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umart generates umap art

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Load library

## Loading required package: ggplot2

Data Generation

r_x <- generate_data(mean = 20.5, sd = 0.2)
r_y <- generate_data(mean = 10.5, sd = 0.1)
df <- data.frame(x = r_x, y=r_y, group = rep(paste0("grp_", 1:5), 10))


umap_df <- run_umap(df[, -3],neighbors = 5,  seed = 520)

Generate umart

generate_umart(umap_df, group_col = df$group,
               bg_color = "#f2f5f3", use_geom = "geom_segment",
               xend = 0.5, yend = 12)

Many neighbors

umaps <- run_umap(df[, -3],neighbors = 2:5, seed = 20)
groups <- rep(paste0("g_", 1:5), 40)

generate_umart(umaps, group_col = groups, opacity = 0.15,
               bg_color = "#f6feff", use_geom = "geom_col",
               use_palette = "Blues"

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Thank you, feedback is always welcome :)