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Build and deploy enterprise-grade business solutions in under an hour

Table of Contents
  1. About
  2. Main Features
  3. Contributing to the Nox library
  4. Using the Nox Library


Nox.Lib is a .NET framework that allows developers to rapidly build, maintain and deploy enterprise-grade, production-ready business solutions.

đź’ˇ At its heart, Nox is a code scaffolding engine that is extended through a range of handlers, including message, command, query and event handlers.

Nox pivots around the concept of a solution definition. This solution describes the domain, application, integrations, infrastructure, version control and project team. The Nox.Generator interprets this solution and scaffolds all the necessary code for a working solution.

Main Features

  • Declaration of your core application and domain (models, data, entities, attributes and bounded contexts) in a declaritive and easily maintainable way (YAML, using YamlDotNet).
  • Automatic (and selective) Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) API for entities and/or aggregate roots (supports REST with OData, with GraphQL and gRPC in the making).
  • The choice of persisting your data in any database with current support for Sql Server, PostgreSQL or MySql (using Entity Framework).
  • Automated Database Migrations (coming soon).
  • Validation of entities and attributes (using FluentValidation).
  • Logging, Observability and Monitoring (using SeriLog).
  • Events and Messaging (In process/Mediator, Azure Servicebus, Amazon SQS, RabbitMQ) using MassTransit.
  • Extract, transform and load (ETL) definitions from any database, file or API with bulk-load and merge support.
  • A task scheduler for running recurring tasks at periodic intervals (using Hangfire).
  • Automated DevOps including testing and deployment.
  • Nox.Yaml is a dotnet standard wrapper to YamlDotnet that takes the pain out of using YAML configuration files for your projects.

Contributing to the Nox library

We welcome community pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, and documentation. See How to contribute for more information.

Local Development

To run the SampleWebApp you need to have SQL Server running. This is a temporary measure until support for MySQL and PostreSQL is implemented.

In the root of your project start SQL Server in a Docker container by running docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.sqlServer.yml up

Update database with migrations by running the command dotnet ef database update -c "SampleWebAppDbContext"

Run the Sample the database should be provisioned and properly setup its model.

Update the Database Model

Migration history do not need to be tracked, usually during local development you can delete 'Migration' folder and create a new migration.

If you don't have .NET EF Core Tools installed, run dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef at the command line. You'll also need to add EF Core Design to your project to run migrations. Simply run dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design.

To generate initial migration you can use the following command dotnet ef migrations add "InitialCreate" -c "SampleWebAppDbContext"


OData endpoints in debug mode can be found at \$odata

[Nox.Solution] Updating Schemas

Until this process is automated, whenever a new TypeOption is added to the Nox Solution the following steps must be followed:

  1. Add your new type to class NoxSimpleTypeDefinition inside the #region TypeOptions;
  2. Run the test in NoxSolutionSchemaGenerate, this test will generate the new schema files;
  3. Add and commit changed .json schema files to the solution.

[Nox.Types] ToString conventions

Nox does not follow the usual convention for ToString().
The ToString() method should return the same result independently of the current culture, for example for DateTime, Currency, dependent types.
The reasoning behind this is to ensure a fully predictable result that facilitates ETL processes and interoperability with other systems.
The same is expected for the ToString(string format) overload.
If you need a culture dependent representation create an overload with a IFormatProvider parameter, example:

ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider);

LatLong Nox.Type example:

public override string ToString()
    return $"{Value.Latitude.ToString("0.000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {Value.Longitude.ToString("0.000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}";

public string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider)
    return $"{Value.Latitude.ToString(formatProvider)} {Value.Longitude.ToString(formatProvider)}";


We are using SemVer for versioning our deliverables.

To manage this version we are using GitVersion tool.

Using it locally

You can use gitversion locally to test and setup configuration. To do that intall the dotnet tool dotnet tool install --global GitVersion.Tool --version 5.*

Run dotnet-gitversion to see the current variables of git version

Run dotnet-gitversion /updateprojectfiles to update csproject files


Create a release in GitHub and tag it properly. In the future we want to automate this process.

Using the Nox Library

Environment Variables for Sensitive Data

Do not commit or keep sensitive data on your yaml solution files.
The current way to this is by using Environment Variables.


Nox will expand any text with the following convention ${{ env.VAR_NAME }} to the value of VAR_NAME Environment Variable if found. Sample Yaml:

name: SampleCurrencyDb
serverUri: ${{ env.DB_SERVER }}
provider: sqlServer
port: 1433
user: ${{ env.DB_USER }}
password: ${{ env.DB_PASSWORD }}

Query and Command Extensibility

Security and other Validations

To add security, or other business rules to generated/custom queries or commands, add an IValidator interface for the query. See the example below for securing GetStoreByIdquery

public class GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator : AbstractValidator<GetStoreByIdQuery>
    public GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator(ILogger<GetStoreByIdQuery> logger)
        // For the Current User
        // TODO Get Stores that he can see.... 

        // Do Validation The current user can only see EUR Store
        RuleFor(query => query.key).Must(key => key == "EUR").WithMessage("No permissions to access this store");            

The validator will be excuted before the request. Adding the validator to the service collection as per the code snippet below should yield a ValidationException at runtime:

services.AddSingleton<IValidator<Queries.GetStoreByIdQuery>, GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator>();

Queries Filter Extension

To add extra filter to generated queries, for security or other purposes, add a new Pipeline behavior (see MediatR), filtering Get Stores example:

public class GetStoresQuerySecurityFilter : IPipelineBehavior<GetStoresQuery, IQueryable<OStore>>
    public async Task<IQueryable<OStore>> Handle(GetStoresQuery request, RequestHandlerDelegate<IQueryable<OStore>> next, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var result = await next();

        return result.Where(store => store.Id == "EUR");

And register in the container:

services.AddScoped<IPipelineBehavior<GetStoresQuery, IQueryable<OStore>>, GetStoresQuerySecurityFilter> ()

Add new Queries to Existing Controllers

To add a custom query to a generated controller, you need to:

  1. Create a partial class with the name of the controller
  2. Create a Query Request
  3. Create a Query Handler


/// <summary>
/// Extending a OData controller example with additional queries (Action) and commands (Functions)
/// </summary>
public partial class CountriesController
    public async Task<IResult> GetCountriesIManage()
        var result = await _mediator.Send(new GetCountriesIManageQuery());
        return Results.Ok(result);

namespace SampleWebApp.Application.Queries
    /// <summary>
    /// Custom Query and Handler Example
    /// </summary>
    public record GetCountriesIManageQuery : IRequest<IQueryable<OCountry>>;

    public class GetCountriesIManageQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetCountriesIManageQuery, IQueryable<OCountry>>
        public GetCountriesIManageQueryHandler(ODataDbContext dataDbContext)
            DataDbContext = dataDbContext;

        public ODataDbContext DataDbContext { get; }

        public Task<IQueryable<OCountry>> Handle(GetCountriesIManageQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return Task.FromResult((IQueryable<OCountry>)DataDbContext.Countries.Where(country => country.Population > 12348));

Generated API

The endpoints below are generated to manage CRUD operations for Entity (e.g. Country), its related and owned entities.

Entity endpoints

GET /api/<EntityPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries)
  • Description: Retrieves a list of entities (e.g. countries). OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Query Parameters: None
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <Entity>Dto (e.g. CountryDto) objects.
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key> (e.g. /api/Countries/1)
  • Description: Retrieves a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to retrieve.
  • Response: Returns a single queryable <Entity>Dto (e.g. CountryDto) object.
POST /api/<EntityPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries)
  • Description: Creates a new entity (e.g. country).
  • Request Body: <Entity>CreateDto (e.g. CountryCreateDto) object. Owned entities: <Entity>CreateDto contains <OwnedEntity>UpsertDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameUpsertDto) property to create new owned entity. Related entities: <Entity>CreateDto contains <RelatedEntity>Id (e.g. TimeZoneId) property to create a reference between new entity and existing related entity.
  • Response: Returns the newly created <Entity>Dto (e.g. CountryDto) object.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key> (e.g. /api/Countries/1)
  • Description: Updates an existing entity (e.g. a country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to update.
  • Request Body: <Entity>UpdateDto (e.g. CountryUpdateDto) object.
    • Owned entities: Since an entity can have a to-one or to-many relationship to owned entitites, there are some behaviors that need to be considered when invoking this endpoint.
      • To-one owned entity relationship:
        • If the owned entity property is unspecified or set as null, owned entity will be deleted.
        • Otherwise, owned entity will be updated according to the provided data.
      • To-many owned entity relationship:
        • If the owned entity property has new owned entity entries that don't exist on the entity, new owned entities will be added.
        • If the owned entity property has fewer entries than the entity, owned entities that were not provided will be deleted.
        • If the owned entity property is set as an empty collection, all owned entities will be deleted.
        • If the owned entity property is unspecified of set as null, no changes will be applied.
        • Otherwise, owned entities will be updated according to the provided data.
    • Related entities: <Entity>UpdateDto does not contains related entity properties.
  • Response: Returns the updated <Entity>Dto (e.g. CountryDto) object.
PATCH /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key> (e.g. /api/Countries/1)
  • Description: Partially updates an existing entity (e.g. a country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to partially update.
  • Request Body: Delta<<Entity>PartialUpdateDto> (e.g. Delta<CountryPartialUpdateDto>) object. Owned entities: Delta<<Entity>PartialUpdateDto> does not contains owned entity properties. Related entities: Delta<<Entity>PartialUpdateDto> does not contains related entity properties.
  • Response: Returns the updated <Entity>Dto (e.g. CountryDto) object after partial update.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key> (e.g. /api/Countries/1)
  • Description: Deletes a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to delete.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.

Owned Entities endpoints

The following endpoints are generated based on relationship => apiGenerateRelatedEndpoint yaml configuration.

GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames)
  • Description: Retrieves owned entities (e.g. CountryLocalNames) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <OwnedEntity>Dto (e.g. CountryLocalNameDto) objects.
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/<relatedKey> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1) - for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships only
  • Description: Retrieves a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the owned entity.
  • Response: Returns a single queryable <OwnedEntity>Dto (e.g. CountryLocalNameDto) object.
POST /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames)
  • Description: Creates a new owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Request Body: <OwnedEntity>UpsertDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameUpsertDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the newly created <OwnedEntity>Dto (e.g. CountryLocalNameDto) object.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames)
  • Description: Updates or creates an owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to update.
  • Request Body: <OwnedEntity>UpsertDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameUpsertDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the updated or created <OwnedEntity>Dto (e.g. CountryLocalNameDto) object.
PATCH /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames)
  • Description: Partially updates an owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to update.
  • Request Body: Delta<<OwnedEntity>UpsertDto> (e.g. Delta<CountryLocalNameUpsertDto>) object.
  • Response: Returns the updated <OwnedEntity>Dto (e.g. CountryLocalNameDto) object after partial update.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/<relatedKey> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships]
  • Description: Deletes a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the owned entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.

Related Entities endpoints to manage the related entity

The following endpoints are generated based on relationship => apiGenerateRelatedEndpoint yaml configuration.

GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones)
  • Description: Retrieves all related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <RelatedEntity>Dto (e.g. TimeZoneDto) object.
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships]
  • Description: Retrieves a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the related entity.
  • Response: Returns a single queryable <RelatedEntity>Dto (e.g. TimeZoneDto) object.
POST /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones)
  • Description: Creates new related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an existing entity (e.g. country).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Request Body: <RelatedEntity>CreateDto (e.g. TimeZoneCreateDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the newly created related entity <RelatedEntity>Dto (e.g. TimeZoneDto) object.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1)
  • Description: Updates a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the related entity.
  • Request Body: <RelatedEntity>CreateDto (e.g. TimeZoneCreateDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the updated related entity <RelatedEntity>Dto (e.g. TimeZoneDto) object.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships]
  • Description: Deletes a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the related entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones)
  • Description: Deletes all related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with an entity (e.g. country).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.

Related Entities endpoints to manage the relationship between the existing entities

The following endpoints are generated based on relationship => apiGenerateReferenceEndpoint yaml configuration.

GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/$ref (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref)
  • Description: Retrieves references to the related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with a specific country.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a collection of URIs representing related entities resources.
POST PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey>/$ref (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1/$ref)
  • Description: Creates a relationship between the existing entity (e.g. country) and the existing related entity (e.g. time zone).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the related entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/$ref (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref)
  • Description: Creates a relationship between the existing entity (e.g. country) and the existing related entities (e.g. time zones).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Request Body: ReferencesDto<relatedKey> (e.g. ReferencesDto<int>) object containing related entities IDs.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey>/$ref (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1/$ref) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships]
  • Description: Deletes the relationship between the entity (e.g. country) and the related entity (e.g. time zone).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the related entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<RelatedEntityPluralName>/$ref (e.g. /api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref)
  • Description: Deletes all the relationship between the entity (e.g. country) and its the related entities (e.g. time zones).
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.

Languages endpoints

GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/Languages (e.g. /api/Countries/1/Languages)
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to retrieve translations for.
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <Entity>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryLocalizedDto) objects.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/Languages/en-GB)
  • Description: Creates or updates translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID and for a specific language by CulcutreCode.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to create/update translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for.
  • Request Body: <Entity>LocalizedUpsertDto (e.g. CountryLocalizedUpsertDto) object.
  • Response: Returns <Entity>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryLocalizedDto) object.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/Languages/en-GB)
  • Description: Deletes translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID and for a specific language by CultureCode.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity to delete translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
Owned Entities Languages endpoints
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/Languages (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages) - for zeroOrOne/exactlyOne relationships only
  • Description: Retrieves translations for a (zero or one/exactly one) owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity.
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <OwnedEntityName>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryBarCodeLocalizedDto) objects.
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/<relatedKey>/Languages (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages) - for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships only
  • Description: Retrieves translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the owned entity.
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <OwnedEntityName>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameLocalizedDto) objects.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages/en-GB)
  • Description: Creates or updates translations for a owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for.
  • Request Body: <OwnedEntityName>LocalizedUpsertDto (e.g. CountryBarCodeLocalizedUpsertDto) object.

PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages/en-GB)

  • Description: Creates or updates translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated in a to-many relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the owned entity to create/update translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for.
  • Request Body: <OwnedEntityName>LocalizedUpsertDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameLocalizedUpsertDto) object.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityName>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages/en-GB)
  • Description: Deletes translations for a owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<key>/<OwnedEntityPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages/en-GB)
  • Description: Deletes translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated in a to-many relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language.
  • Path Parameters: <key>: ID of the entity. <relatedKey>: ID of the owned entity to delete translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for.
  • Response: Returns a status code indicating success or failure.

Enumerations Endpoints

GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<EnumPluralName> (e.g. /api/Countries/Continents)
  • Description: Retrieves non-conventional values of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country).
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <EntityName><EnumName>Dto (e.g. CountryContinentDto) objects.
  • Query Parameters: None
GET /api/<EntityPluralName>/<EnumPluralName>/Languages (e.g. /api/Countries/Continents/Languages)
  • Description: Retrieves localized values of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country).
  • Response: Returns a queryable collection of <EntityName><EnumName>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryContinentLocalizedDto) objects. OData query is enabled for this endpoint.
  • Query Parameters: None
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<EntityName><EnumPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/CountryContinents/1/Languages/en-US)
  • Description: Deletes the localized values for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in a specific entity (e.g. Country).
  • Path Parameters: <relatedKey>: ID of the enumeration entity to delete translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for.
  • Response: Returns no content.
PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<EnumPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/Continents/1/Languages/en-US)
  • Description: Updates or creates localized value of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country). Requires relatedKey and cultureCode in the URL and a payload with the new value of <EntityName><EnumName>UpsertLocalizedDto (e.g. CountryContinentUpsertLocalizedDto).
  • Path Parameters: <relatedKey>: ID of the enumeration value. <cultureCode>: Culture code of the localized value.
  • Request Body: <EntityName><EnumName>UpsertLocalizedDto (e.g. CountryContinentUpsertLocalizedDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the updated or created <EntityName><EnumName>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryContinentLocalizedDto) object.
  • Query Parameters: None

Owned Entity Enumerations Endpoints

PUT /api/<EntityPluralName>/<OwnedEntityName>/<EnumPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/CountryLocalNames/Continents/Languages/en-US)
  • Description: Updates or creates localized value for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in an owned entity (e.g. Country Local Name).
  • Path Parameters: <relatedKey>: ID of the enumeration value. <cultureCode>: Culture code of the localized value.
  • Request Body: <OwnedEntityName><EnumName>UpsertLocalizedDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameContinentUpsertLocalizedDto) object.
  • Response: Returns the updated or created <OwnedEntityName><EnumName>LocalizedDto (e.g. CountryLocalNameContinentLocalizedDto) object.
  • Query Parameters: None
DELETE /api/<EntityPluralName>/<EntityName>/<EnumPluralName>/<relatedKey>/Languages/<cultureCode> (e.g. /api/Countries/CountryLocalNames/Continents/1/Languages/en-US)
  • Description: Deletes the localized values for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in a specific owned entity (e.g. Country Local Name).
  • Path Parameters: <relatedKey>: ID of the enumeration entity to delete translations for. <cultureCode>: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for.
  • Response: Returns no content.