Releases: Netflix/ndbench
0.5.0: Merge pull request #258 from Netflix/szimmerman/restrict-cors
Breaking change: NDBench server will not respond with CORS headers by default. Previously, the server responded with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" by default, which allowed any origin to make requests to the server. Operators can now configure the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value with the ndbench.config.allowedOrigins property. This is set to http://localhost:8080 by default in the development environment. In non-development environment, no CORS headers will be returned by default, effectively same-origin policy.
All changes:
- Add Java requirements to README
- Restrict CORS to configurable origins or same-origin policy by default (no CORS headers).
- Rotate publishing credentials
- Use required-jcenter-modules-backup repository for Palantir modules
- Fix tunable config double-write bug. Fix broken Gradle appRun task by upgrading gretty version.
- Check palantir/docker-compose-rule JAR's to remove bintray dependency
- Upgrade nebula.netflixoss to replace bintray publication and update TravisCI secrets
CassJavaDriverGeneric: add options to disable use of batch writes
The use of BATCH in CassJavaDriverGeneric allows the driver to write multiple rows in a single call to `writeSingle`. Its sometimes desirable, however, to have `writeSingle` to truly write a single row so that BATCH is not used. This can cause the row count validation to fail since not every row is written to every partition. Ad additional configuration has been added to disable this valdiation.
Allow beta protocol usage for cass plugins
v0.4.17 Beta protocol support for cass plugins
Removing retries on backfill operation failures
Removing retries on backfill operation failures, since it could lead to long-running backfill operations.
Adding column name check as part of checksum validation for astyanax.
v0.4.15 Adding column name validation in tandem with checksum validation
Bugfix: Restricting checksum validation to value columns
NDBench adds checksum to the value-columns alone, in the write path. Consequently, read path should restrict checksum validation to the value-columns.
Exception handling around checksum validation
In case checksum validation fails, log the encoded input string.
Extending checksum validation to Cql Generic plugin
v0.4.12 Commenting out dyno-plugin due to build issues