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Benchmark API Design

POST /V1/CMDB/Benchmark/Tasks

This API call is used to add a benchmark task to a domain.

Note that, as the key, task name should be unique system wide.

The option for data to be retrieved in this task is 'Built-in Live Data' which the user can see from UI.

Detail Information

Title : Add Benchmark Task API

Version : 01/24/2019.

API Server URL : http(s)://IP address of NetBrain Web API Server/ServicesAPI/API/V1/CMDB/Benchmark/Tasks

Authentication :

Type In Name
Bearer Authentication Headers Authentication token

Request body(*required)

Name Type Description
taskName* string The name of the task.
description string The description of the task. This field is optional.
startDate* string The date when the task starts to run. The standard time format is required, for example, '2017-07-13', '2017/07/13'. This field is optional. Current date will be used by default.
schedule* object The schedule to run the task. The following sub parameters are included in this object:
▪ frequency* (string) - the frequency to run the task. This field is required and includes ”once”, “hourly”,” daily”, “weekly” and “monthly” options.
▪ interval(string) - the interval to run the task (optional). This field is only valid for “hourly”,” daily”, and “weekly” options and the default value is 1, such as every 1 hour, 1 week.
▪ startTime* (string) - the time to run the task. This field is required and startTime should be in format: ["HH:mm:ss"], if you put date time format such as "2018/04/04 19:20:20 ", "19:20:20" will be used and the date part "2018/04/04" will be ignored.
Note: Set the time according to your IIS server time zone since the time zone of your ISS server rather than your physical time zone is adopted by the benchmark task.
▪ weekday(integer) - the day of the week to run the task. This field is optional and only valid when the frequency is weekly. 0 stands for Sunday, 6 for Saturday and 1-5 for Monday to Friday respectively.
▪ dayOfMonth(integer) - which day of a month to run the task. This field is optional and only valid when the frequency is monthly. The default is 1.
▪ Months(integer) - which month to run the task. This field is optional and only valid when the frequency is monthly. The default is all 12 months.
deviceScope* string The devices included in this task.
deviceScope.scopeType string scope type options:
"all" for all devices of current domain, deviceScope.scopes will be ignored if this field is set to "all";
"deviceGroup" for specified group, if set deviceScope.scopes would be list of full path to device groups, such as ["Public/devgrp1", "Private/devgrp2", "System/devgrp3"];
"site" for a particular site. if set deviceScope.scopes would be list of full path to sites, for example: ["My Networks/US/MA/Boston", "My Networks/US/ME/Portland"]
deviceScope.scopes list of string ignored if deviceScope.scopeType is set to "all";
full path to device groups, such as ["Public/devgrp1", "Private/devgrp2", "System/devgrp3"] if deviceScope.scopeType is set to "deviceGroup";
full path to sites, such as ["My Networks/US/MA/Boston", "My Networks/US/ME/Portland"] if deviceScope.scopeType is set to "site";
limitRunMins string The time used to retrieve the data. When it reaches the specified time, the task will stop retrieving more data. This field is optional.
cliCommands string The customized CLI commands to retrieve data (for example, ["show version", "show arp"]. This field is optional.
isBuildIPv4L3Topo bool Determine whether to build IPv4 L3 topology. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isBuildIPv6L3Topo bool Determine whether to build IPv6 L3 topology. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isBuildL2Topo bool Determine whether to build L2 topology. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isBuildIPsecVPNTopology bool Determine whether to build IPsecVPN topology. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isRecalculateDynamicDeviceGroups bool Determine whether to recalculate dynamic device groups. This field is optional and the default value is false.
sRecalculateSite bool Determine whether to rebuild sites. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isRecalculateMPLSVirtualRouteTables bool Determine whether to recalculate MPLS Virtual Route Table. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isbuildDefaultDeviceDataView bool Determine whether to build default device data view. This field is optional and the default value is false.
isEnable bool Determine whether to enable the task. This field is optional and the default value is true.


body = {
        "taskName":taskName, #The name of the task.
        "startDate":startDate, #The date when the task starts to run. The standard time format is required, for example, '2017-07-13', '2017/07/13'.
            "frequency":frequency, #The frequency to run the task. This field is required and includes ”once”, “hourly”,” daily”, “weekly” and “monthly” options.
            "startTime":[startTime] #The time to run the task. This field is required and startTime should be in format: ["HH:mm:ss"], if you put date time format such as "2018/04/04 19:20:20 ", "19:20:20" will be used and the date part "2018/04/04" will be ignored.
        "deviceScope" : {
            "scopeType" : scopeType


No parameters required.


Data Format Headers

Name Type Description
Content-Type string support "application/json"
Accept string support "application/json"

Authorization Headers

Name Type Description
token string Authentication token, get from login API.


Name Type Description
statusCode integer Code issued by NetBrain server indicating the execution result.
statusDescription string The explanation of the status code.


    "statusCode": 790200,
    "statusDescription": "Success."

Full Example :

# import python modules 
import requests
import time
import urllib3
import pprint
import json

# Set the request inputs
token = "dbd4e523-5964-4c2d-ba8f-da018cfb6299"
nb_url = ""
taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL11"
startDate = "2019-01-16"
frequency = "once"
startTime = "14:40:20"
scopeType = "all"

# Add a new Benchmark
full_url = nb_url + "/ServicesAPI/API/V1/CMDB/Benchmark/Tasks"

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
headers["Token"] = token

body = {
    "deviceScope" : {
        "scopeType" : scopeType

    response =, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers, verify=False)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        result = response.json()
        print (result)
        print ("Benchmark Task added Failed! - " + str(response.text))

except Exception as e:
    print (str(e))
{'statusCode': 790200, 'statusDescription': 'Success.'}

cURL Code from Postman

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: a6b7d2b7-f331-4418-bcc0-d1a90f01dbd8' \
  -H 'Token: c00de805-9210-44a9-9a26-f0c1e944ea36' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d 'body = {
                "taskName":"Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL1", 
                "deviceScope" : {
                    "scopeType" : "all"

Error Examples


"""Error 1: empty taskName"""

    taskName = "" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'taskName' cannot be null."


"""Error 2: tesk name duplicated"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System Discovery" #Benchmark with task name "Scheduled System Discovery" already exist in system.
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Benchmark task with name Scheduled System Discovery already exists."


"""Error 1: empty startData"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = ""
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'startDate' cannot be null."

"""Error 1: wrong startData format"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "20190116"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'startDate' cannot be null."

"""Error 1: empty frequency"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = ""
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'schedule frequency' cannot be null."

"""Error 1: wrong frequency input"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "1"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Invalid  parameter: the parameter 'schedule.frequency' is invalid.  
            "Options: once, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly "

"""Error 1: empty startTime"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = ""
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'schedule startTime' cannot be null."

"""Error 1: wrong format startTime"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14/40/20"
    scopeType = "all"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Null parameter: the parameter 'schedule startTime' cannot be null."

"""Error 1: empty scopeType"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = ""
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Invalid data type. deviceScope.scopeType, options: all,deviceGroup,site"

"""Error 1: wrong scopeType input"""

    taskName = "Scheduled System DiscoveryGDL" 
    startDate = "2019-01-16"
    frequency = "once"
    startTime = "14:40:20"
    scopeType = "whole"
    "Benchmark Task added Failed! - 
            "statusDescription":"Invalid data type. deviceScope.scopeType, options: all,deviceGroup,site"