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How to install on a dedicated server

Noxalus edited this page Mar 11, 2018 · 9 revisions

If you own your own dedicated server, you could install the multi streaming server directly on this server to make use of its bandwidth.

Here are the steps to follow for a server with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installation (it's should be similar for most distribs). We need to build a custom version of Nginx that includes a RTMP module, so make sure that you don't already have an installation of Nginx running on your system before starting!

Install Git

If Git is not already installed (it's available by default since Ubuntu 16.04), launch these commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Clone the project

Clone the project's files wherever you want, I put mine in my home folder (~).

git clone
cd Multi-Streaming-Server

Create Nginx configuration file

Rename the nginx.template.conf file into nginx.conf:

mv nginx/conf/nginx.template.conf nginx/conf/nginx.conf

And change all variables between curly braces {{ }} like:

  • {{ my_ip_address }}: the IP address of the device that will record and send video stream (IPv4, can be obtain here)
  • {{ youtube_key }}: your Youtube stream key (mine looks like that: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
  • {{ twitch_key }}: your Twitch stream key (mine looks like that: live_00000000_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
  • {{ dailymotion_key }}: your Dailymotion stream key (mine looks like that: XXXXXXX?auth=XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
  • {{ hitbox_key }}: your Hitbox stream key (mine looks like that: noxalus?key=XXXXXXXX)

Execute script

chmod +x && ./

Press ENTER when asked by the script until the installation is complete.

You should see this message at the end:

Nginx is ready to use.

If not, make sure your nginx.conf file doesn't contain syntax error and check logs into /usr/local/nginx/logs folders.

Make sure the RTMP server is running

You just need to access to the http://yourdomain:8080/stat page to see if the RTMP server is running.

Send video stream to your server

Open your favorite live stream software and use the following RTMP URL: rtmp://yourdomain:1935/live to broadcast your stream to all services specified in the nginx.conf file.