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Merge pull request #113 from dwatley/ubuntu-guide
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Revised Ubuntu guide with more context.
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julianlam committed Jan 8, 2017
2 parents 7e11fa1 + 73ead9f commit 5cf3290
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 32 deletions.
195 changes: 163 additions & 32 deletions installing/os/ubuntu.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,78 +1,209 @@


The following installation guide is optimised for Ubuntu LTS versions, and will install NodeBB
with MongoDB as the data store. Currently at the time of writing, the latest available Ubuntu
LTS version is **14.04**.
This installation guide is optimized for **Ubuntu 16.04 LTS** and will install NodeBB with MongoDB as the database.
Fully patched LTS and equivalent **production** versions of software are assumed and used throughout.


First, install the LTS version of Node.js (**v4.2 Argon**):
Install Node.js

Naturally, NodeBB is driven by Node.js, and so it needs to be installed. Node.js is a rapidly evolving platform and so
installation of an LTS version of Node.js is recommended to avoid unexpected breaking changes in the future as part of
system updates. The `Node.js LTS Plan <>`_ details the LTS release schedule including
projected end-of-life.

To start, add the nodesource repository per the `Node.js Ubuntu instructions <>`_
and install Node.js:

.. code:: bash
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
Next, we'll install the dependencies required by NodeBB
Verify installation of Node.js and npm:

.. code:: bash
$ sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs mongodb build-essential
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Install MongoDB

MongoDB is the default database for NodeBB. As noted in the `MongoDB Support Policy <>`_
versions older than **3.x** are officially **End of Life** as of October 2016. This guide assumes installation of
**3.2.x**. If `Redis <>`_ or another database instead of MongoDB the
:doc:`Configuring Databases <../../configuring/databases>` section has more information.

If you want to use Redis or another database instead of MongoDB please look at the :doc:`Configuring Databases <../../configuring/databases>` section.
Up to date detailed installation instructions can be found in the `MongoDB manual <>`_.
Although out of scope for this guide, some MongoDB production deployments leverage clustering, sharding and replication
for high availibility and performance reasons. Please refer to the MongoDB `Replication <>`_
and `Sharding <>`_ topics for further reading.

Abbreviated instructions below:

.. code:: bash
Next, clone NodeBB into your desired location. If you don't know where, your home directory is acceptable:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927
$ echo "deb xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y mongodb-org
Start the service and verify service status:

.. code:: bash
$ cd ~ # Optional
$ git clone -b v1.x.x nodebb
$ sudo service mongod start
$ sudo service mongod status
To track the latest weekly build of NodeBB, substitute `weekly` in place of `v1.x.x`
If everything has been installed correctly the service status should show as ``active (running)``.

Configure MongoDB

Obtain all of the dependencies required by NodeBB:
General MongoDB administration is done through the MongoDB Shell ``mongo``. A default installation of MongoDB listens
on port ``27017`` and is accessible locally. Access the shell:

.. code:: bash
$ cd nodebb
$ npm install --production
Now, you need to configure your MongoDB database. To do this, refer to :doc:`MongoDB <../../configuring/databases/mongo>`:
$ mongo
Switch to the built-in ``admin`` database:

.. code::
> use admin
Create an administrative user (**not** the ``nodebb`` user) scoped to the ``admin`` database to manage MongoDB once
authorization has been enabled:

.. code::
> db.createUser( { user: "<Enter a username>", pwd: "<Enter a secure password>", roles: [ { role: "readWriteAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } )
To initially create a database that doesn't exist simply ``use`` it. Add a new database called ``nodebb``:

.. code::
> use nodebb
The database will be created and context switched to ``nodebb``. Next create the `nodebb` user and add the appropriate

.. code::
> db.createUser( { user: "nodebb", pwd: "<Enter a secure password", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "nodebb" }, { role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" } ] } )
The ``readWrite`` permission allows NodeBB to store and retrieve data from the ``nodebb`` database. The
``clusterMonitor`` permission provides NodeBB read-only access to query database server statistics which are then
exposed in the NodeBB Administrative Control Panel (ACP).

Exit the Mongo Shell:

.. code::
Start the NodeBB Web Installer, and continue setup at, and select "MongoDB"
as your database type.
> quit()
Enable database authorization in the MongoDB configuration file ``/etc/mongod.conf`` by uncommenting the line
``security`` and enabling authorization:

.. code:: yaml
authorization: enabled
Restart MongoDB and verify the administrative user created earlier can connect:

.. code:: bash
$ npm start
$ sudo service mongod restart
$ mongo -u your_username -p your_password --authenticationDatabase=admin
If everything is configured correctly the Mongo Shell will connect. Exit the shell.

Install NodeBB

**Alternatively**: Initiate the setup script by running the app with the ``setup`` flag:
First, the remaining dependencies should be installed if not already present:

.. code:: bash
$ sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential
Next, clone NodeBB into an appropriate location. Here the ``opt`` directory is used:

.. code:: bash
$ ./nodebb setup
$ cd /opt
$ sudo git clone -b v1.x.x nodebb
This clones the NodeBB repository from the ``v1.x.x`` branch to ``/opt/nodebb``. A list of alternative branches are
available in the `NodeBB Branches <>`_ GitHub page.

Obtain all of the dependencies required by NodeBB and initiate the setup script:

.. code:: bash
$ cd nodebb
$ sudo npm install --production
$ sudo ./nodebb setup
The default settings are for a local server running on the default port, with a redis store on the same machine/port.
A series of questions will be prompt with defaults in parenthesis. The default settings are for a local server listening
on the default port ``4567`` with a MongoDB instance listening on port ``27017``. When prompted be sure to configure the
MongoDB username and password that was configured earlier for NodeBB. Once connectivity to the database is confirmed the
setup will prompt that initial user setup is running. Since this is a fresh NodeBB install a forum administrator must be
configured. Enter the desired administrator information. This will culminate in a ``NodeBB Setup Completed.`` message.

Lastly, we run the forum.
A configuration file :doc:`config.json <../../configuring/config>` will be created in the root of the nodebb directory,
in this case ``/opt/nodebb/config.json``. This file can be modified should you need to make changes such as changing the
database location or credentials used to access the database.

Next create a ``nodebb`` system user and give the account permissions over the ``/opt/nodebb`` folder and all
subdirectories. This will ensure that NodeBB can configure plugins and update.

.. code:: bash
$ ./nodebb start
$ sudo adduser --system --group nodebb
$ sudo chown -R nodebb:nodebb /opt/nodebb
The last setup item is to configure NodeBB to start automatically. Modern linux systems have adopted
`systemd <>`_ as the default init system. Configure nodebb to start via a systemd
unit file at the location ``/lib/systemd/system/nodebb.service``:

.. code::
Description=NodeBB forum for Node.js.
NodeBB can also be started with helper programs, such as ``forever``. :doc:`Take a look at the options here <../../running/index>`.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node loader.js --no-daemon --no-silent
Finally, enable and start NodeBB:

.. code:: bash
$ sudo systemctl enable nodebb
$ sudo service nodebb start
$ sudo service nodebb status
If you receive an error stating ``Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/magic'``, run ``npm i mmmagic``
and continue as before.
If everything has been installed and configured correctly the service status should show as ``active``. Assuming this
install was done on a Ubuntu Server edition without a desktop, launch a web browser from another host and navigate to
the address that was configured during the NodeBB setup via IP address or domain name. The default forum should load and
be ready for general usage and customization.

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