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IoTManagement System


IoTManagement System

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

This repo contains

  • Backend
  • RPiClient Software
  • Client auto-Installer script
  • Detailed instructions

for IoTManagement System.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on you raspberry pi.


Turn on your Raspberry Pi and execute the following commands

- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade

RPiClient Installation

Pre-configured Image

  1. Download Raspberry Pi iamge with RPiClient-rs pre-configured and flash it to your Raspberry Pi.

  2. ssh into the Raspberry Pi and execute the following command to get the MAC Address:

    sudo systemctl status RPiClient-rs.service


One-click Installation

  1. ssh into your Raspberry Pi and execue the following command
curl -sSL | bash
  1. After the installation is complete, you will be presented with the MAC Address of your device which you can use in the webapp.


One-Click Uninstall

  1. ssh into your Raspberry Pi and execue the following command
curl -sSL | bash


Server Details

Server Monitoring

The server parameters can be monitored using NetDataMonitor dashboard.

List of Packages installed on server

  • Mosquitto Broker
  • NodeJS, NPM, Node, NVM
  • PM2
  • ufw
  • mongod
  • mongo-express

Version Details

  • Node v12.16.1
  • NPM v6.13.4

Server Links


  • Backend is based on NodeJS and it is being managed by CapRover. It starts automatically on server start.

Docker Containers Management

For containers management and deployment, CapRover is used.

For Docker Containers detailed management, portainer is deployed on the server

Portainer username/password: admin/portainer@321

MQTT Topic Details

Topics List


  1. iotm-sys/device/logs (all log messages are published to this topic) READ-ONLY


  1. iotm-sys/device/firmware/file/all (global firmware update files are received at this topic) WRITE-ONLY
  2. iotm-sys/device/firmware/file/[macaddress] (the fimrware file for specific device are received at this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) WRITE-ONLY
  3. iotm-sys/device/firmware/script/all (global user-script update file is received at this topic) WRITE-ONLY
  4. iotm-sys/device/firmware/script/[macaddress] (the user-script file for specific device are received at this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) WRITE-ONLY
  5. iotm-sys/device/firmware/url/all (global firmware update files via URL received at this topic) WRITE-ONLY
  6. iotm-sys/device/firmware/url/[macaddress] (the fimrware file URL for specific device are received at this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) WRITE-ONLY
  7. iotm-sys/device/client/url/all (global client update .tar file via URL received at this topic) WRITE-ONLY
  8. iotm-sys/device/client/url/[macaddress] (the client update .tar file URL for specific device are received at this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) WRITE-ONLY
  9. iotm-sys/device/heartbeat/[macaddress] (MAC Address of the online device is sent to this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) READ-ONLY

Device Management

  1. iotm-sys/device/add (for adding a new device message format 'deviceName;macAddress;updatedAt') WRTIE-ONLY

Device OS

  1. iotm-sys/device/upgrade/* (global device OS upgrade) WRITE-ONLY
  2. iotm-sys/device/upgrade/[macaddress] (specific device OS upgrade, replace [macaddress] with device mac address without : chars ) WRITE-ONLY
  3. iotm-sys/device/osug/all (global OS upgrade instructions are received at this topic) READ-ONLY
  4. iotm-sys/device/osug/[macaddress] (OS upgrade instructions for specific device are received at this topic {replace [macaddress] with the Mac address of the device without : in the address}) READ-ONLY
  5. iotm-sys/device/info/[macaddress] (device and os info of specific device can be requested from this topic) WRITE-ONLY
  6. iotm-sys/device/config/[macaddress] (device and os info of specific device can be requested from this topic) WRITE-ONLY. Acceptable parameters in the table below
Config Description
command;[bash command] executes any bash command. Use the command in place of [bash command] place holder
logs=stdout Reads and sends the stdout logs of the RPiClient-rs to the *logs* topic
logs=stdout-user-script Reads and sends the stdout logs of the user script to the *logs* topic
logs=stderr Reads and sends the stderr logs of the RPiClient-rs to the *logs* topic
logs=stderr-user-script Reads and sends the stderr logs of the user script to the *logs* topic
logs=update-status Reads and sends the last OS update status to the *logs* topic

API Details

Add Device

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'add'
name string Required. value of param could be a name
macAddress string Required. value of param should be a MAC Address of your RPi Device being displayed by RPiClient Installer
updatedAt string Required. value of param should be the current timestamp

Upgrade OS

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'upgrade'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'

Update Firmware

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'update'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'
programFile multipart/form-data Required. a Firmware file to be sent to repective device(s)

Update Firmware via URL

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'update'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'
fileName string Required. name of the file along with the directory
url string Required. a valid url. Could be S3 or any other CDN.

Update User Script

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'update'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'
programFile multipart/form-data Required. a valid bash script file to be sent to repective device(s)

Update OTA - For Client

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'update'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'
url string Required. a valid url. Could be S3 or any other CDN.

Client Config

Parameter Type Description
operation string Required. value of operation should be 'update'
devices string Required. value of devices param could be 'all' or 'device MAC Address'
command string Required. any valid bash command

List Devices

Parameter Type Description


Many API endpoints return the JSON representation of the resources created or edited. However, if an invalid request is submitted, or some other error occurs, Gophish returns a JSON response in the following format:

  "status"  : int,
  "message" : string

The message attribute contains a message commonly used to indicate errors or to return the logged status/

The status attribute describes if the transaction was successful or not.

Status Codes

IoTManagementSystem Backend returns the following status codes in its API:

Status Code Description
200 OK


  1. Download Raspberry Pi iamge with RPiClient-rs pre-configured and flash it to your Raspberry Pi.

  2. ssh into the Raspberry Pi and execute the following command to get the MAC Address:

    sudo systemctl status RPiClient-rs.service


  1. Add the device with the MAC Address collected in the previous step to the database using addDevice API endpoint mentioned above
  2. Interact with the device with using MAC Address, or interact with all the devices in the system by using all in devices parameter of the API.

Running Services

There are two systemd services running in the background:

  1. RPiClient-rs
  2. RPiClient-rs-user-script

The first one is the Client program managing all sort of updates and communication related stuff while the second one is the user-script sent by the user to the device. Both of these service recover themselves from any errors automatically and both of them start running on the system boot.


Use MQTT Explorer to test the remote communication over the internet. You can run MQTT Explorer or any computer placed anywhere on the internet.

Install and Open MQTT Explorer

  1. Add a new connection with following details


  1. Then add follwoing advaced options


  1. ssh into the Raspberry Pi and execute the following command to get the MAC Address:

    sudo systemctl status RPiClient-rs.service


  1. Then you can publish to various topics and see the response on the same screen. You can get the topics list from the MQTT Topic Details section above.


⛏️ Built Using

  • NodeJS - JS Framework for Backend Programming
  • Eclipse Paho MQTT - MQTT Client for Backend and RPiClient Software
  • MongoDB - Database for Managing devices
  • Rust - Systems Programming Language. For programming RPi Client

Demo Videos

✍️ Authors