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@workeatsleep workeatsleep tagged this 07 May 19:57
- c9c19dc527f9b59b2827369cf9e6e6679d2ce963: add support for datastax4
- ca5f3257d5d14e8afc3c3a6bd23cffb5d78b7ecd: Fix broken test
- 987a7e4e39d1a4df18d0a8cd02d4ba1b47c19f62: Merge pull request #258 from Netflix/szimmerman/restrict-cors
- cd03e019e83263e965a87f2e8b7b534afd1b85a9: Add Java requirements to README
- b8a0401d5d4c87d1262497eb1e8b492066b7a893: Merge branch 'master' into szimmerman/restrict-cors
- 5a3d7c5c4bdc26d3f3d52893824b6a2f7b2c3a25: Restrict CORS to configurable origins or same-origin policy by default (no CORS headers).
- 7bfa2d19414b8cc4ea63c1b0e02ab072866a67a3: Rotate publishing credentials
- 3942de49ac360a49a510278b0bf4bf917d4b3ea8: Merge pull request #257 from Netflix/replace-jcenter
- ed6a188386a1d4677274cad016e3fa351c812a22: Use required-jcenter-modules-backup repository for Palantir modules
- 927ac1add832608ce9a1bc02a370ae007db496f1: Merge pull request #256 from Netflix/szimmerman/issue-248
- 924d6d14634880f993d96838c5ccb7888fe7129c: Fix tunable config double-write bug. Fix broken Gradle appRun task by upgrading gretty version.
- 7524b8262acceb5242f37183ca6921d9a86ba801: Merge pull request #255 from Netflix/szimmerman/docker-compose-rule-bintray
- 57be2077bd66fd6cd6f9306608b0fa393a5cbab2: Check palantir/docker-compose-rule JAR's to remove bintray dependency
- 9d782c262a2c5e0154995915b32445dfee859032: Merge pull request #253 from Netflix/replace-bintray
- 37023ccfa58624238e18d07a5b2b38cbb39072c1: Upgrade nebula.netflixoss to replace bintray publication and update TravisCI secrets
- 8ae6d0fdda5e3ffb6a3bea84b3623994e13352d8: CassJavaDriverGeneric: add options to disable use of batch writes
- 4d82dc3e127618e22bcdc749a4437db22cff2bb7: Beta protocol support for cass plugins
- 91ba19a7d5d6d4490ea2af364defb1ec571b25d5: Merge pull request #250 from sghill/travis-ci-com
- c5c89bd8cc8a840e4949dab510abcfc29ddf6eb7: Update build status location
- 5a114d17d3cd22a26a6b3cb2151dc4e89a5a42e2: Removing retries on backfill operation failures, since it could lead to long running backfill operations.
- a21b3f480abf10855dc3675d13d09c52a4e06cb6: Adding column name validation in tandem with checksum validation
- 0227f85194a10d6cf9572ac14c4dc353b7874048: Merge pull request #241 from tiket-libre/enable-ndbench-dyno-plugins
- c0e498d7486dd8a96a5b8b2424bc4e7916df74b8: Enable ndbench-dyno-plugins
- 0c0e8b7eca962dabc0b20782b2e2e826d267adb3: Creating Host instance using HostBuilder
- 5220c401fd54b97307e7bc07fe5233612b93d0f4: Restricting checksum validation to values
- 19417976e360b904bb69c169395a754d43ff7685: Adding exception handling to log string value when decoding fails
- 8dc826a66790fe9ee1362e1cb140119606b3383b: Commenting out dyno-plugin due to build issues
- a82c888c284b112a17b325227997e280f3891499: Adding checksum validation capability to cql generic plugin
- fa4b72f822679dc4e886f997cf1bf7c23db73b88: Merge pull request #237 from arunagrawal84/master
- 6b511a19056b1ee9874b8e0bd5dc9f1d6e2dbc38: Migrate to openjdk8 as oraclejdk8 is deprecated on travis
- 5e538018bb0342152d626334ac3033daa49f555f: Adding checksum validation capability
- 8d664244b5f9d01395248a296b86a3c822e6d764: Updating access modifiers for TunableConfig
- 93da9ebb1e352fbcf871344ec6f735c63c64b979: Merge pull request #232 from mdaxini/errormsg
- 6c05142ce664f507fdc274167d172eaa0a2c096b: Enhanced error message. Added additional detailedMessage field to have an excerpt of the exception to help with debugging.
- 18d0bba78851f37b9e67b13b7e96d38f7a7926ec: Merge pull request #2 from Netflix/master
- 0c7764e68c7fb688dcc8c8c95b84caf5e67450da: Merge pull request #231 from mdaxini/fix-errorResonse
- ae2ecbf16c41e5c597a2a388c534c84842148625: Make error response field public so that it shows up in the response, and add exeception message to error response.
- 3f56062d254a08596ff1b359c6c8ca15347cbf5a: Merge pull request #1 from Netflix/master
- 094fb509f922ef484bd283118d7adecc8d2f709a: Closing connection to return connection back to the connection pool in case of any exceptions during read/write
- 63882aa18a3efb5f7e53e5d223a5594cdc867579: Throwing exception upon transaction failure to make write as failure
- c7214ffba57dee66e5c38024788a65f591bf0b6a: Bubbling up exceptions so they count towards write failures as appropriate, and extracting transaction failure reasons and logging
- 78c49aba3cf888b5774db034644c54af7b70735d: Delete unused gradle plugin from build file
- 6869fff9a89721767948806f9454b4efe5e36d08: Fixing merge conflicts
- b6b1af12e00af05daa060e2c633739eee147994c: Simplify the data size calculations
- 4174f301731f1ba6aa038a3791afc25b551041d6: Make the backfill log level to debug
- 792f1a8aa246dd4996680265e67812c39412ea79: Removing programmatic way of creating and deleting tables, since it results in race condition failures among ndbench clients and console is an easier alternative to do such admin operations
- 7873d7e0e96fef5112602c75554b3f92807c72d5: Adding dynamodb transaction plugin
- 3c165f1f319a7c789fe7c4930607e367a48d0bcd: Merge pull request #222 from arunagrawal84/oss_master
- 4cd4da0490e31d64a420503e614c661e308d98c3: Provide keyspaceName while executing the statements
- 8c0ab3eeb778b74bf63679f725377742ad5a911c: Added a connection pool along with the ability to retry transactions.
- f725c6d62c73e908272bc25142455cdb515c81f7: incorporating review comments
- 9054768cae5681156bd1aeb2cd647584680dcf87: Taking colsPerRow into consideration for cockroachdb plugin
- 5cdb67899ce3055a4efd1691b35a989c778365a1: Fixing merge conflicts
- 4c60209d6d349740720e4f0677209f7fadd41142: Adding dropwizard metrics library, naming threadpools
- 3ca61ce6e7e329b62444dd79780042f2728d34e0: Cleanup Astyanax plugin
- afaf2e4c67d2089f9149dbdb5c26f5922d861241: Fixing Archaius test cases
- a779b9868ec98e9641e611f0befec1f3ab228b83: Simplify the data size calculations
- ef9ae9dd2b78adbdf7c90ca48ccc7eda95da41f5: Make the backfill log level to debug
- d9416993f5b40e4f8790be5e47b9658f337e1228: Use lambda and functional notation, remove unused imports
- 1003c46e188b900191121108aafbaf7c84b53311: Incorporating review comments
- b7190e6d62602711b9ef7234e5b74585db07f40d: Adding cockroach db plugin
- 725e3cd7c89aaf70f22faab867b3bb1451886bef: Simplify the data size calculations
- 1252606f59cf7b6b6ddbce1b6254ef56979f3787: Make the backfill log level to debug
- fa77ea58fd482a22f842349213318ee7c716ce96: Backfill improvements
- 7604c3b402892b198ceb23412e0f015c00b87cfb: Fix the formatting for CassJavaDriverGeneric connectionInfo
- ae54a027879def0b0510729ec9fe7898d970302a: Fixed bug to leak the array list, more formatted info for connection
- 7a289fc1423f040c8f5741c18709a9fbd9878d4e: Make the backfill log level to debug
- 71a0e55b8cba0748ad4411368ac8554e1678ea47: Add missing config implementations to test
- acb17be58750f086c4e58a4c6ea46418f5f4d51e: Backfill improvements
- 17b9e4ef738cff68581b0dfba035614774d4f984: Adding test case for DataBackFill
- 477a9577abca0e379020981495219e111c84b436: Fixing Databackfill bug - Restarting backfill works now.
- cfb5b0d6110471ea359ae0deece86d7b87983d5f: Adding test case for DataBackFill
- d1283c63c3e9e35e61fc58bbd6b3f4fa2dbdab48: Disabled compression to table creation scripts
- e8967c6412533332dbeb5f0ba62d59dec5a0ac62: Remove the aws module dependency for config initialization in dax and dynamo modules (#211)
- 5c290ea3507e8b6801b8f0300779c17503ee1867: Separated AWS specific implementations, DefaultDataGenerator and CassJavaDriverGeneric improvements  (#210)
- ffcda72b906a054bb0ada97fe8282939c2a11b98: Removing EVCache plugins as the upcoming version of evcache client has better and cleaner integrations. (#209)
- 347f91947e24443f6b658790c0e981ed863a2209: Merge pull request #208 from Netflix/local_test
- 4c1d964d9d141a1816a4444ce5d9680a798e2e2f: Fix javadoc issues
- fe241fa58da81e1df13c968c0074473063484a92: Merge branch 'master' of into local_test
- bafaa3f05280dcd31fd1433a7933cc37c430991e: Fix issues preventing NdBench from running locally and preventing extensions from setting a different LookupService impl.
- f028a89fffa4e6fbf85578d416f59213ac547f0e: Merge pull request #206 from Netflix/local_test
- d7343bc2ffa2a534d2dd0a2acff8dface080508c: Remove explicit dependency on astyanax-cassandra (transitive via astyanax-thrift). Add note about CqlFamilyFactory and astyanax-cql.
- 4f34494c3aefd5fe58d0394bb3fb69de60377560: Fix number format error on plugin init
- bcb79a9fe76650def2c884f55dcc26f2af218b46: Add semicolons to cql for easier copy-paste.
- c19b03fabbc3e276cebcbbcc816e14c3f3cc4668: Fixed Spelling. (#205)
- 21cf9028289a6a0cc4d5870d8b920b206a3d11c4: Enable DAX plugin and depend on client in Maven (#204)
- 6008f0f1fc73211f66bfdd3549d4194aafb2da73: Add some code verification tests to the programmatic DynamoDB module (#195)
- 1ed1161de88ae210dfbf78372c931cbc0ceb0492: updated README (#196)
- ba173cbc8111943177390b4072f7e2978b7b2973: Split DynamoDB and DAX plugins (#200)
- 41d6bdcb56bb6e8975c1d330f4dfb2d481cef585: Merge branch 'master' of
- 49b961fdd27d3fe6481ef43c9efddb933a850ab4: Fixing broken javadoc
- d279343cf7c98e9b4939aafff0b4240ed30d6321: Updating gradle and nebula oss to latest versions
- b466b1acbdf5d770bd21e170936f88286d2bd1d0: Fixing #197 DaxJavaClient issue as it is breaking mavencentral publish/ release of ndbench
- 9fee236c14a4c62799631d319cf6252629fc4d38: Updating gradle and nebula oss to latest versions
- d107ed34b357dfa128291015987fab61b086d51e: Fixing #197 DaxJavaClient issue as it is breaking mavencentral publish/ release of ndbench
- 453697d62b1bb94f9f46299a931d04b3f77761a9: Fixing javadoc issues
- b91c5862bde9d89a56b12ac49c70f1969913a22a: Merge branch 'master' of
- edf85cbe42cff7734bd0594b43a580a72dae54a1: Fix all PMD warnings throughout all modules (#186)
- 7fb10d55604bf14dc0d9dbf32b0111e9b59eba61: Use codahale sliding histogram instead of rolling own (#193)
- c0cc4ec9aba599eb522fb7f59dda1f1afc85f3e9: Separate Programmatic, DAX and regular clients and configuration (#191)
- 1090621c7864d6b142bd49f6869b334fd9049f72: measure, publish and alarm on high resolution consumed capacity (#158)
- c88817a013efbcdd293878bedb39b056d133a6a9: [DynamoDB] Added jacoco and tested control plane operations (#189)
- 218c44ca6f1fe74e6c34213cb9627f8c4d4ecde2: Add cli driver (#159)
- 0bd861f26de81f711efbb7548f449c0d7e9b5ec2: Enable autoscaling when using programmatic tables (#140)
- f87ca1da792f854bb14ce27c3c949710461ff73f: Merge branch 'master' of
- a132c07c16d721472e62c5f7b928642522a777f6: Refactor DynamoDBKeyValue into control and data plane classes (#167)
- 1b843f9092b28a1de1ab460cb8a7f3b3dc03f3e2: Use AWSStaticCredentialsProvider and DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain (#182)
- bb809b6e21bed344b9df809b525059f0a53f939d: Reduce console output for throttling and aborted exceptions (#178)
- 403e88b64293192ce5a149f60e9c96fb49ec230a: Move RPSCount to a separate file (#181)
- c36ef85bba8d675252326fe13b182534f35df0eb: [DynamoDB] Fix consistent read setting for read bulk (#179)
- 5fd7fd0cc5533b81906e15507c2ff7fc9b2b433c: Rename all loggers to logger and make sure private static final (#168)
- 82a06563166943de9250f393aed0263b38a65e0f: Added an overload for non authenticated C* cluster, backward compatibility (#171)
- 1a1a278a557e549eb6f02f70c62bf77dfdf67300: Added an overload for non authenticated C* cluster, backward compatibility
- b3ebaa3bd9c8378e44f92d9098c2c9c1727bbdb8: Merge branch 'master' of
- 44c723894bb5e98e30c27b60bfaa81c2f5df94bd: [Cassandra-Plugin][CassJavaDriverBatch] Support credential for Cassandra cluster. (#151)
- a2777d18d90fc018a6715f0372a0a2f0716b0171: Use the vanilla sdk for data plane operations (#162)
- 518030850a57967ec99f64c3895af33d993c2419: Alphabetize and newline-delimit modules in settings.gradle (#164)
- 29efe8c47461e63f3a8042f96a624cb0755e9a21: Fix spelling of DynamoDB and correct trade name (#170)
- 2d9037c0ef05b3c5238b99ea81d29ea70164766d: Add max retries and max request timeout to config (#149)
- b8a8ea6bf40d08db0e796ebf71b1a95d7ded7e04: Implemented bulk read/write with BatchGet/Write APIs (#135)
- cc089fd89415ee447659b4f707c8e07469f3096f: Use partition key name from config (#143)
- 85c5362005530ba53f2930bac1379a46fdc7c0a5: Make the SDK clients and related objects member fields (#141)
- 6c26d6e74fa048eedfc4eae54dd25a4b10654a0b: Fix NPE after catching a Client/Service exception (#133)
- ed94d29abaa7bb9dbea278b50d0b2eaa5c9e5055: Refactor KeyGenerators for more code reuse (#126)
- b40d242d574fd6572e4d48ace9973d21656ce897: Remove unused imports (#138)
- 7dc08a2e7de83f9787f901d3545accde66796eac: Bug fix from #57: Read operation return values are not respected for cache hit and cache miss after merging #57 (Bulk request support) (#136)
- 5ecf64bf4ef920dd18798a2441b43f25bb17db67: Bug fix: read operation return values are not respected for cache hit and cache miss after merging #57 (Bulk request support)
- 015468874fa9535d92b6ffe74d5389eac6e6e085: Merge branch 'master' of
- f6ded7e4087ff45281f21e205a71a60d61c4f780: condition tps warnings on whether the operation is enabled (#125)
- f205d55c14dd1cfe59e3b9215782a71f91304b94: Publish average latency along with TPS in RPSCount (#124)
- c092322bf80bc841100d69df5bdb8fb926d11441: Make sure keys in batch are unique (#121)
- 6e96c61bbda0f15526a0d59515f4e3f65aadc821: contributors
- 7a8a443f864e694e7fa8aba90871404a780d0ef1: Replaces tabs with spaces (#130)
- 3f6d6afd4ded9e4e1fbd24dd750679eaaa49396d: Add more .gitignore files for transient out directories (#127)
- e772026b99c55d417735025267cfafda590cd263: Factor out constant for timeout in stopOperation (#123)
- 4612a3ee3ff2a1680b68837b1a88585d708756f0: Log statement report thread stopped not process (#122)
- 7128629f1811f9a51ee02d6641f2e395177f0fa5: Wires DynamoDB configuration options (gzip, maxconn, region, endpoint) (#128)
- e59776693f000e11c185bc401e6e90192dd134b2: Fix loading Modules (#95)
- eb2d31ce3a49ad79e8a9cf2aa435b70f99e0f159: Only depend on DynamoDB SDK, not on entire AWS SDK (#99)
- 9b03882e1859b8994dca2b9ee4cbe8c422fc0674: Fix missing license headers (#96)
- 0878288b57d317f1fed723044d8cc82eb16376ba: Upgrading Gradle to 4.6 (#94)
- 9292208333c74cb102fc999447bd6f6128381684: Upgrading Gradle to 4.6
- aaedbf69aa81ce011526ae4093551880aee88f63: Fix the build by adding defaults for bulk endpoints (#92)
- e3de315d6a2ede603dbebc85b2192536369a5889: DDB table configuration (#86)
- 0994baed16ba760628cf895b008992b0a590f953: Enabling cluster file config discovery (#88)
- a0026328c7d986180cc01a9bd632593f1fd26bfc: Making number of connections from NDBench to Cassandra nodes a configurable property (#85)
- 009a971489c9b5c570d03038af8c8cdf7c52f510: Merge pull request #82 from jolynch/zipf
- a53cc4b09db85e0c72e8f1b75da4a3da638b1acc: UI change for zipfian parameter
- b8921f46127dc909c7b8e1018087f3a739b80987: Adds the zipfian generator into Open Source NDBench
- b618d62aa0da69a9c48f2ee1940b654808845a85: DynamoDB Archaius fix
- ad564bdf1d76e6a90ab6e63760e5ff482f5d147c: EVCache plugin update
- 56a710e1c4e3b6d1244c24d56e0dc8616536d9bc: EVCache configurations (#81)
- f2b6133c589d1ea029efef5e45d1408c0ab692b0: build fixes for dyno plugin (#80)
- e684175b6c62f7dd81fcd63dbcb047b6e3674458: DynamoDB Plugin (#78)
- b148b579bc24e90e0300fd765943c11e6c19f91c: DynamoDB plugin (#76)
- ea0b3143bdbc52ef68fc9edacac3f0b198bd3d68: fixing ES tests
- 3c7e9d1b49102f7fdcb99bff1634f6e9d36dddd3: fix build issues
- a6612fe65e357e12f4ff968a99079107e604287e: Resolves Issue #57 - Add Bulk{Write, Read} to NDBench.  (#64)
- f4d3783afceb6300fd297287f03af32c43852ce2: Fixing broken build
- c8bfee10a48976ebddebab197503fbd2258c3c34: Remove deprecated plugin (#73)
- d6587f647b8e9853d721df5a819678a8bb594b75: Merge pull request #75 from tulumvinh/master
- 8566a69acc87e3ccab94c1103c88acbe636ceca4: Replace deprecated Gradle class method
- 7fd53956be888fe612cf7488d9564f24e60f8f9e: Make AWS_ASG discovery find instances cross reservations (#70)
- 2b67381b9a4661b939941fbcaf8f1d98c4342f69: Merge pull request #71 from tulumvinh/master
- 76f194ff56db424ba37e4ec1c077df3460775fbe: Separation of unit and integration test.  The latter is dependent on existing of a Docker container
- 637bda34f0a91475ee8dc2f16229358868726981: AWS: Integrate ASG Based instance discovery in NdBench  (#69)
- a2107b1ff8d2ba5555abe035553fed7d9aaefcd7: Cassandra UDT, Collections and CAS(Compare and Set) plugin (#68)
- 5df710ab130e18ef200d453faa29ddf92033bc59: Merge branch 'master' of
- e7ccf8aeddc5332b9c5dfc4f7c5c07fdd1d5b586: use evcache client 4.+ version
- 108423a178e1c3344164a80a8d3bed5941219297: Support configuration of timeouts for es plugin (#66)
- 7b766f2a740bb6fd07b46f6d9a53ddf86b8c4ca6: Dependency excludes ensure slf4j bound to log4j (#65)
- 4599c7d8b3baf37dc5ebfd39fa5fc68f734bf75a: Update
- 7686b23cb39bc99bb73eb078f5d32bea36561689: fixed shutdown
- 6a45144234b5a0bcef048898bf22072a8283bec2: Added evcache plugin
- e3f45eddceaecb9632194a55d3a4032b5f3caca0: initial check-in for EVCache plugin
- 41c04c42f88310974fb64a2e57c09b271193341a: Merge pull request #63 from Netflix/simplifygraphtx
- b3c8b72f51501762ce6b3c7b863d52011632f875: Simplify Janusgrph transactions and APIs
- 69fb4a8a86e46386b1cb1b319f20bd701ff92fb4: Merge pull request #62 from buildlackey/fix_prop_namespace_for_es_config
- 08f776dc6df3af74a73b38dde6b96c8fb1f27dc2: fix typo in prop namespace.
- 57d22006316e62d189aad1c08a63939ed333e3fc: Merge pull request #61 from buildlackey/fix_guice_bindings2
- 3385db3031ecc4cdd6ca1ffc43afcb18529b5833: move discovery of Guice modules required by  client plugins to NdBenchClientModule
- a95436c0a9c53a1b8d313ff26066acc34dec9766: Discover plugin guice modules (#58)
- b9a21698e37883e8a78cc59ad2adae93c8777f0b: Default constructor in JanusGraphBuilderCQLProvider for extension
- 508c6857177a4163543c54cb58a3632cc5afdd03: Merge pull request #60 from Netflix/renameTinkerpop
- 9cebb41641d931c7cbae4a990364ff030f06a018: renaming useTinkerpop to useJanusgraphTransaction
- 71444b989c3e5886bb1c2024aadc9079c8301805: Merge pull request #55 from buildlackey/hard_coded_prop_name_to_constant
- 72ac9a7c962f1cbb1c6faf5f44c28f26e0d9208e: Merge pull request #59 from buildlackey/fix_bad_javadoc_causing_build_failure
- 755d9a81281c2c46934f5a53710b06449decc013: replace characters that HTML does not like which cause javadoc to fail
- aed32999fd526622fbf5811915f771a11a945fdd: Merge pull request #56 from buildlackey/ditch_tmp_table_for_forumula
- 55d64fb2abb85e920aae88fc488095e5ee6ebcf7: inline useless temp variable run optimize imports
- 9eb825b2ffc58f6c46c8c4296be35170f48f9de7: Merge pull request #53 from pencal/janusgraph
- 22b1b1e2ba826ed55aca72d29ffcb53ef0165f30: Rename janusgraph guice module
- 7720ef5dc6ff5c002637d4b34e64092c44590612: Merge branch 'master' into janusgraph
- 66bcbd35ef362bbcc5f247f7b1b47c5631fe0491: Address PR comments
- 845f346e0ff10e9a4e8dee1dca919150fd3f60db: - eliminate rate increase table in favor of computing auto tuned rate on the fly using the Gennadiy Formula. - add additional tests to verify the ability to recover rate ramp-up behavior once error rate falls below threshold after initially exceeding it.
- ef6d0d7fc4c4c2a99deefd569893dc28c0d4d212: Merge pull request #54 from buildlackey/simplify_disabilng_tests_that_depend_on_docker
- d92012608feff4f9f0e604b26676481e41f55e46: Merge branch 'master' into hard_coded_prop_name_to_constant
- 21e55381631886828d298e84a74059880ace4b1b: don't rely on CI env vars to disable docker tests. just disable if the executables for docker and docker-compose are unavailable
- 896c76d1e28f6a5ba095c33c2a733a7a6c840cc8: Onboard janusgraph write and single read by ID benchmark test
- 7a9329cbe34376bacf25ecb23c6ad7c76957e3dd: simplify code by using formula instead of building table for rate increases
- 0a73269094fb161bd254fe718ec6dec0224ced83: Merge pull request #51 from buildlackey/master
- 463729efe1fd3f4be8e5d614ef1eae2572f36d00: substitute hard string "ndbench.config." for constant
- b20f5e61463ad80fcdebe9e6395162b6bcd7487b: take off "F" from floating pnt constant for fast prop
- 9dbf4403eb87e2f24cffc45f7eef940cfb76bc26: mv getAutoTuneWriteFailureRatioThreshold from es plugin to core create variable PROVISIONAL_RESULT_THAT_ASSUMES_ALL_WENT_WELL that explains reasoning for return of new WriteResult(0);
- bc55557ca50c3c20b351680bce4ff3dc922aa918: addressed all comments on PR (either by updating code, or via responses to those comments in-line) also moved  from es-plugin to core as per Ioannis's request from a while back.
- adb0198011ed4b70b7bf8cbd5708eac55eda7803: update tutorial overview diagram
- ca545c1a6be3baabf9659d78309f33ecfff72b23: move tutorial overview diagram  to be under img folder.
- 5f21a47803e9042085b0665bf97948f279ee92f9: diagram for tutorial. 
- 587655c2a1ffee54b75a4f129c30cda3c45a5131: address PR comments:  update javadoc / rename variables / kill dead code.
- 6c9cf31a11d721b632d56ceba31a6a26a1459656: make build pass on CI by disabling tests that depend on docker compose
- ad9bd6ee033ad1815607a15942802c3d1f37b288: Merge branch 'master' of
- 944377db5652ff68602ae09fc529cbac8643f2c8: elastic search client plugin
- 15397bc4062bc0fd221c5a3887aa9bcc9d54e018: elastic search client plugin
- c47349d9c35fd20b59818f1abcdd9d80483c2a8b: Merge pull request #48 from Netflix/metadatafix
- 126bc56832a22195fe50a669e134a021dbcc37af: fix metadata link
- 85fda26694c37ba76812f5a52f1de047874754a3: Fix NPE Reported on Issue #39 (#46)
- 6f9ac9e47ba4d9968ffaf2d3a9c5783c9731804e: Pinning groovy to fixed version since maven central does not allow/ like the `+` notations  (#45)
- 9a65415c865240fcef24728be595c9c701395061: Merge pull request #43 from buildlackey/use-non-beta-for-groovy
- 9a20920e21f9076039d9455c6a03cf00d8d54bcc: change groovy dependency to fixed version so we don't get  the beta release which is explicitly disallowed.
- 06ecb7d9d1e888d2a636dab559f41ef7d83e3e3e: Remove hardcoded port number in cluster/list api (#42)
- 99063ee8689d5ef4662af070d49ffab7b568bdd3: manifest default to LOCAL (#41)
- 84ac95bc6b3eb00338200f460c2ba223286cf1d4: updates for gradle4
- c6e8af0c6bef969c4a47b55f4786fc0c8123776c: Add support for Geode and Cloud Foundry (#32)
- 684a7b7a0dddf9fcf1a1ce617dc49a7da50f19cc: Merge pull request #37 from buildlackey/update_instance_stats_dialog_title
- 47978fb18f9ed3ccd4846744c9a3036c6c8b4577: Merge pull request #38 from buildlackey/auto_tune_for_write
- 0d520d19cc616fa92c688aa68a9e10e89ed11a1d: * new unit test for WriteOperation.process() * make constructor for NdBenchDriver package scope so test can instantiate an instance.
- a966b10cdfcafe0a056cad5b4918d151a51fb39b: test one more case of rps count logger behavior
- 12cde9a7b3cefcae6372b6d125f70df220494314: 1) address comments on PR. 2) add unit test of RPSCount     -- added code from supporting library for verifying log4j activity -- by just copying it in (since the library is not yet available in maven binary repositories).
- 5b1afa3325732a5c7e6d29029063804c45ed28a6: fix merge errors
- 05c06136e6573a838c9d6e3bc3383500f555fcaa: * add documentation to Json rendered NdBenchMonitor instances to explain what units are used for the metrics * use settableConfig upon autoTune-initiated  change of writeRateLimit * emit warn msg if Observed write/Read RPS  less than expected write or read rate * augment IConfiguration interface with autoTune related config settings:
- 1c9079cd332998a69ae4abcc8d4883b2e7832d89: adding auto-tune support
- 95c472280624a10840a19f2002512c2bc8669800: api and driver support for auto-tuning write operations during benchmark run.
- 8eb2765fc7c4fc3508da7041fdc8f1bb7ffc4be4: Merge pull request #36 from buildlackey/better_err_msg_if_rate_not_keeping_up
- aa781e7829349a3108204ced2b2a4355ee463825: remove newline
- 6bf89ba974f4d199b3c1f5aa8b9e6c6ad7530013: add clarification to title of Instance Statistics dialog [ Statistics gathered per node, not aggregated across client driver instances ]
- 7c9bb49c3ce5358d1bba23b6ec8ce88767658960: Merge pull request #34 from buildlackey/fix_guice_redundancy
- 313d109a8b214467f3ba8ade8195fe0f0a0ecf0d: Merge pull request #35 from buildlackey/rps_info_via_log_not_sysout
- f9ed87fd99b1fb49c83d4874b8c8c6f4b6b68cc4: don't emit warning msgs until operations have started.
- eb33c3127bde06a339c878d8b6774cf883221c3c: emit warning if expected read or write rate less than observed RPS (benchmark client could be the bottleneck)
- 20e8c5cedd413652f0f76982d9b451394a745494: use logger, not std out for RPS/WPS info
- 083ea7740aa732f57fc4c92941d7f6cd6f56a11f: remove redundant @Inject on field which is set in constructor that also has an @Inject
- c9964caaa3137445f140e9ffe4e0463c70eef4f4: Merge pull request #31 from jblang/master
- b5b18bbb7390d5c2872a83ea05a49e601eb7d5c5: Fix batch consistency level bug
- 7b92b7eb915b219e8328992dbbbda23996381259: Update
- bf258b49d53d25784ce621f1b4993f8fb87c22a8: Merge pull request #28 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 55587cb93b5b97fef52d216030ed3828f8fae7b3: Added CQL definitions details in Readme file
- 9e06925f26a4a0f2a8f7878cc90e35f2747db8de: Added documentation, corrected prefixes in config
- 71715f55f02e219c6d885d94861e16cbc0f87870: Adding Netflix’s Cass plugins.
- 450dfc371db730b773109e4bbef6706eb82103ba: Merge pull request #27 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 5ed7dfe32aee817e67e52d744e2f4da3f1dc527a: Made CLs configurable in C* plugins
- d2f1343e41f32afe51d19419898f30b8750a0d61: Merge pull request #23 from Netflix/gradleUpdates
- c7d618f2e90a348e0596c54b07ed725550e2b372: Merge pull request #26 from vinaykumarchella/master
- ddc1229a87d13856d192d00abcfdd2238adb810c: Adding CQL setup file
- fc93ffa28897341b97b72cb9807398b0fc911511: Merge pull request #25 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 9ede60004978879bfe45d3f01da95e42482d89dc: Merge branch 'master' of
- dafb562da5670945836e673e9ccdde1569ed1a6e: Merge branch 'master' of
- ff87e8f12d29898371511e68a01bcb28d8472e75: Fix runtime issues in plugin
- b3450130c9b1bda1233051501d16aa6a7d7fda4f: Merge branch 'master' into master
- ee6cedb9b3e4f06520dc76e66ac96983188b095f: Merge pull request #24 from Netflix/revert-22-master
- 463ec3b14625ad5caa83c937d489fe6450ceb27f: Reverting PropertyFactory from NDBenchClient Plugins and injected through Dependency Injection
- 5a1928de041e6ce2ad790542b5953a8d1c54d75f: Revert "Adding PropertyFactory to plugins"
- e40e5d1496ea3949b5c855cf8cfb5d347e9d1723: Merge pull request #22 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 935c48eb1ace7102b8dc9573857d54334aee30a8: Gradle updates
- cabc7862e4d660f9a76b348580a41f028375d7e2: CassAstyanaxPlugin configs are driven through PropertyFactory
- 78e623a58745d435dda88b293adcd2c3843c4c6f: Adding PropertyFactory to plugins so that any random properties can be read in plugins.
- 548e1c40c8c658448ddb24156c8a67b7870f1b35: Updating ReadMe to correct NdBench logo issue
- c8c11ea2e5f9fe4439f38a01fe360e3e21bc5cc8: Merge pull request #21 from kunalkundaje/master
- b9bf1b7c013f35f8de3bc14da0b75d29c79bfd72: Minor UI styling changes
- ee49b11a32129800f732ff0f19a77aa51c85895b: Run bower install as npm postinstall step
- 7114873db56812d12cfc1888d00904c6ae76151a: Merge pull request #20 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 9731a2fc47bf97d0cb2afa50979d96f4dae7c9e4: Move genson serialization library to web project, Fix localhost connection issues when hostname is not  resolved
- 33ea69d6b711f3b8106c9a36c372addf04902e21: Merge pull request #19 from vinaykumarchella/master
- ce6690b32081543c5370381b53e9378b76b80945: Added `preLoadKeys`. Added SlidingWindowFlipKeyGenerator. Added more logging
- 47dd0288ba2a6cc1df069ebee594514eb8fbcd71: Merge pull request #18 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 15ccb24bd00751acd87d995a89e681abedc1311e: Archaius2 migration, Added Integer data generation, more logging and minor bug fix in Driver code
- ef284737bd42ab59f18a6b78e8db7638efb020a4: use lower case in project
- 0a69d7c9ac109055174cd0d09ca7d5dfc55034cb: Merge branch 'master' of
- 08e3dde4d0ef94213e689973831f1ed9d892bf70: NUM_VALUES to NUM_WRITERS fix
- e2158209698192ecdc3f7e31123ee290810a504f: Merge pull request #15 from Netflix/images
- 5ae018510ccc3ee4841c54f6133c82a42b7f56b9: adding NDBench logo
- 2a78fb5648abd4b1e805fecab53beeef782c35bb: Merge pull request #14 from vinaykumarchella/master
- 98e8bb4f5678f775b120da76e1e055667a41a223: Support for ES plugin
- 3b25163f0881fb1e99e9485b13a546f9c3421ddc: Adding ElasticSearch Plugin.
- dbbb9b078475740f4ca9daae8c926e9838360fb8: Update
- 535314b6fb270bf6d9b2ab09b37c8b3f3f16d26f: Update
- b3244b0d5708a90c412aee9ee6c613ac435407f4: Merge pull request #13 from Netflix/dynoutils
- 5155ae4e4835a713e9012929c73817b6c11749c7: moving dyno to the latest.release
- 0f8cf1cafc5d6cccb8b3710628ae3bb5b17c61c8: Adding Apache License header
- 909ec3efb484a3fa81e186cf3dfca84d1cf0f7dd: Modifying all Dyno plugins to use DynoJedisUtils
- 3915812137d4a2d372733844b46a3ea1aeeb5a34: Adding Extended Functional Testing with JedisUtils
- 86cd18203f1f56f7f6867701106e6d422bb66734: Merge pull request #12 from diegopacheco/master
- 908f6f31b5767ee17e1d64342728b198244b16f6: fix Ela plugin
- 0b0781ef778a538828b8bb681a6e78003d5ec2a4: fix Ela plugin
- 97cfe8467cf397c6c34450b7b15e60c3778dfc7a: make elassandra configs right again
- 92673dd220d6f9283bd99b0ffb0f992ac96d13ee: make more workers considering CPU cores
- 1c3bb36e9a39752d8aafe937717df89bbbe8a609: Merge pull request #10 from Netflix/fixdyno
- fd8d21ab80276774beb40cc75361f37fd985c12d: change elassandra just for stress tests
- 66aa56d2d35c63f844b197d71705003d1322b4b7: change elassandra just for stress tests
- b26ff6f9da9fc766b424a17f711f7db5d5733f45: change elassandra just for stress tests
- 46de77cb237eedd34da435023f048470924e5711: change elassandra just for stress tests
- 9816e462a8996b10d59cee3907f1c3e73295d155: Adding Dyno Jedis Hash operations inside a pipeline
- 26b62f2de7e5971bca59f60046f704d230ce3d92: adding Redis pipelines test with Dynomite
- 222f20438df9c912dd3a8f27b760b3eaf3893eb4: updating DynoJedis plugin
- a1237f8ca714f77c89a50db1a19d00ce0fc1e9e5: add aws cluster discovery
- 0a9dd36f9bfd26229dc21ac848f4537933a47a92: change to be cass for test only
- 23dd69918ff64f158d252bb139de1b2847d59b8a: Merge pull request #9 from Netflix/addLicense
- 80b2c190644b3de256c0af9b216c7bb286aface1: adding Apache License
- adfbd4970b9a8cbfe8c5b9149b821099ed43e55a: Merge pull request #8 from diegopacheco/master
- 1bf0af6dd676f9ccb0d8b3871399b8d68799590b: Rename AWSLocalClusterDiscovery + Added VPC public and localhost discovery impl
- dba1e4074cc5e23a8d70fbb9fe85a573749a0dab: PR changes
- f9b78ae9e6d5239dbee9c51e1bc2fd987afc84c4: new packages + fix docs
- 60b47f60b3464c0dc6016ea0e7d8dfb07620d0e1: Added some javadoc for Elassandra Plugin
- 0c7f5ef5d38a7ab1dd0173c26aa339b50871e779: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- ebf0b6e065904e8a7cca05c540cac9158b8d7e4b: create a new plugin for dynomite proxy
- 4a59263e4066170282a4c088c1476491cb07bf5d: .
- 65300cd94850520d065912c9980698819c7cb769: fix wrtie issue
- acdb027c8adea2d9ee0d63af80b80906f93785a9: fix elasandra id issue
- 6727b44fc8a142d9aec509df4070ebe9ba95910d: fix elasandra id issue
- f9cdf6cdb4bb8b1e9433f9ea310cb1206bbe41d8: fix index issue
- 6e416a2da25db185a654461dade0697039dc1f90: fix elassandra syntax issue
- 979d2e0b9cb5e4a1a0b4cafed0f40c1af97a336c: Added AWs Local Discover Impl + Elassandra Plugin
- 7c63d41df6d9d923c933fad2ce85ff2f4e34b189: Merge pull request #7 from Netflix/gradleupdate
- a7c10742ca7f7d85dd291b220f6d7c34bb0853f6: self-closing element fix
- 3574b54cbf18274444994123c4b712fd607a6323: updates on README
- f05aea44ef686aef588b62e16d0b37e913241da0: fixing the travis builds
- bd74e62e09e05f492d0afafe63a23abb4fecaaab: updating gradle from 2.10 to 2.13
- 35d146d39ee11aec6a650ef0399c5b7752799007: make it work with local dynomite - change gitignore to igonore eclipse files
- 84b77c5db38cd3f50fd706fce47d6de4a18edc41: some changes to run local box without DM
- 0192a8f35e99e904dd6a5a795a7800e6344ed14c: Merge pull request #2 from rspieldenner/travis
- 1927b053fe779ed7d39259f33ac2c174ba5bf6c2: Travis keys
- d777264eacef395c365752bb007282611854cdf5: Updating links on
- 484832cb7a99f3cca2dc020db51ae0ce9726b69b: Initial commit for OSS
Assets 2