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Github action to create an EC2 instance if it does not exist yet


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🚀 Create AWS EC2 instance - GitHub Action

How this Action works

This Action is used to create an EC2 instance in your AWS Organization if it does not already exist! So If there is no existing EC2 instance with the configured name (see parameters) it will skip this step and output the name and the instance ID. If it does not already exist, it creates a new EC2 instance with the provided settings.


Input Parameter Description Default Value
access-key-id The Access Key Id used to authenticate against AWS NONE
access-key-secret The Access Key secret used to authenticate against AWS NONE
region The region where the EC2 instance should get created NONE
image-id Provide the Operating system image ID used on the EC2 instance ami-0329d3839379bfd15 (ubuntu x64)
name The name of the new EC2 instance NONE
instance-type The Type of the new instance which should get launched t2.micro
key-pair Keypair which should get attached to the ec2 instance for SSH connection NONE
security-group-ids The IDs of the Security Groups which should get attached to the new EC2 instance divided by comma NONE
volume-size The size of the attached volume in Gib 8 (Gib)
availability-zone The AvailabilityZone Where the instance shall run NONE


name: Testing
      - main
  # Access key and secrets have to be defined as an environment variable. 
  # The JavaScript SDK recognizez these only through env variables.
    name: Create EC2 instance
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create EC2 instance
        uses: Nico-Agoston/create-ec2-instance@main
          access-key-id: ${{ env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          access-key-secret: ${{ env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} 
          region: eu-central-1
          image-id: ami-04e601abe3e1a910f
          instance-type: t2.micro
          key-pair: ssh-key-name
          security-group-ids: <ID-1>, <ID-2>
          name: Test-EC2-instance
          volume-size: 12
          availability-zone: eu-central-1b


  Groups: [],
  Instances: [
      AmiLaunchIndex: 0,
      ImageId: 'ami-04e601abe3e1a910f',
      InstanceId: 'i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
      InstanceType: 't2.micro',
      KeyName: '<Your entered key name>',
      LaunchTime: 2023-06-28T14:31:14.000Z,
      Monitoring: [Object],
      Placement: [Object],
      PrivateDnsName: 'ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<region>.compute.internal',
      PrivateIpAddress: '',
      ProductCodes: [],
      PublicDnsName: '',
      State: [Object],
      StateTransitionReason: '',
      SubnetId: 'subnet-id',
      VpcId: 'vpc-9id',
      Architecture: 'x86_64',
      BlockDeviceMappings: [],
      ClientToken: '<token>',
      EbsOptimized: false,
      EnaSupport: true,
      Hypervisor: 'xen',
      ElasticGpuAssociations: [],
      ElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociations: [],
      NetworkInterfaces: [Array],
      RootDeviceName: '/dev/sda1',
      RootDeviceType: 'ebs',
      SecurityGroups: [Array],
      SourceDestCheck: true,
      StateReason: [Object],
      Tags: [],
      VirtualizationType: 'hvm',
      CpuOptions: [Object],
      CapacityReservationSpecification: [Object],
      Licenses: [],
      MetadataOptions: [Object],
      EnclaveOptions: [Object],
      PrivateDnsNameOptions: [Object],
      MaintenanceOptions: [Object],
      CurrentInstanceBootMode: 'legacy-bios'
  OwnerId: '<Your Owner ID>',
  ReservationId: '<Reservation ID>'
Created instance i-ID
Instance tagged