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🚀 ChatGambit - Scalable and Secure Chat Application

ChatGambit is a modern and scalable chat application built using NestJS, TypeScript, React, websockets, Casl, Zod, and Tailwind. It provides real-time full-duplex communication with a range of capabilities, including user authentication, group creation, and advanced security features.

🌟 Features

  • Real-Time Communication: 📡 ChatGambit enables real-time, full-duplex communication between users, making it ideal for chat applications and collaborative environments.

  • Group Chat: 👥 Users can join existing chat groups or create their own, allowing for flexible and organized conversations.

  • Admin Controls: 👑 Administrators have the ability to kick users from chat groups to maintain order and manage discussions.

  • Persistent Data 📅 Room and user data persist for active rooms, ensuring a continuous, real-time experience.

🔐 Security and Functionality Enhancements

  • Rate Limiting: ⏳ To prevent abuse, ChatGambit includes rate limiting functionality to control the number of messages sent within a specific time frame.

  • Message Acknowledgement: ✉️ Messages sent through ChatGambit include acknowledgement to confirm successful delivery.

  • CASL Attribute-Based Authorization: 🔐 ChatGambit leverages CASL for attribute-based authorization, that define fine-grained permissions and access control for users.

  • End-to-End Validation with Zod: ✅ Zod ensures robust end-to-end validation, helping to maintain data integrity throughout the application.

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Backend:

    • NestJS
    • TypeScript
    • Postgress SQL
    • Prisma ORM
    • Docker & Docker Compose
  • Frontend:

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
  • Websockets for real-time communication

🌐 Nginx Reverse Proxy

The application is hosted behind an Nginx reverse proxy to enhance security and routing capabilities.

📦 Installation and Usage

To get started with ChatGambit, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd chatgambit
  3. Build and run the docker container docker compose up