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Edward Mac Gillavry edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 23 revisions

In Leaflet step 2 we will add markers, circles and polygons to our map.

Vector Data vs Raster data

Our reference map consists of multiple tiles: static raster images. If you zoom or pan the map, new raster images are loaded into view. In this step, we will use native Leaflet JS functionality to draw markers, circles and polygons: vector objects. If you zoom or pan the map, these vector objects simply scale or move along. In Leaflet step 3 we will even add more vector objects from a separate GeoJSON file.

Raster data is like a picture that you would take with a digital camera: at the lowest level of abstraction, it is a list of pixels with values. When you ‘zoom in’ and look closer at raster data using an image viewer application, at some point you’ll see these discrete pixels, and it will look pixelated.


Vector data stores basic geometries rather than pixel data. No matter how much you ‘zoom in’ on vector data, you won’t see pixels: the data stored is composed of geometric points and lines, and only converted into an image when necessary.


Markers, circles and polygons

Now we will add custom markers, circles and polygons to your map. (for example your home address).

▶️ Add the following to your Javascript:

var marker = L.marker([42.349239, -71.041342]).addTo(map);

JS var stands for variable. Variables store data so that they can be used later on in the program. Here the keyword var creates a new variable named marker. The value stored is a Leaflet marker which is immediately added to our map.

▶️ Add another 4 markers. (friends, places you lived or visited?). Note: give the var another name every time. Example:

var brewery = L.marker([42.346868, -71.034396]).addTo(map);

▶️ Provide the markers with a pop-up. For the Harpoon Brewery we add the following pop-up:

var popup = "Write your pop up text here";

JS Did you notice a ; at the end of every statement? The semicolon tells the computer that the statement has ended.

▶️ Now place a circle on the map, use your own coordinates:

var circle =[42.359116, -71.049592], 500, {
  color: 'red',
  fillColor: '#f03',
  fillOpacity: 0.5

▶️ Connect all previous markers with a polygon. Use all previous coordinates and combine them in the right order.

var polygon = L.polygon([
  [42.349239, -71.041342],
  [42.346868, -71.034396],
  [42.359116, -71.049592]

Your script should look like the following:

  //initialize the map
  var map ='map').setView([42.3600825, -71.0588801], 12);
  //Create baselayer - tiles
  var backgroundMap = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: '<a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>',
    maxZoom: 19
  //Add markers
  var brewery = L.marker([42.346868, -71.034396]).addTo(map);
  var aquarium = L.marker([42.359116, -71.049592]);
  var hotel = L.marker([42.351340, -71.040495]);
  var harvard = L.marker([42.376979, -71.116617]);
  //Add pop-ups
  var popup = "The Harpoon Brewery.";
  var popup1 = "Do you sleep in the SeaPort Hotel?";
  var popup2 = "The New England Aquarium.";
  var popup3 = "The Harvard University.";
  //add a circle
  var circle =[42.359116, -71.049592], 4500, {
    color: 'red',
    fillColor: '#f03',
    fillOpacity: 0.5
  //add a polygon   
  var polygon = L.polygon([
    [42.346868, -71.034396],
    [42.351340, -71.040495],
    [42.359116, -71.049592],
    [42.376979, -71.116617]

JS The double slashes // mark a Single line comment. Any text between // and the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript (will not be executed). JavaScript comments can be used to explain JavaScript code, and to make it more readable.

▶️ Have a look in your browser to see if you see all your markers and circles are on the map! If not, adjust the zoom and/or centre settings or change your coordinates!

▶️ Also check the debugger in the browser to see if everything is correct: F12

This is what my example looks like:


➡️ Continue to Leaflet step 3