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nrfx 1.8.1 to 2.0.0

Karol Lasończyk edited this page Dec 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Migration guide from nrfx 1.8.1 to 2.0.0

nrfx 2.0.0 introduces API changes. This guide lists the actions required to make your code compatible with these changes.



  • All functions that modify registers in the peripheral now take the first value as a pointer to the structure of registers of this peripheral. It affects the following HALs: ADC, CLOCK, COMP, GPIOTE, LPCOMP, NFCT, PDM, POWER, PPI, QDEC, RADIO, RNG, SAADC, USBD, WDT.
  • Changed the returned type of the nrf_*_int_enable_check() functions from bool to uint32_t in HALs: QDEC, SAADC, SPI, SPIM, SPIS, SPU, TEMP, TIMER, TWI, TWIM, TWIS, UART, UARTE, USBD, WDT. Now, the functions return a mask of the enabled interrupts.
  • Address getter functions nrf_task_address_get() and nrfevent_address_get() now return uint32_t instead of pointer to uint32_t. It affects the following HALs: PPI (as nrf_ppi_task_group*), QDEC, TIMER, TWI, TWIM.


  • Removed deprecated API functions: nrf_ecb_init(), nrf_ecb_crypt(), and nrf_ecb_set_key().
  • Action: Rewrite the code using the current nrf_ecb_* functions.


  • Changed the name of the symbols referring to tasks and events.

  • Actions:

    • Update the symbols nrf_gpiote_tasks_t to nrf_gpiote_task_t and nrf_gpiote_events_t to nrf_gpiote_event_t.
    • For enumerations, change NRF_GPIOTE_TASKS_* to NRF_GPIOTE_TASK_* and NRF_GPIOTE_EVENTS_* to NRF_GPIOTE_EVENT_*.
  • Changed the following function names:

    • nrf_gpiote_task_addr_get() to nrf_gpiote_task_address_get()
    • nrf_gpiote_int_is_enabled() to nrf_gpiote_int_enable_check()
    • nrf_gpiote_event_is_set() to nrf_gpiote_event_check()
    • Action: Change these function names in your code.


  • Changed the name of the NRF_LPCOMP_CONFIG_REF_EXT_REF1 symbol in enumerator nrf_lpcomp_ref_t.
  • Action: Replace it with NRF_LPCOMP_REF_EXT_REF1.
  • Changed the name of the NRF_LPCOMP_HYST_50mV symbol in enumerator nrf_lpcomp_hysteresis_t.
  • Action: Replace it with NRF_LPCOMP_HYST_ENABLED.


  • Changed the following function names:
    • nrf_nfct_selsres_cascade_check() to nrf_nfct_selres_cascade_check()
    • nrf_nfct_selsres_protocol_get() to nrf_nfct_selres_protocol_get()
  • Action: Change these function names in your code.


  • Removed deprecated API functions: nrf_nvmc_page_erase(), nrf_nvmc_write_byte(), nrf_nvmc_write_word(), nrf_nvmc_write_bytes(), and nrf_nvmc_write_words().
  • Action: Switch to the nrfx_nvmc driver.
  • Removed the NRF_NVMC_ICACHE_PRESENT symbol.
  • Action: Use NVMC_FEATURE_CACHE_PRESENT instead.


  • Changed the following functions names:
    • nrf_ppi_channel_disable_all() to nrf_ppi_channels_disable_all()
    • nrf_ppi_channel_group_clear() to nrf_ppi_group_clear()
  • Action: Change these function names in your code.


  • Changed the name of the nrf_qdec_event_get() function to nrf_qdec_event_check(). The return value type is now bool.
  • Changed the name of the nrf_qdec_sampleper_reg_get() function to nrf_qdec_sampleper_get(). The return value type is now nrf_qdec_sampleper_t.
  • Action: Update the calls to these functions in your code.


  • Changed the following functions names:
    • nrf_rng_event_get() to nrf_rng_event_check()
    • nrf_rng_int_get() to nrf_rng_int_enable_check()
  • Action: Change these function names in your code.


  • Changed the following functions names:
    • nrf_rtc_int_is_enabled() to nrf_rtc_int_enable_check().
    • nrf_rtc_event_pending() to nrf_rtc_event_check().
    • rtc_prescaler_get() to nrf_rtc_prescaler_get().
  • Action: Change these function names in your code.
  • Function nrf_rtc_int_get() was removed.
  • Action: Use nrf_rtc_int_enable_check(~0uL) instead.


  • Removed the NRF_SAADC_CHANNEL_COUNT symbol.
  • Action: Use SAADC_CH_NUM instead.
  • Removed pin_p and pin_n fields from the nrf_saadc_channel_config_t structure.
  • Action: Configure analog pins using the following functions:
    • nrf_saadc_channel_pos_input_set() as a replacement for pin_p.
    • nrf_saadc_channel_input_set() as a replacement for both pin_n and pin_p.
  • Removed function nrf_saadc_event_limit_address_get().
  • Action: Use the following function instead: nrf_saadc_event_address_get(NRF_SAADC, nrf_saadc_limit_event_get(channel, limit_type)).


  • Removed deprecated API functions: nrf_temp_init() and nrf_temp_read().
  • Action: Use nrfx_temp instead.


  • Changed the following functions names:
    • nrf_timer_cc_write() to nrf_timer_cc_set()
    • nrf_timer_cc_read() to nrf_timer_cc_get()
  • Action: Change these function names in your code.


  • Removed the nrf_twis_amount_t type.


  • Changed the number of arguments in the nrf_uart_configure() function. It now takes two parameters: pointer to the register and configuration structures.
  • Action: Update the following source code:
nrf_uart_configure(NRF_UART0, parity, hwfc);


nrf_uart_config_t config = {
    .hwfc = hwfc,
    .parity = parity

nrf_uart_configure(NRF_UART0, &config);


  • Changed the number of arguments in the nrf_uart_configure() function. It now takes two parameters: pointer to the register and configuration structures.
  • Action: Update the following source code:
nrf_uarte_configure(NRF_UARTEx, parity, hwfc);


nrf_uarte_config_t config = {
    .hwfc = hwfc,
    .parity = parity

nrf_uarte_configure(NRF_UARTEx, &config);


  • Changed the behavior of the nrf_usbd_ep_all_disable() function.
  • Action: Use nrf_usbd_ep_default_config instead of nrf_usbd_ep_all_disable when restoring the default configuration.



  • Removed the default values of *_DEFAULT_CONFIG macros for the drivers from nrfx_config header files. Now header files of the drivers contain the default configuration with detailed description.


  • The nrfx_gpiote_init() function now takes one parameter - interrupt priority. This was previously a hard-coded value, configured in nrfx_config files.
  • Changed error codes for nrfx_gpiote_out_init() function. NRFX_ERROR_BUSY is now returned instead of NRFX_ERROR_INVALID STATE.


  • nrfx_pwm_init() now takes a pointer to the context as its last parameter. Can be set as NULL.
  • Expanded event handler type with the context as its last parameter.



  • Removed the driver.
  • Action: Use NVIC directly or nrfx_egu if you use the EGU peripheral.


  • Removed functions nrfx_twi_tx() and nrfx_twi_rx().
  • Action: Change these functions to:
nrfx_twi_xfer_desc_t xfer = NRFX_TWI_XFER_DESC_TX(address, (uint8_t*)p_data, length);
nrfx_twi_xfer(p_instance, &xfer, no_stop ? NRFX_TWI_FLAG_TX_NO_STOP : 0);


nrfx_twi_xfer_desc_t xfer = NRFX_TWI_XFER_DESC_RX(address, (uint8_t*)p_data, length);
nrfx_twi_xfer(p_instance, &xfer, 0);


  • Removed functions nrfx_twim_tx() and nrfx_twim_rx().
  • Action: Change these functions to:
nrfx_twim_xfer_desc_t xfer = NRFX_TWIM_XFER_DESC_TX(address, (uint8_t*)p_data, length);
nrfx_twim_xfer(p_instance, &xfer, no_stop ? NRFX_TWIM_FLAG_TX_NO_STOP : 0);


nrfx_twim_xfer_desc_t xfer = NRFX_TWIM_XFER_DESC_RX(address, (uint8_t*)p_data, length);
nrfx_twim_xfer(p_instance, &xfer, 0);


  • Moved hwfc and parity fields in the nrfx_uart_config_t to the hal_cfg field.
  • Action: Update your config structure.


  • Moved hwfc and parity fields in the nrfx_uarte_config_t to the hal_cfg field.
  • Action: Update your config structure.


  • The driver now supports multiple WDT peripherals. Every function takes a pointer to the instance as the first parameter. Note that the symbol NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ now applies globally on every instance.
  • Action: To support older code with the new WDT driver, declare an instance and pass it as the first argument to each nrfx_wdt_* function:
nrfx_wdt_t const wdt_instance = NRFX_WDT_INSTANCE(0);





  • Changed the return value type of the nrf_bitmask_bit_is_set() function from uint32_t to bool. It now returns true if the bit is set in the mask and false otherwise.
  • Changed the type of the length parameter in nrf_bitmask_masks_or() and nrf_bitmask_masks_and() functions from uint32_t to size_t.
  • Action: Update the type of these variables in the application.