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no looting #101

REDESTOR opened this issue Sep 13, 2016 · 30 comments

no looting #101

REDESTOR opened this issue Sep 13, 2016 · 30 comments


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i made the bot fuction once, but now its no looting at pokestops, and advertise of a FALSE softban...I check it with 9.6 and my phone and there was no problem fix it please...

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REDESTOR commented Sep 13, 2016

nope @samuraitruong
with 9.8
with 9.6

just few seconds ago

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kje999 commented Sep 13, 2016

Agree with it no looting here also.
That was 1:00 PM since I got no loot (GMT +8).

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ot: guys you should not make your pogo nick public to avoid direct ban.
be sure the niantic guys are watching all the time ;)

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@REDESTOR i removed your images, crop them please or paint over username.

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@kalamera thanks for the lookout

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@REDESTOR post your config, it helps identify issues

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"ConsoleConfig": {
"TranslationLanguageCode": "en",
"StartupWelcomeDelay": false,
"AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart": 50,
"DetailedCountsBeforeRecycling": true
"UpdateConfig": {
"CheckForUpdates": true,
"AutoUpdate": true,
"TransferConfigAndAuthOnUpdate": true
"WebsocketsConfig": {
"UseWebsocket": true,
"WebSocketPort": 14251
"LocationConfig": {
"DisableHumanWalking": false,
"StartFromLastPosition": true,
"DefaultLatitude": 19.043608,
"DefaultLongitude": -98.213813,
"WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour": 8.5,
"UseWalkingSpeedVariant": true,
"WalkingSpeedVariant": 1.5,
"ShowVariantWalking": false,
"RandomlyPauseAtStops": true,
"MaxSpawnLocationOffset": 10,
"MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 1000
"TelegramConfig": {
"UseTelegramAPI": false,
"TelegramAPIKey": null,
"TelegramPassword": null
"GPXConfig": {
"UseGpxPathing": false,
"GpxFile": "GPXPath.GPX"
"SnipeConfig": {
"UseSnipeLocationServer": true,
"SnipeLocationServer": "localhost",
"SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokezz": false,
"GetOnlyVerifiedSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokeSnipers": false,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokeWatchers": false,
"GetSniperInfoFromSkiplagged": false,
"MinPokeballsToSnipe": 10,
"MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0,
"MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 60000,
"SnipingScanOffset": 0.005,
"SnipeAtPokestops": false,
"ActivateMSniper": true,
"SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false,
"UseTransferIvForSnipe": false,
"SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": true,
"UseSnipeLimit": true,
"SnipeRestSeconds": 600,
"SnipeCountLimit": 39
"HumanWalkSnipeConfig": {
"Enable": true,
"DisplayPokemonList": true,
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"MaxEstimateTime": 900.0,
"CatchEmAllMinBalls": 10,
"TryCatchEmAll": true,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinWhileWalking": false,
"AlwaysWalkback": false,
"SnipingScanOffset": 0.025,
"WalkbackDistanceLimit": 300.0,
"IncludeDefaultLocation": true,
"UseSnipePokemonList": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10000,
"UsePokeRadar": true,
"UseSkiplagged": true,
"UsePokecrew": true,
"UsePokesnipers": true,
"UsePokeZZ": true,
"UsePokeWatcher": true,
"UseFastPokemap": true,
"UsePogoLocationFeeder": true
"PokeStopConfig": {
"UsePokeStopLimit": true,
"PokeStopLimit": 1998,
"PokeStopLimitMinutes": 1470
"GymConfig": {
"Enable": false,
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"DefaultTeam": "Blue",
"MaxCPToDeploy": 1000,
"MaxLevelToDeploy": 16,
"VisitTimeout": 60,
"UseRandomPokemon": true,
"NumberOfTopPokemonToBeExcluded": 10
"PokemonConfig": {
"CatchPokemon": true,
"DelayBetweenPokemonCatch": 2000,
"UseCatchLimit": true,
"CatchPokemonLimit": 998,
"CatchPokemonLimitMinutes": 1470,
"UseIncenseConstantly": false,
"UseEggIncubators": true,
"UseLimitedEggIncubators": true,
"UseLuckyEggConstantly": false,
"UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount": 30,
"UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving": true,
"UseBerriesMinCp": 1000,
"UseBerriesMinIv": 90.0,
"UseBerriesBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
"UseBerriesOperator": "or",
"MaxBerriesToUsePerPokemon": 1,
"TransferWeakPokemon": false,
"TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,
"TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture": true,
"RenamePokemon": false,
"RenameOnlyAboveIv": false,
"RenameTemplate": "{1}_{0}",
"FavoriteMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"AutoFavoritePokemon": true,
"MaxPokeballsPerPokemon": 6,
"UseGreatBallAboveCp": 1000,
"UseUltraBallAboveCp": 1250,
"UseMasterBallAboveCp": 1500,
"UseGreatBallAboveIv": 85.0,
"UseUltraBallAboveIv": 95.0,
"UseGreatBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
"UseUltraBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.1,
"UseMasterBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.05,
"AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": false,
"OnlyUpgradeFavorites": true,
"UseLevelUpList": true,
"AmountOfTimesToUpgradeLoop": 5,
"GetMinStarDustForLevelUp": 5000,
"LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
"UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 1000.0,
"UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 95.0,
"UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "and",
"EvolveAboveIvValue": 95.0,
"EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv": false,
"EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy": false,
"EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage": 90.0,
"KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true,
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"PrioritizeIvOverCp": true,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 3,
"UsePokemonToNotCatchFilter": false,
"UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false,
"DumpPokemonStats": false
"RecycleConfig": {
"VerboseRecycling": true,
"RecycleInventoryAtUsagePercentage": 90.0,
"RandomizeRecycle": true,
"RandomRecycleValue": 5,
"TotalAmountOfPokeballsToKeep": 120,
"TotalAmountOfPotionsToKeep": 80,
"TotalAmountOfRevivesToKeep": 60,
"TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep": 50,
"MaxPokeballsToKeep": 50
"CustomCatchConfig": {
"EnableHumanizedThrows": true,
"EnableMissedThrows": true,
"ThrowMissPercentage": 25,
"NiceThrowChance": 40,
"GreatThrowChance": 30,
"ExcellentThrowChance": 10,
"CurveThrowChance": 90,
"ForceGreatThrowOverIv": 90.0,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverIv": 95.0,
"ForceGreatThrowOverCp": 1000,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverCp": 1500
"PlayerConfig": {
"DelayBetweenPlayerActions": 5000,
"EvolveActionDelay": 1500,
"TransferActionDelay": 20000,
"RecycleActionDelay": 12500,
"RenamePokemonActionDelay": 30000,
"UseNearActionRandom": true,
"AutoCompleteTutorial": false,
"DesiredNickname": "Nickname",
"DesiredGender": "Male",
"DesiredStarter": "Squirtle"
"SoftBanConfig": {
"FastSoftBanBypass": false
"GoogleWalkConfig": {
"UseGoogleWalk": true,
"DefaultStepLength": 1.3,
"GoogleHeuristic": "walking",
"GoogleAPIKey": "my api",
"Cache": true
"YoursWalkConfig": {
"UseYoursWalk": false,
"YoursWalkHeuristic": "bicycle"
"ItemRecycleFilter": [
"Key": "itemUnknown",
"Value": 0
"Key": "itemLuckyEgg",
"Value": 200
"Key": "itemIncenseOrdinary",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseSpicy",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseCool",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseFloral",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemTroyDisk",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXAttack",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXDefense",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXMiracle",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemSpecialCamera",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasicUnlimited",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasic",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemPokemonStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemItemStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"PokemonsNotToTransfer": [
"PokemonsToEvolve": [
"PokemonsToLevelUp": [
"PokemonsToIgnore": [
"PokemonsTransferFilter": {
"Golduck": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Aerodactyl": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Venusaur": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Farfetchd": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Krabby": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Kangaskhan": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Horsea": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Staryu": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"MrMime": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 40.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Scyther": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Jynx": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Charizard": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Electabuzz": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Magmar": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Pinsir": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Tauros": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Magikarp": {
"KeepMinCp": 200,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Exeggutor": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Gyarados": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Lapras": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Eevee": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Vaporeon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Jolteon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Flareon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Porygon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Arcanine": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Snorlax": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"Dragonite": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [
"DeprecatedMoves": null,
"MovesOperator": "and"
"PokemonToSnipe": {
"Locations": [
"Latitude": 38.556807486461118,
"Longitude": -121.2383794784546
"Latitude": -33.859019,
"Longitude": 151.213098
"Latitude": 47.5014969,
"Longitude": -122.0959568
"Latitude": 51.5025343,
"Longitude": -0.2055027
"Pokemon": [
"PokemonToUseMasterball": [
"HumanWalkSnipeFilters": {
"Magikarp": {
"MaxDistance": 300.0,
"Priority": 10,
"MaxWalkTimes": 200.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Eevee": {
"MaxDistance": 500.0,
"Priority": 10,
"MaxWalkTimes": 200.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Electabuzz": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 700.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Dragonite": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Dragonair": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Dratini": {
"MaxDistance": 2000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Charizard": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Snorlax": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Lapras": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Exeggutor": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 600.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Vaporeon": {
"MaxDistance": 1800.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Lickitung": {
"MaxDistance": 1800.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Flareon": {
"MaxDistance": 1800.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Scyther": {
"MaxDistance": 1000.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Beedrill": {
"MaxDistance": 1000.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Chansey": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Hitmonlee": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Machamp": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Ninetales": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Jolteon": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Poliwhirl": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Rapidash": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Cloyster": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Dodrio": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Clefable": {
"MaxDistance": 1000.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Golbat": {
"MaxDistance": 200.0,
"Priority": 6,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Jynx": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 4,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Rhydon": {
"MaxDistance": 1200.0,
"Priority": 4,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Kangaskhan": {
"MaxDistance": 800.0,
"Priority": 4,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Wigglytuff": {
"MaxDistance": 1250.0,
"Priority": 4,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Gyarados": {
"MaxDistance": 1800.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Dewgong": {
"MaxDistance": 1800.0,
"Priority": 2,
"MaxWalkTimes": 800.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Blastoise": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Venusaur": {
"MaxDistance": 3000.0,
"Priority": 1,
"MaxWalkTimes": 900.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": false,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": false,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Bulbasaur": {
"MaxDistance": 500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Charmander": {
"MaxDistance": 500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Squirtle": {
"MaxDistance": 500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Omanyte": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Marowak": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Venomoth": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": false,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"Vileplume": {
"MaxDistance": 1500.0,
"Priority": 3,
"MaxWalkTimes": 300.0,
"CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
"SpinPokestopWhileWalking": true,
"MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 15.0,
"AllowSpeedUp": true,
"DelayTimeAtDestination": 10
"PokemonUpgradeFilters": {
"Dratini": {
"LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
"UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 600.0,
"UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 99.0,
"UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "or",
"OnlyUpgradeFavorites": false

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got this since 9.7 and above from noxxdev just 9.6 works for me

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Here too it doesn't loot at pokestops.
Is there any file I might attach to help?

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@REDESTOR Not to be contrary, but these screenshots do not show the behavior fixed in 102. That is, multiple pokestops visited without looting. This just proves a softban. There are numerous ways this could be caused. Do you have a shot showing sustained pokestop visits but no looting?

@samuraitruong Correct me if I am wrong, but unless this bot was compiled from source, the #102 fix is not in the bot until a release.

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@Silph-Road OK, thanks. So again, not to be an ass, but this is proof of nothing but a softban (IP, activity, etc.) We won't know if #102 fixed the issue unless we compile ourselves or wait for Not sure if the botting community at large understands how fixes are folded into the final product. Fixes are not in the bot you are downloading unless they are compiled from the source or part of an official release. Even noting behavior that shows an issue is sort of a waste of time unless you have a freshly compiled or released bot. That sound right?

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True, the fix just got pushed in the last few hours and it's something that we test and when it seems appropriate we push a compiled release.

In simpler terms for users who don't understand how fixes work: Fixes are not live or real time as the fix is located in the zip you download. Thus, many fixes are package together in one single release.

A more pressing matter:
Right now there is a certain issue as the new app it's going to be pushed to the App Store soon so everyone is waiting for that. Btw we will disable the bot as soon as the app is released. This will be done to prevent user accounts from getting flagged when the new API get activated (we don't know when they will do that) we can only tell when app is released.

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you see, same release, few people work, few report doesn't work. We know that is bug, but how to find it. only when we debug it.

One you are on this , people reference to a pull request you must know that code fix, not a release . you can download compiled from CI. every pull request will be build automatically.

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@samuraitruong @Silph-Road Thanks guys for explaining that. Great info there. You might want to sticky that to the "Report issue" text. :) Unfortunately, you still need users that are willing to read before posting. A good place to check if an issue has been addressed already would be by checking the "Closed" issue section first before posting. Is that correct?

I know how frustrating it can be to have the same bugs reported over and over because the fixes haven't been released yet.

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No prob, yes I was planning to add that fix explanation to the issues template!

And I like the idea of adding check closed issues. I dunno how I missed that :-p

We can I guess add the auto appveyor links, hmm just might start doing that.

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Silph-Road commented Sep 13, 2016

Post back with feedback and you can reference 0f2bd71 as the build version.

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@Silph-Road I will give it a try a little later and let you know. Thanks again.

@ghost ghost added the bug label Sep 13, 2016
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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016


@Silph-Road Started happening again with the bot from the link you provided. I purposely put the bot in a tight area. Check the time stamps. It looks like enough time has passed between like stops for them to be good again, but they were still showing purple on the GUI and they weren't looted.

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REDESTOR commented Sep 13, 2016

@Silph-Road, @ajns73 keep having the same problem with the new version, please look at the time stamps in both screen shots, there are just few minutes of difference, a soft ban doesn't go in minutes, i just paste an example of the behavior, if i let it run it continues for hours without looting advertising softban (false), and when i check in older version or cell phone it runs fine ....almost check with different acc

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@REDESTOR @Silph-Road Mine issue does not last that long. It does loop every hour i.e. - when it gets to not looting, it will not loot 4 or 5 stop is a row. Then it goes back to normal for a while, then loop not looting. However, that was with the linked version. Since the release ( I have seen normal behavior. To be fair, this coincided with a location change. In other words, I broke the golden rule and changed too many variables at once.


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REDESTOR commented Sep 13, 2016

9.8.9 attention time stamps...
9.6 SAME POKE STOP few minutes difference
ok ban goes with 9.6... returning tu 9.8.9 same last location...

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@REDESTOR FYI, I never actually got a softban (false or otherwise) like you did. I did however see the behavior from your bottom screen. Bot almost seemed l frozen and it just sat there on the visualizer. Again, to be fair, there are Google Walk problems right now that are producing the same result (lack of movement on the visualizer), so I don't know if those are realted.

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well 9.6 use google api and has no problem for me, and i just get that "pseudo/false" soffban with 9.7 and above, i just made 9.8.8 run well once for about 4 hours, stop it then try again and get the pseudo softban problem... maybe if recompile it based on 9.6 just adding the new stuff ...don't know just saying for me is the most stable version...guess i'll keep using 9.6 till it dies... or get a permaban...

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@REDESTOR Have you tried 0.9.9? That solved the other Google Walk issues. If they were related to your issues with looting, perhaps this will solve that. I have not had a looting issue in 3 hours. Like I said before, though, I moved my bot. Different location and then back home.

EDITAre you using an elevation API? I have long suspected that this might cause this behavior. Space is 3D, walking into the side of a hill doesn't get you to the pokestop ON TOP of it. You know what I mean?

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Hmm.. ill wait a few hours and try it different location...i used to bot only in my neighbor and 2-3 snipes a day with pokes above 95iv

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ajns73 commented Sep 13, 2016

@REDESTOR Same here. Last night I moved it to my work neighborhood overnight. This morning I moved it back to my home neighborhood. As I said before, I changed to many variables at once so I don't know what really did the trick.

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nope continue false ban...

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