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This repo contains code to run multiple TMSi SAGAs on the same device (or network) using MATLAB.


Git Basics

I'm trying to put these on every repo now.

1. Install git

To contribute/use code from this repository, the easiest authentication strategy for use with git is to create an SSH key and associate it to your GitHub account. You will need to download git to do any of this; the necessary keygen (openSSH) tools will subsequently be available in git bash that comes with the git download. In Windows (versions <11) you should be able to start a git bash terminal in your repository folder (or where you want to clone the repo) by right-clicking and selecting Git Bash Here from the context menu. In Windows 11, you can do the same thing but have to click the More Options... context menu at the bottom and then you will see the Git Bash Here option.

2. SSH setup

Platform-specific instructions for generating SSH keys and starting the SSH-agent that will "remember" your credentials in subsequent git bash sessions are provided by GitHub here. Follow all the steps in that guide first. It is recommended to add a passphrase to the generated SSH key!

Next, you need to add the key to your GitHub account. Step-by-step instructions that are platform-specific are provided by GitHub here. Follow all the steps in that guide to associate the public key to your GitHub account.

Once you have completed these steps, you should be able to use git commands with this and other Neuro-Mechatronics-Interfaces organization repositories that you have access to.

3. Setup local repo

With git installed and your ssh credentials ready, you should now be able to clone this repository. Navigate to where you want this repository to go (as a folder) right-click and click Git Bash Here then enter:

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you set up a passphrase in the SSH step, then you should be prompted for that passphrase before it will clone. You will now see a folder called 2TMSi_MATLAB_Interface inside the folder where you opened the git bash terminal. The --recurse-submodules option just adds in submodules that Max created so that if he updates code related to this project while working on a different project, he doesn't forget to update it here (or, can create branches to avoid breaking things here if there are conflicts in another version for a different project).

To avoid overwriting code that others are working on, please create a side branch. Max already made some example side branch but basically the format is dev/<initials> (e.g. Jonathan commits on dev/JS). To create and use a side branch, in git bash use the following command (replacing MM with your initials):

git checkout -b dev/MM

Now, when you git commit and git push to the remote repository, you will avoid overwriting changes on main. This is useful for collaborative work to avoid destroying each others analysis pipelines for example. If you have a really cool change that you think everybody should have, use the tools on the web interface to submit a pull request from your side branch (dev/<initials>) into main and assign @m053m716 as a reviewer. Maybe also send Max an email--once he sees the pull request and approves it will be merged into main and then anyone using main can see what you've added.

By convention, it is good practice before you start coding to use git fetch to see if there have been recent changes on main. If you notice changes, you will want to rebase onto main so that your side branch stems from the current version of main. If you get too far behind main, then you may be working with deprecated code so keep that in mind if you plan on using the code here for development. Also, if you are planning on actively contributing/developing code in this repo please just let Max know so he isn't constantly squashing/forcing pushes to main (which is basically just done to keep the commit structure tidy). Thanks!


TL;DR Setup

To use this code, you need to have a little bit of prior information. I've modified the TMSiSAGA package from its original state because I'm meddlesome and retentive like that. As such, you need to get:

  • The serial number of each SAGA unit
  • A list of "Tags" you want to assign to those serial numbers
  • Open the UDP ports 3030-3035 for MATLAB on Inbound/Outbound rules
    • Search "Firewall" on Windows and then go to "Advanced Firewall Settings" to modify these
  • Open the TCP/IP ports 5000-5050 for MATLAB on Inbound/Outbound rules
    • Note that for both these changes, consider only allowing these to be open for specific IP addresses you intend to use on your device network. I don't actually know if that helps from a security standpoint but I hope it does.

Serial Numbers

You will need to assign each serial number to a corresponding tag (I use "A", "B", ... etc.). Make sure that the tags and serial numbers and ordering matches up so that elements are matched.

NML Devices

A more comprehensive and hopefully current version of this table is kept on the NML_share drive in Equipment Manuals and Software in the Equipment tracking.gsheet file.

Unit Name General Home Data Recorder SN (Top) Docking Station SN (Bottom) Tag (Max Interface)
SAGA-1 Wean 4120 1000190062 1005190054 S1
SAGA-2 Wean 4120 1000190076 1005190062 S2
SAGA-3 Wean 4120 1000210046 1005210038 S3
SAGA-4 Wean 4120 1000220037 1005220030 S4
SAGA-5 Wean 4120 1000220035 1005220009 S5
SAGA-A Mellon 125k 1000210037 1005210028 A
SAGA-B Mellon 125k 1000210036 1005210029 B


I might just be really bad at IT but I had a hell of a time getting that part to work and then magically walked in the next day and it all worked without me ever changing the code so either we have gremlins (like the good kind?) or it might require a computer restart and then some quiet contemplation of your life's choices (waiting) until the network gods decide to let you use their ports. Anyways, consider yourself warned.

  • Note that I strongly recommend getting a local ethernet network switch and keeping devices off the CMU public ethernet, which seems to cause issues if you leave ports open for too long.
  • If you do have a local network switch, then I had success setting things up as local network devices using 10.x.y.z network.


I've been opening the following UDP ports:

UDP_CONTROLLER_IP = "";      % This creates the udpport on controller device, listening on any network.
UDP_STATE_BROADCAST_PORT = 3030;    % UDP port: state
UDP_NAME_BROADCAST_PORT = 3031;     % UDP port: name
UDP_EXTRA_BROADCAST_PORT = 3032;    % UDP port: extra
UDP_TASK_BROADCAST_PORT  = 3033;    % UDP port: task
UDP_DATA_BROADCAST_PORT  = 3034;    % UDP port: data
UDP_CONTROLLER_RECV_PORT = 3035;    % UDP port: receiver (controller)

For TCP, I used the following ports and addresses (which probably change according to your experimental setup):

BROADCAST_ADDRESS = "";    % Broadcast address for local ethernet switch (may be deprecated)
SERVER_ADDRESS = "";        % Host machine for TMSiSAGA ("Stream Server")
WORKER_ADDRESS = "";        % Max desktop processing ("Data Server")
SERVER_PORT_CONTROLLER = 5000;                   % Server port for CONTROLLER
SERVER_PORT_DATA = struct('A', 5020, 'B', 5021); % Ports for DATA servers. % Assign by TMSiSAGA tag ('A', 'B', .. etc)


Each of these steps should be started in a separate MATLAB session, possibly using different machines on the same network switch.

NOTE 2: DEPENDING ON WHICH SAGA DEVICES ARE IN USE, YOU NEED TO ADJUST THE SERIAL NUMBERS IN deploy__tmsi_stream_service.m ACCORDINGLY. Please refer to the table in the NML Devices section and use the Data Recorder column values corresponding to your machine.


  2. On a local network computer (probably the one running TMSiSAGA devices), you will first run deploy__tmsi_tcp_servers.m.

    This will start the control server. The control server broadcasts to UDP ports 3030 ("state"), and 3031 ("name"), there are others but I'm not using them for now.

    The "state" port allows you to move the state machine between: "idle", "run", "record", and "quit" states (as of 5/7/22).

    The "name" port broadcasts the current filename to any udp receivers listening on that port within the local network.

     For example, a common local network is "10.0.0.x" for devices 
     network, or "192.168.1.x" or "192.168.0.x" for devices 
     connected to a network router or switch respectively. The 
     broadcast address for a network is "a.b.c.255" network device

    The "extra" port is just a loopback that broadcasts whatever was sent to the control server as a string as it was received (e.g. "set.tank.random/random_3025_01_02" for subject "random" and date "3025-01-02").

  3. Once the TMSi control/data servers are running, next start another MATLAB session and run the deploy__tmsi_stream_service.m to open communication with the TMSi SAGA device(s).

     This runs a set of nested blocking loops which handle sampling 
     from those devices and querying the control server state. Two
     sets of buffers are created:
         `buffer` - One for each SAGA device. This is a smaller
                     buffer; the sets of samples from each call to
                     SAGA device array are appended to this buffer
                     and each buffer element has an event listener
                     with a callback that is triggered when the
                     buffer fills up. This basically acts as a
                     circular buffer, and the callback re-indexes
                     the data so that samples are sent in the
                     correct order. AS OF 5/8/22, TESTING INDICATES
                     THAT PASSING SAMPLES VIA TCP I LOSE ~40-200
                     SAMPLES ON EACH "FRAME" OF ~16k SAMPLES. THAT
                     IS ~1% SAMPLE LOSS WHICH IS OKAY FOR MY
                     YOU USE THIS CODE!
         `rec_buffer` - These should be LARGER buffers (currently I
                         have it as of 5/8/22 set so that they store
                         up to 10 minutes of data before looping
                         back around, that is overkill for the
                         length of triggered recordings I anticipate
                         using for my purposes but just be aware of
                         this, I have not set anything to handle the
                         case where it loops back on itself and
                         overwrites data). FROM TESTING AS OF
                         5/8/22, I DO NOT SEE ANY SAMPLE LOSS WHEN
                         DUMPING THE SAME SAMPLES INTO `rec_buffer`
                         AS I DUMP INTO `buffer`. Therefore, I am
                         pretty sure the sample loss via
                         tcpclient/tcpserver interaction is due to
                         the circular buffer having a mismatch on
                         the total number of samples each time. I'm
                         sure there is a better way to do it than
                         what I'm doing, but I don't want to spend
                         more time on it right now, so again, PLEASE
                         THIS CODE!!
  4. The last thing to do is, most-likely in the same session running the servers (but you could do this in a third, separate session just to be safe) you would start a tcpclient to connect to the "CONTROL" server.

Currently there are only two API functions for the "CONTROL" client/server interactions: + client__set_rec_name_metadata - This just sets what your filename metadata should be. You should make sure that this increments between each recording so that you do not overwrite an existing file, it doesn't as of 5/8/22 have anything built-in to check for that. + client__set_saga_state - This sets the state of the SAGA. You can either set it to "idle" | "run" | "rec" | "quit" "idle" -> does nothing "run" -> stream data to tcpserver, but do not dump to diskfile "rec" -> stream data to tcpserver and also dump to diskfile "quit" -> stop collecting data and shut down the SAGAs.

      At some point I will probably also add something like "imp" to
      do a quick impedance test, but I haven't put that in as of

   So at this point, your workflow is basically:
      a. Create tcpclient connected to control server
      b. Make sure that the SAGA loop is already running. If you
          clicked the run button for steps 1. and 2. you should be 
          good at this point. This really shouldn't be in the list.
      c. Alternate as: i. client__set_rec_name_metadata(...)
                      ii. client__set_saga_state("rec" (or "run"))
                     iii. client__set_saga_state("idle"), then back
                              to (i) until
                      iv. client__set_saga_state("quit")

At this point I haven't done much to test the shutdown but basically PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CALL THE lib.cleanUp(); at the end on whichever session is running the SAGA devices. I may have commented it out on my end during testing so just again, double-check that before you start the script. If you intend to cycle through client__set_saga_state("quit") a bunch, then you might consider commenting it out as once you call lib.cleanup you'll have to re-run all the way through step 2 again rather than just restarting the loop. Note that you should be able to keep whatever client from step 3 even if you have to go back to step 2 so, now that I think about it, steps 2 and 3 should probably flip but I'm too lazy to go back and fix that part.