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Frequently Asked Questions

Niall edited this page Dec 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Q: My animations are slow, how can I change the speed?

A: Set the interval manually using a separator:

- "2|<scroll>Scrolling text"

(Where 2 is the interval in ticks 20 ticks = 1 second)

Q: I'm using ViaVersion, scoreboard colours are not working on 1.13+

A: Make sure you have the latest ViaVersion development build installed from:

Q: Can I change the order/customise the text in the player list?

A: No, you can only modify the header and footer

Q: Can I make the content switch at a certain rate

A: Yes, you can set the same interval for multiple lines in an advanced scoreboard configuration. See advanced scoreboard configuration for more information here: Groups

Q: Can I assign a scoreboard to multiple worlds?

A: Yes,

    type: WORLD
    world: "bskyblock_world"
    type: WORLD
    world: "bskyblock_world_nether"
    type: WORLD
    world: "bskyblock_world_the_end"```
For more information, see [[Assignment Methods]]
### Q: How do I create the fading in/out animation used on the example:
- <fadein>Welcome to KiteMC</fadein>
- <pause times=10>Welcome to KiteMC</pause>
- <fadeout>Welcome to KiteMC</fadeout>```

See [[Animations and Modifiers]] for more information.