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Atlas Client for Node.js

Snapshot Release

⚠️ This library is deprecated. Javascript projects should migrate to spectator-js for publishing Atlas metrics.

Module for generating metrics and sending them to Atlas.

Local Development (MacOS)

brew install node@14
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@14/bin:$PATH"

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install atlasclient


const atlas = require("atlasclient");
atlas.start(); // only the main application, not libraries instrumenting code

app.get("/somehandler", (req, res) => {
  let start = process.hrtime();
  // ...
  // do the work
  // statusCode is set here
  let elapsed = process.hrtime(start);
  atlas.counter('server.requestCount', {
    country: getCountry(req),
    status: statusCode

  let responseSize = getResponseSize(res);

// only for the main application, not libraries
process.on('beforeExit', () => {
  atlas.stop(); // FIXME

Starting and Stopping

In your main application call atlas.start().

If you wish to opt-out of Node.js runtime metrics, pass {runtimeMetrics: false} to the start method.

Instrumenting Code

See the usage guides for counters, timers, gauges, and distribution summaries.

In addition to the basic meters, you can also choose to use more expensive meters that allow you to get an idea of the distribution of samples:

Unit Testing

See the test directory for examples of unit testing. These tests can be run with npm test.

Development Mode

When developing it's sometimes useful to throw errors when constructing invalid metrics. By default the client will ignore these errors so it doesn't affect a running application in production, but you can change this behavior by enabling the development mode:


This will validate metrics can be successfully sent to atlas, and throw in case of errors.


  • Configuration for the atlas-native-client, the dependency of the atlas-node-client that is responsible for publishing metrics to the Atlas backend, is centrally controlled, but can be overridden with the file /usr/local/etc/atlas-config.json.

  • Enable verbose logging in atlas-native-client by adding { "logVerbosity": 1 } to atlas-config.json. Possible log file directories are listed below; the first that can be written to is used. The generated directory path is typically $PWD/node_modules/atlasclient/logs.

    let logDirs = ['/logs/atlas', path.join(__dirname, 'logs'), '/tmp'];
  • The validateMetrics option in atlas-native-client defaults to true. It can be overridden by adding "validateMetrics": false to the atlas-config.json file.

  • config() Dump the internal configuration of the atlasclient package. The commonTags are extracted from environment variables. The dumpMetrics option controls whether or not the exact payload sent to the Atlas backend is logged.

    { evaluateUrl: '',
      subscriptionsUrl: '',
      publishUrl: '',
      subscriptionsRefreshMillis: 10000,
      batchSize: 10000,
      connectTimeout: 1,
      readTimeout: 10,
      dumpMetrics: false,
      dumpSubscriptions: false,
      publishEnabled: true,
      publishConfig: [ ':true,:all' ],
       { 'nf.account': '179727101194',
         'nf.ami': 'ami-be748aa8',
         '': 'go2',
         'nf.asg': 'go2-client-v012',
         'nf.cluster': 'go2-client',
         'nf.node': 'i-0feaad16fc792bca6',
         'nf.region': 'us-east-1',
         'nf.vmtype': 'm3.medium',
         '': 'us-east-1c' } }
  • measurements() This can be used to get a list of the current measurements. The return result is an array of objects with two properties: tags and value.

    [ { tags:
         { name: 'atlas.client.mainMeasurements',
           'nf.account': '179727101194',
           'nf.ami': 'ami-be748aa8',
           '': 'go2',
           'nf.asg': 'go2-client-v012',
           'nf.cluster': 'go2-client',
           'nf.node': 'i-0feaad16fc792bca6',
           'nf.region': 'us-east-1',
           'nf.vmtype': 'm3.medium',
           '': 'us-east-1c' },
        value: 3 },
      { tags:
         { name: 'atlas.client.meters',
           'nf.account': '179727101194',
           'nf.ami': 'ami-be748aa8',
           '': 'go2',
           'nf.asg': 'go2-client-v012',
           'nf.cluster': 'go2-client',
           'nf.node': 'i-0feaad16fc792bca6',
           'nf.region': 'us-east-1',
           'nf.vmtype': 'm3.medium',
           '': 'us-east-1c' },
        value: 3 },
      { tags:
         { name: 'atlas.client.rawMainMeasurements',
           'nf.account': '179727101194',
           'nf.ami': 'ami-be748aa8',
           '': 'go2',
           'nf.asg': 'go2-client-v012',
           'nf.cluster': 'go2-client',
           'nf.node': 'i-0feaad16fc792bca6',
           'nf.region': 'us-east-1',
           'nf.vmtype': 'm3.medium',
           '': 'us-east-1c' },
        value: 3 } ]


  • push(measurements)

Send the array of measurements immediately to the server, without adding any common tags.

A measurement is an object with three properties:

  • start: timestamp in milliseconds
  • tags: object describing how to tag the measurement. name is required.
  • value: number

Help, this doesn't work on Node 8 with Babel?

If you receive an error like:

  if(numberLength != byteLength)throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH);

RangeError: Wrong length!
    at validateArrayBufferArguments (/Users/sdhillon/projects/quitelite/node_modules/core-js/modules/_typed-buffer.js:157:39)
    at new ArrayBuffer (/Users/sdhillon/projects/quitelite/node_modules/core-js/modules/_typed-buffer.js:247:29)
    at v8.js:132:17
    at NativeModule.compile (bootstrap_node.js:563:7)
    at Function.NativeModule.require (bootstrap_node.js:506:18)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:446:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:513:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
    at repl:1:-61
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:44:33)

On Node 8, core-js does not properly support array buffer construction. Since we pull metrics from v8, and v8 relys on ArrayBuffer, this does not work at the moment. Fortunately, when starting Atlas, you can disable this if you're hitting this issue. start(...) takes the following configuration options:

    runtimeMetrics: boolean, // default: true
    logDirs: Array<string>, // default: ['/logs/atlas', path.join(__dirname, 'logs'), '/tmp'];   

If you disable runtimeMetrics, atlas client will not load v8, and therefore it will not automatically generate metrics like:

  • nodejs.rss
  • nodejs.heapTotal
  • nodejs.heapUsed
  • nodejs.external