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Git workflow

Karol Lasończyk edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

Git workflow

The nrfx project follows a simple git workflow. New feature branches are branched from the master branch on a forked repository and merged back to the master branch using pull requests. History is linear.

Working on branches

Before merging a branch back to the master branch, a few requirements must be met.

  • Make sure that CLA (Contributor License Agreement) has been accepted.
  • Make commits clear and consistent. Make sure that each commit is well-described and contains one logical change (see Commit message rules for more). If there are more commits related to one logical change, squash them.
  • Rebase the branch at the top of the master branch to be mergeable. Upmerges are prohibited.
  • Avoid new commits for changes originating from reviews. If possible, use the interactive rebase function to introduce these changes into the existing commits.