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2.2 Import collection & decks from Magic The Gathering Online

NikolayHD edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 4 revisions

In Mtgdb.Gui you can save/load deck/collection files in plain-text *.txt format created by MTGO.

To export collection from MTGO

action screenshot
Make sure you have no filters hiding some cards from your collection  
right click on collection area outside any card  
in context menu pick Select all Select all cards
open context menu again, pick Export export mtgo collection
select Plain TXT format (*.txt) format select plaintext format

To import collection to Mtgdb.Gui

action screenshot
Hover mouse over Load button in window header  
in popup menu pick Load collection from file item Load collection from file
in open file dialog pick Magic The Gathering online deck (*.txt) format Load collection .txt format
find and open the collection *.txt file you created in MTGO  
use Filter Manager Collection button in top row to show your collection in Search result import collection result

To export from MTGO a deck or any other item in Decks & Binders panel

action screenshot
Right click on item (e.g. deck)  
pick Export in context menu export mtgo deck
select Plain TXT format (*.txt) export mtgo deck .txt format

To import a deck created in Mtgdb.Gui into MTGO

action screenshot
Save deck in Mtgdb.Gui using Magic The Gathering Online deck (*.txt) format save deck in mtgdb.gui in MTGO format
in MTGO click Add deck button next to Decks & Binders panel  
click Import in Add or Import Deck(s) dialog mtgo import deck dialog
find and open a deck in *.txt format you saved in Mtgdb.Gui Mtgo import deck select format
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