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Nuclei Available NPK Zips

Huaqi Fang edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 10 revisions

Since Nuclei Studio 2021.09-Eng4, we have introduced Nuclei NPK feature in Nuclei Studio to help customer and developer to release software kits and integrated in IDE.

Here is an known list of Nuclei NPK zip packages:

Notice: Previous IDE intergated nuclei_sdk and hbird_sdk are now no longer provided in IDE, please import the NPK zip of each sdk.

From Nuclei Studio 2022.04 on, Nuclei Studio NPK packages can be downloaded from Nuclei Studio directly or from Nuclei Studio NPK, for how to use see

Please download assets(in zip) in sdk release page below:

  1. nuclei_sdk npk zip:

    • 采用 0.3.9版本的SDK请使用最新的2022.08版本的Nuclei Studio
    • Nuclei SDK主要支持的是芯来科技的商用内核200/300/600/900系列
    • 芯来科技商用内核参见
  2. hbird_sdk npk zip:

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