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File metadata and controls

222 lines (192 loc) · 5.45 KB


NeXt supports MVVM concept (Model-View-View Model) that derives from well known MVC (Model-View-Controller). This tutorial provides details about MVVM itself, as well as a way to apply it to a NeXt application.

What is that?

See the picture's attribution details on WikiMedia Commons page.


Model is a data layer that provides access to data. In NeXt that a class with its own properties and methods.


View is graphical (web) representation of model, that user sees, feels and interacts with.

View Model

View model is usually described as an application's business logic. It binds the view to model, enabling data processing before displaying to user. It also works as interaction layer for the view, because it accepts interaction from user to convey it to the model.

Okay, now what?

Complex and serious (I know, that sounds too general -- however you should think of that yourself) applications, or applications' modules, built entirely in NeXt will be potential consumers of MVVM. MVVM has much abstraction that can kill "pocket" applications, which means you'll waste numerous time to develop and maintain the app.

One more thing you should consider is the environment you work in. If you have already chosen a framework that employs MVVM or MVC, additional MVVM layer by NeXt will be overengineering.

Typical architecture & Example


We are going to create a simple interface to display a contact list.

Create Model

We are about to create a model that will contain the contact data.

nx.define("ContactModel", {
	properties: {
		firstName: null,
		lastName: null,
		title: {
			get: function(){
				return (this.gender === "male") ? "Mr." : "Ms."
		fullName: {
			get: function () {
				return this.title() + " " + this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
	methods: {
		init: function (args) {

Create View

The view will represent the contact list, as you could expect.

nx.define('ContactView', nx.ui.Component, {
	view: {
		content: [
				tag: 'input',
				props: {
					'class': 'input-search',
					value: '{filterKey}',
					placeholder: 'Search...'
				tag: 'ul',
				props: {
					'class': 'contact-list',
					template: {
						tag: 'li',
						events: {
							click: '{showInfo}'
						content: [
								tag: 'div',
								content: '{fullName}',
								props: {
									style: "font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;"
								tag: "div",
								content: "{phone}",
								props: {
									style: "font-weight: bold;"
								tag: 'small',
								content: '{company}'
					items: '{filteredContacts}'

Create ViewModel

ViewModel is an intermediate layer that binds view and model. We created a few methods that read the model, and translate the data into the view. There are also methods that perfrom filtering of the model.

nx.define('ContactViewModel',, {
	properties: {
		contacts: null,
		filteredContacts: null,
		filterKey: {
			get: function () {
				return this._filterKey;
			set: function (value) {
				this._filterKey = value;
	methods: {
		init: function () {
		load: function (contacts) {
			contacts.forEach(function (item) {
				this.contacts().add(new ContactModel(item));
			}, this);
		filter: function (key) {
			this.contacts().each(function (contact) {
				if (!key || contact.fullName().toLowerCase().indexOf(key) >= 0) {
			}, this);

Create data file

There are several contacts, we kindly prepared for you. It just contains first name, last name, company name, phone number and a gender of a contact.

var contacts = [
		"firstName": "Harry",
		"lastName": "Potter",
		"company": "Hogwarts",
		"phone": "+44 555 1997000",
		"gender": "male"
		"firstName": "Dorian",
		"lastName": "Gray",
		"company": "Passion, Inc.",
		"phone": "+44 555 6660666",
		"gender": "male"
		"firstName": "Frank",
		"lastName": "Cowperwood",
		"company": "Cowperwood and Company",
		"phone": "+1 555 1912333",
		"gender": "male"
		"firstName": "Dagny",
		"lastName": "Taggart",
		"company": "Taggart Transcontinental",
		"phone": "+1 555 1860777",
		"gender": "female"
		"firstName": "Randle",
		"lastName": "McMurphy",
		"company": "Coockoo's Nest",
		"phone": "+1 555 1962000",
		"gender": "male"

Tie it up and launch

The tie-up procedure is standard:

var app = new nx.ui.Application();

var contactViewModel = new ContactViewModel();
var contactView = new ContactView();





Finally, we've got that running. As an example, we typed a few letters and you may watch it filter the results.

What's next?

We are going to talk about a stage.