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ETH connector for Rainbow bridge


bridgedETH - NEP-141 fungible-token representation of ETH inside Near.

nETH - native ETH inside Near EVM.


Version Description Status Ethereum Connector Address NEAR Connector Account
develop.aurora NEAR testnet - Ropsten Working 0x4a8FfD609122b80E1da0d95e51a31667804eA890 develop.aurora
aurora NEAR testnet - Ropsten Working 0x9006a6D7d08A388Eeea0112cc1b6b6B15a4289AF aurora

Step-by-step testing guide



  1. Make sure you have installed npm.

  2. Install NEAR CLI: $ npm install -g near-cli.

  3. Install Yarn: $ npm install --global yarn.

  4. Clone this repo, and run $ cd eth-custodian and $ yarn install.

  5. Create an account in Metamask in Ropsten testnet.

  6. Get some Ropsten ETH. For example using this faucet:

  7. Create an account in NEAR TestNet:

  8. Make sure that you're working with the NEAR TestNet: $ export NODE_ENV=testnet.

  9. Log in to the NEAR Wallet from the CLI: $ near login. The browser should pop up and a NEAR Wallet should ask for a permission for adding a full access key.


  1. Go to eth-custodian directory: $ cd eth-custodian.

  2. (Optional) Update scripts/json/ethereum-config.json with the actual data on the addresses.

  3. Create .env file inside eth-custodian directory: $ touch .env.

  4. Add to the file your RPC endpoint (with or without API key): $ echo "WEB3_RPC_ENDPOINT=YOUR_WEB3_RPC_ENDPOINT_HERE" >> .env
    (Optional) RPC access can be easily gained from Alchemy.

  5. Add to the file Ropsten Private key: $ echo "ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY=YOUR_ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE" >> .env

  6. Add path to the Near credentials (e.g. this usually will be at /home/<YOUR_USER_NAME>/.near-credentials on Linux
    and $HOME/.near-credentials on MacOS:

  7. Compile Ethereum contracts with:
    $ make compile


To get the balance of bridgedETH (NEP-141): $ make near-ft-balance-of NEAR_ACCOUNT=<YOUR_NEAR_ACCOUNT_HERE>

To get the balance of nETH (native ETH in Aurora-EVM): $ make near-ft-balance-of-eth NEAR_ACCOUNT=<YOUR_NEAR_ACCOUNT_HERE> ETH_ADDRESS=<ETH_ADDRESS_OF_ACCOUNT_IN_EVM_HERE>

Ethereum -> Near transfer (ETH -> nETH (NEP-141))

  1. Go to eth-custodian directory: $ cd eth-custodian.

  2. Transfer ETH to EthCustodian. Send depositToNear transaction to EthCustodian contract. This will transfer AMOUNT (wei) from your account and deposit AMOUNT (wei) having FEE (wei) to NEAR_RECIPIENT account on Near.

  3. Wait sufficiently long You need to wait for 3 confirmations for Ropsten blockchain. This is needed to achieve finality of Ropsten block, including locking transaction. The status of syncing of the bridge can be observed here. First metric (near_bridge_eth2near_client_block_number) should become more than the height of a block with transaction from the step 2 at least by 3, for a successful finalization of the transfer.

  4. Finalize deposit to Near Call deposit in Near blockchain to finalize the deposit transaction with the given TX_HASH. You can find TX_HASH in the output of the previous step. You will need to provide your NEAR_ACCOUNT AccountId which will be used to relay the ETH proof to the Near blockchain to mint appropriate amount of bridgedETH for the NEAR_RECIPIENT (this parameter is optional here and only serves for verbose purposes to show the balance of the recipient before and after)

Near -> Ethereum transfer (nETH -> ETH)

  1. Go to eth-custodian directory: $ cd eth-custodian.

  2. Begin withdraw Send a withdraw transaction to the bridgedETH contract to withdraw AMOUNT bridgedETH (wei) from the NEAR_ACCOUNT and transfer the appropriate amount of ETH (wei) to ETH_RECIPIENT (Specify without '0x' prefix). During the execution, the contract will issue an execution outcome, which would be used during finalization step to contruct the proof for the EthCustodian in Ethereum.

  3. Wait sufficiently long This approximately takes 10 minutes for the Ropsten bridge deployment. This is needed to relay NEAR block with the height higher than the block with transaction from previous step to Ethereum, plus wait a challenge period. The status of syncing of the bridge can be observed here. First metric near_bridge_near2eth_client_height should become higher than the block height displayed in console during the previous step.

  4. Finalize withdraw to Eth Call withdraw in Near blockchain to finalize the deposit transaction with the given RECEIPT_ID. You can find RECEIPT_ID in the output of the previous step. Send a withdraw transaction to the EthCustodian contract. After bridge syncing we are able to prove the fact of withdrawal transaction on NEAR to the EthCustodian contract.
    Run: $ make eth-finalize-withdraw-from-near RECEIPT_ID=<RECEIPT_ID_FROM_STEP_2_HERE> NEAR_ACCOUNT=<YOUR_NEAR_ACCOUNT_HERE>

Ethereum -> Near transfer (ETH -> ETH (native ETH in Aurora-EVM))

  1. Go to eth-custodian directory: $ cd eth-custodian.

  2. Transfer ETH to EthCustodian. Send depositToEVM transaction to EthCustodian contract. This will transfer AMOUNT (wei) from your account and deposit AMOUNT (wei) having FEE (wei) to NEAR_RECIPIENT account on Near.

  3. Wait sufficiently long You need to wait for 3 confirmations for Ropsten blockchain. This is needed to achieve finality of Ropsten block, including locking transaction. The status of syncing of the bridge can be observed here. First metric (near_bridge_eth2near_client_block_number) should become more than the height of a block with transaction from the step 2 at least by 3, for a successful finalization of the transfer.

  4. Finalize deposit to Near Call deposit in Near blockchain to finalize the deposit transaction with the given TX_HASH. You can find TX_HASH in the output of the previous step. You will need to provide your NEAR_ACCOUNT AccountId which will be used to relay the ETH proof to the Near blockchain to mint appropriate amount of bridgedETH for the NEAR_RECIPIENT (this parameter is optional here and only serves for verbose purposes to show the balance of the recipient before and after)

Near -> Ethereum transfer (ETH -> ETH)



Contract deployment

To deploy the contract, you need at least proverAddress and nearEvmAccount addresses to be configured in ethereum-config.json prior to the deployment.

After that call:
$ make eth-deploy-contracts

As a result of the function call you will get the address of the freshly deployed EthCustodian that you can put in your ethereum-config.json file in the ethConnectorAddress field.

After ethConnectorAddress is set, you can run

$ make eth-deploy-proxy

to deploy the proxy contract and make it the admin of EthCustodian.

Other scripts

For more advanced usage, please examine the hardhat.config.js file which contains a lot of scripts that are performed in this step-by-step guide via more simplified make commands. You can see the list of available tasks by running:
$ yarn hardhat

To show help and required arguments on how to use the specific task from the task list, use the following command structure: $ yarn hardhat <TASK_NAME> --help


$ yarn hardhat eth-deposit-to-evm --help