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📒 About

This library is an augment of the 42 library. It was designed to contain more data structures (other than just linked lists) to be used in the 42 projects. The library is still under development and more data structures and functions might be added in the future. Consider this as an early access version.

🚨 Disclaimer

At 42, the C projects are built following a bunch of rules that enforce good coding style. Some of them are:

- No for, do while, switch, case or goto are allowed
- No more than 25 lines per function and 5 functions per file
- No assigns and declarations in the same line (unless static)
- No more than 5 local variables in 1 function
- No more than 4 parameters per function

🔧 Implementation

The libnc is composed of what I like to call modules. Each module is a data structure or a set of functions that are related to each other. Each module is composed of a header file and a source file.

📚 Modules

There are the legacy modules that are already present in the 42 library (and some more)...

Module Description
nc_conversions Functions to convert between data types
nc_is Functions that return booleans
nc_memory Functions to manipulate memory
nc_print Functions to print to file descriptors
nc_str Functions to manipulate strings
nc_linked_list Functions to manipulate linked lists

... and the new ones, mainly data structures, which I missed during my time at 42. C doesn't have a lot of data structures, so I decided to implement some of them, even though they are not the most understandable ones.

Module Description
nc_binary_search_tree Functions to manipulate Binary Search Trees (BST)
nc_dictionary Functions to manipulate Python dictionaries / C++ maps
nc_matrix Functions to manipulate matrices
nc_pair Functions to manipulate C++ pairs
nc_vector Functions to manipulate C++ vectors

📦 Compilation

To compile the library you should run make in the terminal.

Both rules generate a libnc.a file, which is zipped version of all the object files. Imagine you have a main.c file and you want to use your library in it. You can compile it by running the following command:

$ cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror main.c -lnc -L path/to/libnc/ -I path/to/libnc/header/folder


$ cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror main.c path/to/libnc/libnc.a -I path/to/libnc/header/folder

📞 Contact me

Feel free to ask me any questions through Slack (ncarvalh).