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This is a small guide for setting my mac into development, useful GUI and CLI apps, files, articles and tips to do it right from scratch. Check out the video (Spanish) with a more in-depth explanation:

Configuración y aplicaciones para desarrolladores en macOS 2020


Link Why Autor
macOS Setup This guide covers the basics of setting up a development environment on a new Mac.  @sb2nov
GitHub Accounts with SSH keys The need to manage multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine comes up at some point in time for most developers.  Bivil M Jacob

GUI Apps

Download App Why brew
Adobe Xd Adobe Xd UI Design and web assets creation. -
Alfred Alfred Spotlight replacement. alfred
Android File Transfer Android File Transfer Transfer files from Android to Mac. android-file-transfer
AppCleaner AppCleaner Remove Apps and orphan files. app-cleaner
Commander One Commander One FTP, SFTP with double panel view. commander-one
Docker Docker Isolate applications in containers. docker
Firefox Developer Edition Firefox Developer Edition Main Browser for use/development. firefox-developer-edition
Google Chrome Google Chrome Side development browser, used to check compatibility. google-chrome-dev
Kap Kap Video Screenshot Recorder. kap
OBS OBS Screen Recorder and Streaming Client. obs
Postman Postman API Client for REST, SOAP and GraphQL. postman
Rectangle Rectangle Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. rectangle
Rocket Rocket Emoji provider inside any app. -
Slack Slack Communication between teams. slack
Spotify Spotify Premium music service. spotify
The Unarchiver The Unarchiver Uncompress RAR, TGZ and other formats not natively supported. the-unarchiver
Transmission Transmission Torrent client. transmission
True Key True Key Password, secrets and document manager. -
Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code Code Editor and Integrated Terminal. visual-studio-code
VLC VLC Cross-platform multimedia player and video conversor. vlc
VPN Unlimited VPN Unlimited Premium VPN Service. -
Zeplin Zeplin Share, organize and collaborate on designs—built with developers in mind. zeplin
Zoom Zoom Video Meeting and Screen Share app. zoomus

ZSH Terminal

Util Why
OhMyZsh A delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. 
avit-da2k oh-my-zsh theme based on avit theme.
zsh-autosuggestions It suggests commands as you type based on history and completions.
zsh-completions This projects aims at gathering/developing new completion scripts that are not available in Zsh yet.
zsh-syntax-highlighting Enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal.
zsh-nvm The plugin will install the latest stable release of nvm if you don't already have it, and then automatically source it for you.

Visual Studio Code

I use Panda Syntax for my theme, with Fira Code as my monospace font with material icons. Check out my settings file :)

How it looks

VSCode Plugins

🔥 Hot Tip: When I install a plugin, I global disable it and only enable it in projects (workspaces) where I need it. For example: in a React project, I enable the React related plugins. This keeps suggestions and performance at it best.

Global Plugins

Download Why
deBakatas Pack  My recommendation of plugins for every JS developer.
Bash Beautify  Format / Beautify bash and shell scripts.
Bracket Pair Colorizer  A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets.
Code Runner  Run programming files directly and see the output below..
CodeSnap  Take beautiful screenshots of your code.
ColorHighlight  Highlight web colors in your editor.
EditorConfig  EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code.
ESLint  Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
GitHistory  View git log, file history, compare branches or commits.
Kite  AI-powered coding assistant featuring line-of-code Python and JavaScript.
Prettier  Code formatter using prettier.

Language Plugins

Download Why Language
Simple React Snippets  Dead simple React snippets you will actually use. react
vscode-styled-components  Syntax highlighting for styled-components. react
React PropTypes Generate  Auto generate react's propTypes. react
Vetur  Vue tooling for VS Code. vue
vue  Syntax Highlight for Vue.js. vue
language-stylus  Stylus language support. stylus
Manta's Stylus Supremacy  Format your Stylus files with ease. stylus
Sass  Indented Sass syntax Highlighting, Autocomplete & Formatter. sass
postcss-sugarss-language  postcss and sugarss syntax support. postcss

Global NPM Packages

Name  Why
@vue/cli Creation and edition of Vue projects.
commitizen Create standard and better commit messages.
create-react-app Set up a modern React web app by running one command.
eslint-config-wesbos No-Sweat™ Eslint and Prettier Setup.
gatsby-cli React-based open source framework for creating websites and apps.
prettier Opinionated code formatter.
yarn Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. (Yes, I install yarn as a global NPM package, fight me.)


Basic configuration files






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