle and TooltipTextStyle editable in blueprint to allow for styling the text and the tooltip text independently.

Here is the implementation in SampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator.cpp:

#include "SampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator.h"
#include "Widgets/SToolTip.h"
#include "Widgets/Text/STextBlock.h"

// Class charged of creating the inline tooltip
class FSampleRichInlineTooltip : public FRichTextDecorator
    FSampleRichInlineTooltip(URichTextBlock* InOwner, const FTextBlockStyle& InTextStyle, const FTextBlockStyle& InTooltipTextStyle)
        : FRichTextDecorator(InOwner)
        , TextStyle(InTextStyle)
        , TooltipTextStyle(InTooltipTextStyle)

    // Only valid if text is: <tooltip text="Some infos">Some text</>
    virtual bool Supports(const FTextRunParseResults& RunParseResult, const FString& Text) const override
        return RunParseResult.Name == TEXT("tooltip") && RunParseResult.MetaData.Contains(TEXT("text"));

    * Create a STextBlock with a tooltip text.
    * For <tooltip text="Some infos">Some text</>:
    * - RunInfo.Content is "Some text"
    * - RunInfo.MetaData[TEXT("text")] is "Some infos"
    virtual TSharedPtr<SWidget> CreateDecoratorWidget(const FTextRunInfo& InRunInfo, const FTextBlockStyle& InTextStyle) const override
        return SNew(STextBlock)

    FTextBlockStyle TextStyle;
    FTextBlockStyle TooltipTextStyle;

// USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator

USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator::USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
    : Super(ObjectInitializer)

// Return our custom class for creating the inline widget
TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator::CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner)
    return MakeShareable(new FSampleRichInlineTooltip(InOwner, TextStyle, TooltipTextStyle));


Again, this is largerly copied from the code of URichTextBlockImageDecorator. As you can see, the implementation of CreateDecorator is really simple as it only returns a new instance of FSampleRichInlineTooltip.

FSampleRichInlineTooltip is the class that handle everything. The Supports function, that is called to know if the decorator can be used for a tag, returns true only if the tag's name is "tooltip" and if there is a "text" attribute. Then, CreateDecoratorWidget is called, and this is where we need to build our custom widget that will be displayed on screen.

Setting up HUD

The SampleMap map has only the bare minimum. For the purpose of this sample, it only adds WBP_SampleHUD to viewport (see Level Blueprint):


WBP_SampleHUD contains a URichTextBlock widget I added the custom decorator class to:


Registering the custom decorator

For USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator to be usable in Blueprint, the first thing is to subclass it as a Blueprint. For this, I created a BP_SampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator that inherits from USampleRichTextBlockTooltipDecorator:


This also allows for customizing the style sets used for the text and the tooltip text in Editor:


The next step is to register this decorator on our URichTextBlock widget:


This makes the URichTextBlock use our decorator to parse and render <tooltip text="...">...</> tags.

Creating a DataTable for default style set

This is required to apply a default style to the URichTextBlock text. For this, I created a DT_SampleTextStyleSet data table with a RichTextStyleRow row structure:


I also added a "Default" entry:


The next step is to assign this data table to our URichTextBlock widget:



Licensed under the MIT License.


Sample of writing a custom URichTextBlockDecorator in Unreal Engine 5 for displaying a tooltip








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