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Spigot Config

Nononitas edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 13 revisions

#Config version. Don't change!
version: "9"

debug: false

#OP-protection: Player can only be op'ed if they are in the "allowed-operators" list
op-protection: false
  - Player1
  - Player2
#If you try to OP someone who isn't in the list
op-message: "&cThe Player isn't a listed operator!"
#Players who are operators and are not in the list can't connect and will be deop'ed.
unauthorized-operator-kick-message: '&cYou are not allowed to be an operator'

#Message shown if you type /pl | Enter none to disable | Players with the permission plhide.bypass will see the real plugins when executing /plugins
/pl-message: 'Plugins (0):'

#Changes the server brand in the upper left of the f3 debug screen
f3-server-brand: '&3Plugin&7-&3Hide&7-&6Pro'
replace-f3-server-brand: true

#Stay on the newest version to get better features!
#Enable or disable automatic ingame update notification on join
update-notify: true

#Set true if you are using the bungeecord version and want to block commands via plugin:<pluginname> on the bungee version
#If true the groupsystem in this config will be disabled
bungee-mode: false
#If the proxy has a different ip and enter the proxys ip

#Do NOT change the port unless you are 100% sure what you are doing. In most cases it is recommended to leave the default value
port: 1550

#Blocks all "/<pluginname>:<command>" | For example it will remove /essentials:warp but not /warp
block-plugin-named-commands-tabcomplete: true
block-plugin-named-commands-execution: true

  #If no group is set via the permission<group> this will be used
  #Do not rename the default group!
    #The list of commands whose execution is blocked or can only be executed
      - ver
      - version
      - about
      - bukkit
      - icanhasbukkit
      - help
      - '?'
      - me
      - minecraft:me
      - minecraft:help
      - bukkit:?
      - bukkit:help
      - plugins
      - pl
      - bukkit:pl
      - bukkit:plugins
      - bukkit:ver
      - bukkit:version
      - bukkit:about
    #If the value is set to blacklist, the commands in the "commands" list are blocked from execution
    #If the value is set to whitelist, the commands in the "commands" list are the only ones that can be executed
    group-mode-commands: blacklist
    #The list of commands that will be removed from the tab or just made visible
      - ver
      - version
      - about
      - bukkit
      - icanhasbukkit
      - help
      - '?'
      - me
      - minecraft:me
      - minecraft:help
      - bukkit:?
      - bukkit:help
      - plugins
      - pl
      - bukkit:pl
      - bukkit:plugins
      - bukkit:ver
      - bukkit:version
      - bukkit:about
    #If the value is set to blacklist, the commands in the "tabcomplete" list are removed from the tab complete
    #If the value is set to whitelist, the commands in the "tabcomplete" list are only visible in the tab complete
    group-mode-tabcomplete: blacklist
    #If a player is in two groups, the group with the higher priority number is used
    #The minimum value is 0
    priority: 0
    #The message if you type a blocked command | Enter none to disable
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    #Here you can add other groups: The commands and tab completion from the "included groups" will be added to this group
    #Read more here
    #The group modes are taken from the parent group, in this case the parent group is "default"
      - exampleGroup

  #This group will remove all commands from the tab complete and block them from being executed
  #Give the player the permission to use the group
    commands: []
    group-mode-commands: whitelist
    tabcomplete: []
    group-mode-tabcomplete: whitelist
    priority: 1
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    included-groups: []
  #This group will be added automatically if you are an operator
  #Do not rename or delete this group
    commands: []
    group-mode-commands: blacklist
    tabcomplete: []
    group-mode-tabcomplete: blacklist
    priority: 10
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    included-groups: []
  #This group will be added automatically if you have * permissions
  #Do not rename or delete this group
    commands: []
    group-mode-commands: blacklist
    tabcomplete: []
    group-mode-tabcomplete: blacklist
    priority: 11
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    included-groups: []