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Building suro client and server

Jae Hyeon Bae edited this page Sep 1, 2014 · 11 revisions

How to Build source code

With the following simple gradle wrapper command, you can build suro libraries.

./gradlew build

Maven references

For file backed queue, we're using BigQueue library. Since BigQueue is not deployed to the maven central, we need to add the following additional maven reference.



For the suro-client


For the suro-server


Sample Suro Client

After setting the dependency<latest version>, you can create a Suro client as shown by the following sample code.

Only two properties are required:

  • client's load balancer type
  • client's server information.

All other properties have default values.

final Properties clientProperties = new Properties();
clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_TYPE, "static");
clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_SERVER, "localhost:7101");
SuroClient client = new SuroClient(clientProperties);
client.send(new Message("routingKey", "testMessage".getBytes()));

Starting suro server

If you don't need to customize any sink plugins, you can use suro-server-<version number>.jar directly without any further packaging. There are six command line arguments.

  • -p : Properties file path. Not required, if missing, all default server values would be used.
  • -m : Routing map json file path. Required even though you set up this property at Archaius backend.
  • -s : Sink configuration json file path. Required as routing map json file path.
  • -i : Input source properties file path. Required
  • -c : control port number, optional, default value is 9090
  • -a : AWS access key, optional
  • -k : AWS secret key, optional
java -cp <library path> -m conf/routingmap.json -s conf/sink.json -i conf/input.json
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