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Cordova plugin for the mobile-optimised KonnectedPay payment gateway.


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KonnectedPay Cordova Plugin


  1. Install this plugin using the Cordova command line tools:

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-konnectedpay

  2. On any page where you want to use the .getTokens() or .deleteToken() methods, configure the Content Security Policy by adding the directive connect-src https://* to the Content-Security-Policy META tag, e.g.

        content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *; connect-src https://*"


On Android, a few more steps are required:

  1. Ensure that your application uses an android:theme from AppCompat. If you do not already have such a theme:

    1. Create a file platforms/android/res/values/styles.xml.

    2. Insert these contents into the new file (sample):

          <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
              <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
              <item name="colorPrimary">#000000</item>
              <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#800000</item>
              <item name="colorAccent">#FF3030</item>
    3. Edit the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.xml and add the following attribute: android:theme="@style/AppTheme". For example:



Requesting Payment

Requesting payment with payment form page:

        merchantId: "your konnectedpay merchant id",     // From your KonnectedPay account.
        clientSecret: "your konnectedpay client secret", // From your KonnectedPay account.
        amount: 1234.56,
        transId: "your unique transaction id",
        currencyCode: "MYR",
        fullName: "payer's full name",
        email: "payer's email address",
        userId: "your internal user ID",
        rememberCard: true, // OPTIONAL. Set to false if you do NOT want to
            // remember the user's card (see Retrieving Tokenised Payment Method).
    function (results) {
        // Successful Payment
    function (results) {
        // Unsuccessful Payment

Requesting payment with existing token (credit card) - skips payment page:

        merchantId: "your konnectedpay merchant id",     // From your KonnectedPay account.
        clientSecret: "your konnectedpay client secret", // From your KonnectedPay account.
        amount: 1234.56,
        transId: "your unique transaction id",
        currencyCode: "MYR",
        fullName: "payer's full name",
        email: "payer's email address",
        userId: "your internal user ID - used with konnectedpay.getTokens() method",
        token: "token from konnectedpay.getTokens() method",
    function (results) {
        // Successful Payment
    function (results) {
        // Unsuccessful or Cancelled Payment

The success or failure callback will receive only one argument. Successful/failed payment:

    status: "status", // "S" == successful payment. Any other value indicates
        // failed payment. Will be "Incorrect usage" if the function was not
        // called correctly.
    desc: "...",
    code: "...", // May be undefined if status is not "S"
    amount: "1234.56", // May be undefined if status is not "S"
    tranId: "the transaction id specified in requestPayment()", // May be
        // undefined if status is not "S"

Cancelled payment:

    status: "Cancelled",
    desc: "User cancelled",

WARNING: The payment can still be processing/successful/failed even if this plugin returns Cancelled status, as the user may have exited the payment screen after submitting all the online forms... We advise you not to abort any transactions after receiving this status - instead, you should rely on KonnectedPay's Backend POST feature.

Note: You can only have 1 payment at any time - requesting a payment while the previous payment is still in progress will result in failure.

Retrieving Tokenised Payment Methods (credit cards)

Each time your users successfully make a payment, if they have not un-checked the Remember My Card option on the payment page, their credit card information will be saved in KonnectedPay as a "token".

        merchantId: "your konnectedpay merchant id",     // Get from your KonnectedPay account.
        clientSecret: "your konnectedpay client secret", // Get from your KonnectedPay account.
        userId: "your internal user ID - used with konnectedpay.getTokens() method",
    function (results) {
        // NOTE: results array may be empty.
        // results == [
        //     {
        //         token: "opaque string to pass into konnectedpay.requestPayment()",
        //         maskCard: "411111xxxxxx1111",
        //         maskCardType: "e.g. V, M, A, etc",
        //     },
        //     ...
        // ]
    function (errMsgOrUndefined) {
        // This function will be called if we failed to retrieve the tokens list.

Make sure that you have configured the Content Security Policy on the page where you are calling this function. Add connect-src https://* to the Content-Security-Policy META tag.

Deleting Saved Token

        clientSecret: "your konnectedpay client secret", // Get from your KonnectedPay account.
        userId: "your internal user ID - used with konnectedpay.getTokens() method",
        token: "the token to be deleted - as returned by .getTokens()"
    function () {
        // Token successfully deleted
    function (errMsg) {
        // Token NOT successfully deleted


Unable to load tokens


  • Android: getTokens fails with undefined error
  • iOS: getTokens never calls the success or error callbacks

Make sure you have configured the Content Security Policy on the page where you are calling .getTokens(). You must add this directive:

connect-src https://*


<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *; connect-src https://*">

Android app crashes when calling konnectedpay.requestPayment(...)

If your app crashes immediately after requesting payment, and if you find a line similar to the following in your ADB logs:

06-06 16:37:18.536  5132  5132 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{io.cordova.hellocordova/com.nexstream.konnectedsdk.PaymentActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.

Please complete your Android app setup by following the Android additional setup instructions.